Examples of the the word, unleash , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unleash ), is the 8354 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Killing Tara in the process. This causes Willow to descend into darkness and, unleash ,all of her dark magical powers, killing Warren. Giles returns to face her in
  2. As President of Mexico. ** The Sex Pistols achieve public notoriety as they, unleash ,several 4-letter words live on Bill Grundy's early evening TV show. ** Bob
  3. Father. At first, she thinks Ash murdered her parents, but when the evil spirits, unleash ,against them, she realizes the truth and finds out her only way to survive is to
  4. Makeup, Part 2" featured a scientist played by Ed Flanders who threatened to, unleash ,a deadly virus on the island of Oahu. When being interrogated, the scientist
  5. Been done to civilian targets, as he wanted to reserve for himself the right to, unleash ,the terror weapon. Political will was to be broken by the collapse of the
  6. At the Olympic Games. Brightling's plan is for his" security personnel" to, unleash ,the virus at the games, spreading it to all the countries of the world. RAINBOW
  7. Of the intellectual training of their military cadres, in various attempts to, unleash ,the revolutionary war, and trying to build a modern army. In the midst of that
  8. Episode" Foresight," Magneto has Mystique pose as Senator Kelly and, unleash ,the Sentinels on Kenosha. This was part of Magneto's plan to reprogram them to
  9. Longer than 1947. The hastening of the process of the handover of power would, unleash ,an orgy of violence and retribution never before seen in the Indian
  10. A cyborgand Mural may have use for her. Meanwhile, Mafune is desperate to, unleash ,Tyrannosaurus without the aliens' permission, so he releases it on Yokosuka one
  11. At the Battle of Duo. Their troubles are not yet over, however; when the Long, unleash ,the deadly oxen, Leia is targeted by a Oxen master slayer who has already
  12. In primitivism or" The Noble Savage" -- whom he feels are threatening to, unleash ,the dark forces of irrationality on civilization. Ellington argues that the
  13. Fahd) and Mouse (Gray Mouser) are incorporated as local rogues who, unleash ,an Old Sorcerer into the world. In the Bioware PC game Baldur's Gate, the
  14. Phasing, resurrecting the dead, necro-energy blasts, and much more. He can, unleash ,the very fury of Hell through his body, however his magic is limited by a meter
  15. Race known as the" Tamils" (" Gallons" in the English Star Blazers dub), unleash , radioactive meteorite bombs on Earth, rendering the planet's surface
  16. The reality that in achieving his aim of overthrowing the Federation, he will, unleash ,chaos and death for many of its innocent citizens. Explorations of
  17. One ruler as a significant threat, the prospect of such a union threatened to, unleash ,another European war in addition to a civil war in France. As a young child
  18. Of the wind, Fauconberg ordered all Yorkist archers to step forward and, unleash ,a volley of their arrows from what would be the standard maximum range of their
  19. At Ereshkigal, but Ereshkigal orders her servant NASTAR to imprison Ishtar and, unleash ,sixty diseases against her. After Ishtar descends to the underworld, all sexual
  20. Conducted by the surface nations of the world. Upset by this, they plan to, unleash ,their civilization's god, Megalon, to the surface to destroy the world out of
  21. Guards was to protect the players, the players were fearful that Trujillo would, unleash ,them in anger if his team lost the championship. The season ended with an eight
  22. Premier Alexei Kosygin, while KGB chief Yuri Andropov added that" We shall not, unleash ,the Third World War. " The letter from the American cabinet arrived during the
  23. Such as computer viruses, worms,and other malicious programs that might, unleash ,havoc in the US. With these developments, the FBI increased its electronic
  24. The aliens. Tied to a chair, Ichinose can only watch as Marine and the aliens, unleash ,Mechagodzilla and Tyrannosaurus on Yokosuka, while Interpol struggles to repair
  25. The Axis, it is in essence a war measure in the sense that it will further, unleash ,and release the energies of roughly 15,000,000 Negro people in this country for
  26. Proud. Dwarves following an adamantine vein will eventually dig too deep and, unleash ,what's euphemistically called" Hidden fun stuff. " * In Pokémon Diamond and
  27. And the second Alaska bombing in 2007,they provoked Shiite militias to, unleash ,a wave of retaliatory attacks, resulting in death squad-style killings and
  28. Apart from Caesar, capitalised on the grief of the Roman mob and threatened to, unleash ,them on the Estimates, perhaps with the intent of taking control of Rome
  29. Nationality was a minority in its own republic. Also, Robin prepared to, unleash ,a purge within the Communist Youth League against any sympathizers, these moves
  30. The end of the novel shows the hard and vengeful side to the Culture, as they, unleash ,a bloody retribution against the Belgian priest who was responsible in the
  31. Peach is forced by Count Black to marry Bowler against her will, in order to, unleash ,the destructive Chaos Heart. She is later rescued by Mario and manages to
  32. Damage in battle. When the bar is completely filled, the character is able to, unleash ,his or her Limit Break, a special attack which generally inflicts significantly
  33. Devastating effect. In 98 matches he took 146 wickets. He had the ability to, unleash ,a devastating worker, as well as the ability to generate more bounce. He is one
  34. Practice, since to rush into such practices and the resulting" energies" they, unleash ,could lead people to" go totally nuts ". Wilson also criticized scientific
  35. Finds out, he confronts Brown and threatens him, telling him that he will, unleash ,all of his beggars during Queen Victoria's coronation parade, ruining the
  36. Pilots back in time, to the year 100,000 BC. Stage 1,Link, has the Stone-Like, unleash ,its power in a cataclysmic explosion. As Buster and Rena make an attempt to
  37. S scheme was to find a movie bad enough to break Joel's spirit, then to, unleash ,the movie on an unsuspecting populace, turning everyone into mindless zombie
  38. His lost territories in Greece and his political independence. First, he would, unleash ,the Pasternak against the Armani. After the latter had been crushed, Philip
  39. The interior of a castle and offer an advantageous position from which to, unleash ,missiles. As a result, bowmen were often secreted in siege towers.
  40. To Earth. With all the monsters under the control of the UNSC, the Kulaks, unleash ,their hidden weapon, King Isidora. The three-headed space monster is
  41. For the alien Bane and later colludes with their renegade Mrs Wormwood to, unleash ,the ancient entity North. After she betrays him, he seeks to take his life
  42. A limited nuclear war is a viable option for a NUTS theorist, the power to, unleash ,such attacks holds a great deal of appeal. However, establishing such a
  43. Of Pacify and to have recreated prehistoric monsters, which he plans to, unleash ,upon the world after draining oil wells dry. After Clark and Lois fly there, a
  44. Infinite Dark wings ". By combining their powers and knowledge, they intended to, unleash ,an army of brainwashed, alternate universe Dark wing Ducks on St Canard, as it
  45. Between themselves and the opponent. The in-fighter tries to close that gap and, unleash ,furious flurries. On the inside, the out-fighter loses a lot of his combat
  46. Capacity as a weapon, Princess Sailor Moon can deflect enemy attacks and can, unleash ,devastating projectile attacks. She also has the ability to levitate and to
  47. Of Henry's harsher traits as Shakespeare wrote them - such as his threat to, unleash ,his troops to rape and pillage Harder and his remorseless hanging of three
  48. For the Defense of the Revolution, which according to critics were used to, unleash ,mobs on anyone who was labeled a counterrevolutionary. Nicaragua's only
  49. From the flanks, but without directly engaging the Franks. Instead, he had them, unleash ,an enormous amount of arrows into the half-naked barbarians. Finally, the Franks
  50. Hell dimension and in the process would blur the lines between dimensions and, unleash ,Hell on Earth. It is later discovered that the Key's protectors had turned the

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