Examples of the the word, progressively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( progressively ), is the 9479 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That caused less damage to tissue. In this view, preservation methods will get, progressively ,better until eventually they are demonstrably reversible, after which medicine
  2. The single official language adopted by the nobility and the bourgeoisie. It, progressively ,lost its overall importance as Dutch became recognized as well. This
  3. Of Aragon (formed by the counties of Aragon, Sobrarbe and Ricamora) was, progressively ,expanded from the mountain ranges towards the South, pushing the Moors farther
  4. Replacement surgery in the following two to eight years as his valve would, progressively ,degrade. Schwarzenegger apparently opted against a mechanical valve, the only
  5. Affirmed in a formal resolution that throughout the world, it is desirable to ", progressively ,restrict the number of offenses for which the death penalty might be imposed
  6. A 2–3 configuration on narrow-body aircraft; this change is being implemented, progressively ,across the fleet. The remaining middle seat in the new configuration is also
  7. Her viewpoint" nearly perfect in its immorality ". Her subsequent books got, progressively ,less attention from reviewers. In 2007,book critic Leslie Clark described her
  8. For both training and elevating the guns. This had been installed on ships, progressively ,as the war went on because of its demonstrated advantages, and was installed on
  9. Hair (or both). The dress code governing formal court uniform and dress has, progressively ,relaxed. After World War I, when Queen Mary wished to follow fashion by raising
  10. Victory and ends at Place de la Comedic by the Grand Theater. The shops become, progressively ,more upmarket as one moves towards Place de la Comedic and the nearby Course de
  11. At first the domain of work of a few, isolated individuals, chaos theory, progressively ,emerged as a transdisciplinary and institutional discipline, mainly under the
  12. The succession of monarchs and the account of how the Temple of Solomon was, progressively ,stripped as true religion declined. A third source, or set of sources, were
  13. Yet to fully re-enter the general repertory, but performances of his works are, progressively ,becoming more regular. His operas Falstaff (1995 production) and Tatar (
  14. Of being terminally ill. Her health fluctuated as the months passed, but she, progressively ,grew thinner and weaker. Death In February 1849,Anne seemed somewhat better.
  15. That can be written as a decimal consisting entirely of 0s and 9s. By removing, progressively ,smaller percentages of the remaining pieces in every step, one can also
  16. Commercial expansion from the 12th century AD. River navigation were improved, progressively ,by the use of single, or flash locks. Taking boats through these used large
  17. The name has been used to represent poverty in the Bronx and applied to, progressively ,more northern places so that by the 2000s Fordham Road was often used as a
  18. Take place after 1900. During this period instrumental analysis becomes, progressively ,dominant in the field. In particular many of the basic spectroscopic and
  19. Of Durham in about 577. The area controlled by the Southwest Britons was, progressively ,reduced by the expansion of Wessex over the next few centuries; in 927
  20. To poor performance against fighters over North Vietnam, these missiles were, progressively ,improved until they proved highly effective in dogfights. Together with the
  21. Genetics, computer science, functional brain imaging, and other fields, progressively ,opened new windows into brain structure and function. In the United States, the
  22. The maintenance of the infrastructure and lowering speeds, highways carried a, progressively ,larger share of freight. ** Turkey — via Stalingrad - Capsule. Currently being
  23. Pursues. While Jonah falls, God lifts. The character of God in the story is, progressively ,revealed through the use of irony. In the first part of the book, God is
  24. Or philosopher/scientist/engineer might seek to learn about something, at, progressively , deeper levels of detail, to solve a crime or a puzzle. Referents Abstractions
  25. A cell below 80 % of the normal level inhibits metabolism, with this decreasing, progressively ,as the cell dries out and all metabolism halting at a water level about 30 % of
  26. Underwent a revolution as the Victorian network of thousands of small yards was, progressively ,abolished in favor of comparatively few major terminals. The closures were
  27. Are as follows: Card counting During the course of a blackjack shoe, the dealer, progressively ,exposes cards which are dealt to his or her own and the players' hands.
  28. Juvenile arc terraces and sedimentary basins of Proterozoic age that were, progressively ,amalgamated during the interval 2.45 to 1.24 Ga, with the most substantial
  29. Was fired at the best guess range and depending on where it landed the range was, progressively ,corrected up or down until successive shots were landing in front of and behind
  30. Dramatic when comparing the single deck game to the two-deck game, and becomes, progressively ,smaller than more decks are added.: Surrender, for those games that allow it, is
  31. Diodes to provide the nonlinearity. Typically, as the input voltage increases, progressively ,more diodes conduct. When compensated for temperature, the forward voltage drop
  32. Entered service limited to a service speed of 125 mph, and were introduced, progressively ,on main lines across the country, with a rebranding of their services as the
  33. Can be performed by using brute force calculation for low \tau values, and then, progressively ,binning the X (t) data with a logarithmic density to compute higher values
  34. In a process that can take weeks to months, saline solution is injected to, progressively ,expand the overlaying tissue. Once the expander has reached an acceptable size
  35. Over 5 billion downloads by June 19, 2008. Since 2001 Apple's design team has, progressively ,abandoned the use of translucent colored plastics first used in the iMac G3.
  36. In approximately the 1970s into the present day analytical chemistry has, progressively ,become more inclusive of biological questions (bioanalytical chemistry)
  37. Starring Dick Van Dyke as a successful business and family man whose drinking, progressively ,worsens to the point of no control. *Drunks – a 1995 film starring Richard
  38. Writing for weekly periodicals, earning enough money to move the family into, progressively ,better accommodation. Early in 1886 he was invited to write for one of the most
  39. In B flat major, is in a loose variation form, with each pair of variations, progressively ,elaborating the rhythm and melody. The first variation, like the theme, is in
  40. The first period of growth following many years during which Bell Laboratories, progressively ,lost manpower due to layoffs and spin-offs. As of July 2008,however, only four
  41. e.g. the Orbán Bu sway and Southern Expressway),while other parts have been, progressively ,subdivided for residential use. In 2008 the SA Government announced plans for a
  42. Arsenic Inorganic arsenic and its compounds, upon entering the food chain, are, progressively , metabolised through a process of methylation. For example, the mold
  43. To assist in the acceleration of 3D computer graphics. Since 2004 AGP has been, progressively ,phased out in favor of PCI Express. By mid-2009 PCIe cards dominated the market
  44. French as their first language, the Flemings refused to do so and succeeded, progressively ,in imposing Dutch as Flanders' official language. Intercommunal tensions rose
  45. Of human faces are averaged together to form a composite image, they become, progressively ,closer to the" ideal" image and are perceived as more attractive. This was
  46. Inorganic arsenic and its compounds, upon entering the food chain, are, progressively , metabolized to a less toxic form of arsenic through a process of methylation.
  47. Breaking of an enemy's ciphers can be a very fragile business. The Germans, progressively ,increased the security of Enigma networks, which required additional
  48. Free radical alienation reaction. The hydrogen atoms of the alkane are, progressively ,replaced by halogen atoms. Free-radicals are the reactive species that
  49. In ascending order according to how much they have bid, the characters becoming, progressively ,weaker in that attribute as they pay less for it. After the auction, players
  50. In the elderly can resemble dementia, depression,or anxiety syndromes, and, progressively , worsens over time. Adverse effects on cognition can be mistaken for the effects

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