Examples of the the word, backyard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( backyard ), is the 8376 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Per brood annually. Attracting Northern Bobwhites Game birds are not typical, backyard ,birds, but in the appropriate habitat these birds will visit ground feeders for
  2. And Recreation Department. As a young man, Burton would make short films in his, backyard ,on Evergreen Street using crude stop-motion animation techniques or shoot them
  3. A number of important ways that reflect the home-grown traditions of American ", backyard ," croquet. Two of the most notable differences are that the balls are always
  4. Time, an experimental filmmaker named Bruce Baillie tacked up a bedsheet in his, backyard ,in 1960 to screen the work of underground, avant-garde 16 mm filmmakers like
  5. In volleyball and K-1 fighter Habit Named. Amateur astronomy, also called, backyard ,astronomy and stargazing, is a hobby whose participants enjoy watching the
  6. An episode of" American Dad! ", Roger plays the movie on a giant screen in the, backyard , At the end of the movie, he recites, in time to the movie, the ending letter
  7. Artificial satellite. Anyone who doubted its existence could walk into the, backyard ,just after sunset and see it. " - Mike Gray," Angle of Attack" Initially
  8. Enthusiasts. The SET League pioneered the conversion of 3 to 5 meter diameter, backyard ,satellite TV dishes into research-grade radio telescopes of modest sensitivity.
  9. Burial arrangement with the comment" Mr. Brown's not deserving of anyone's, backyard , " According to Dallas, the trustees for Brown's estate" had made
  10. The force of explosions. * A garden door is any door that opens to a garden or, backyard , It is often used specifically for double French doors in place of a sliding
  11. In July 2011 a male red kangaroo attacked a 94-year-old woman in her own, backyard ,as well as her son and 2 police officers responding to the situation. The
  12. In order of popularity): *Railroads (1:87/1:76,1:160,1:220,plus rideable ", backyard ,railroads ",1:8 and smaller. ) Figures are probably the most variable of all
  13. Influence in Hollywood. Entertaining his daughters and their friends in his, backyard ,and taking them for rides on his Carol wood Pacific Railroad had inspired Disney
  14. To breeding a horse can be an expensive endeavor, whether breeding a, backyard ,competition horse or the next Olympic medalist. Costs may include: * Fees for
  15. Henry (called Harry by his family) started helping his mother tend a small, backyard ,garden behind the family home. At age eight Henry was canvassing the
  16. The religious functions associated with a family Some houses have a pool in the, backyard , or a trampoline, or a playground. History of the Interior It is unknown of the
  17. The 60,000 total SCA participates. History The SCA's roots can be traced to a, backyard ,graduation party of a UC Berkeley medieval studies graduate, the author Diana
  18. Families will celebrate the first week by holding parties and playing, backyard ,football. It is the start of the academic year in many countries in the
  19. While practicing fencing with Edward Bantam, a Westminster tailor, in the, backyard ,of Cecil House in the Strand. At the coroner's inquest held the following day
  20. Died of tuberculosis in 1946 and Tito insisted that she be buried in the, backyard ,of the Belt Door, his Belgrade residence. His best known wife was Joanna Bros.
  21. Of baseball star Pete Browning. As a young boy, he put on amateur plays in his, backyard , He was fascinated by the circus and carnival life, and at the age of 16 he ran
  22. Interventionist Monroe Doctrine of 1821 for events in its Central American ", backyard ,". However, the large population of weak states after 1945 allowed intervention
  23. In July 1977 when mutual friends John and Jan O'Neill invited her and Bush to a, backyard ,barbecue at their home. He proposed to her at the end of September and they
  24. Come what may, and British politicians regarded the Rhineland as Germany's own, backyard , Hitler then held an election in which he received an overwhelming vote of
  25. A racing machine would not be considered a hack-job, but a cobbled together, backyard ,mechanic's result could be. Even though the outcome of a race of the two
  26. Can be troubles with the flow of knowledge as is shown with the initiative for, backyard ,furnaces and other efforts in the Great Leap Forward. The common chimpanzee (
  27. Ever" Born and raised in Brantford, Ontario,Gretzky honed his skills at a, backyard ,rink and regularly played minor hockey at a level far above his peers. Despite
  28. H. Lang of Chicago, sold three bikes from the dozen or so built in the Davidson, backyard ,shed. (Some years later the original shed was taken to the Juneau Avenue
  29. Gopher. " Everybody in unison:" What'JA get? "" Some awfully big holes in the, backyard , ") Regardless of whether the joke teller was female or male, a portion of the
  30. The mock jury returned a verdict of guilty. Backyard photos The ", backyard ,photos ", taken by Marina Oswald probably around March 31, 1963 using a camera
  31. Anti-Semitic show trials are held in Czechoslovakia. ** A fireball crashes in a, backyard ,in Havelock North, New Zealand. ** The first official passenger flight over the
  32. Jellies, and pressure canning. The pawpaw is also gaining in popularity among, backyard ,gardeners because of the tree's distinctive growth habit, the appeal of its
  33. Blue Jays of Major League Baseball. Gretzky's skills were developed on a, backyard ,rink at his home, with extraordinary dedication and the encouragement and
  34. Road or sidewalk. To create the feel of the wave, surfers even sneak into empty, backyard ,swimming pools to ride in, known as pool skating. Maneuvers Surfing begins when
  35. Him in pain. Whale committed suicide on 29 May 1957 by drowning himself in his, backyard ,swimming pool. Whale was openly gay throughout his career, something that was
  36. Of breed for those who want a dog that lives happily alone in a kennel or, backyard , Keeshonden can also be timid dogs. It is important to train them to respect
  37. New loop-frame Harley-Davidson was assembled in a shed in the Davidson family, backyard , Most of the major parts, however,were made elsewhere, including some probably
  38. S mother reports that a Giant has fallen from the beanstalk and is dead in her, backyard , The Witch discovers that the new cow is not pure white — it is covered with
  39. Provided them with a backyard rink and drills to enhance their skills. On the, backyard ,rink, nicknamed the" Wally Coliseum ", winter was total hockey immersion with
  40. Established. *1886 – Dr. John Pemberton brews the first batch of Coca-Cola in a, backyard ,in Atlanta, Georgia. *1911 – The M1911 .45 ACP pistol becomes the official U.
  41. Florida, because he was" tired of the cold ". Danger buried the body in the, backyard , Nine years passed before he killed again; in September 1987,Danger picked up
  42. And eating the food inside),climbing fences or digging tunnels in the, backyard ,to escape. These behaviors can be prevented if the dog is given enough activity
  43. Of calories and nutrients that was easy for urban workers to cultivate on small, backyard ,plots. Potatoes became popular in the north of England, where coal was readily
  44. A Tudor-style home in the North 25th Street neighborhood. She hosted an annual, backyard ,barbecue for the Santa Monica High School cross-country and track team, which
  45. August 17 to Monday,August 18 Declined invitations * Bob Dylan, in whose, backyard ,the festival was placed (to get the poet laureate of the counterculture to
  46. Had been found, the Senate Intelligence Committee located (in 1976) a third, backyard ,photo (CE 133-C) showing Oswald with newspapers held away from his body in
  47. And immediately set to work on creating a miniature live steam railroad for his, backyard , The name of the railroad, Carolwood Pacific Railroad, came from his home's
  48. Career. Walter cultivated a love of hockey in his sons and provided them with a, backyard ,rink and drills to enhance their skills. On the backyard rink, nicknamed the "
  49. With the help of his friends Ward and Betty Kimball, who already had their own, backyard ,railroad, Disney developed blueprints and immediately set to work on creating a
  50. Glass doors are common in many houses, particularly as an entrance to the, backyard , Such doors are also popular for use for the entrances to commercial structures

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