Examples of the the word, reel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reel ), is the 8367 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reel music is notated in duple time, either as 2/2 or 4/4. For example the same, reel ,Rakish Paddy is notated in 2/2 time with an alley breve (cut time) in Miles
  2. And vocals and recording the album herself at her home on an analog 8-track, reel , to reel , and handling much of the artwork and packaging design for her 2004
  3. As a right-hand online (star) common to cotillions in general. The scotch, reel ,of the era consisted of alternate having (interlacing) and setting (fancy
  4. Come to be used for the equipment used for fishing, referring to the rod and, reel , etc., and also for that used in sailing, referring to rigging, equipment,or
  5. Note) movement with an accent on the first and third beats of the bar. A, reel ,is distinguished from a hornpipe by consisting primarily of even beats. Reels
  6. Troy Guy. Before he left the group because Mickey Mixing Oliver took the reel to, reel ,recordings and had the record released under his name. So Troy Guy started a
  7. Was made up of just a few films, and the show lasted around 30 minutes. The, reel ,of film, of maximum length, which usually contained one individual film, became
  8. A knight rendered in Art Deco style holding a crusader's sword standing on a, reel ,of film with five spokes. The five spokes each represent the original branches
  9. The Most Dangerous Game. Some of these scenes were incorporated into the test, reel ,later exhibited for the RIO board. The script was still in revision when the
  10. S final scenes. Models After the RIO board approved the production of a test, reel , Marcel Delgado constructed Kong (or the" Giant Terror Gorilla" as he was
  11. a bit first. There are thirty-two bits of user data, usually used for a, reel ,number and date. * Bit 10 is set to 1 if drop frame numbering is in use; frame
  12. Of this role in the mythology to a relatively insignificant animal. " Notes The, reel ,is a folk dance type as well as the accompanying dance tune type. In Scottish
  13. Plots borrowed from novels and plays so that they could be dealt with in one, reel ,and with the minimum of titling and the maximum of straightforward narrative
  14. Any dance danced to music in reel time (see below). In Irish step dance,the, reel ,is danced in soft shoes and is one of the first dances taught to students.
  15. Several novel musical techniques, including a tape delay system utilizing dual, reel ,to reel Rev ox tape machines that would come to play a central role in Fripp's
  16. Production quotas (two reel s,i.e. films, a week for the biggest ones, one, reel , a week for the smaller),which were supposed to be enough to fill the
  17. Figure (see below). In Irish dance, a reel is any dance danced to music in, reel ,time (see below). In Irish step dance, the reel is danced in soft shoes and is
  18. To be that it is towards a close variant, * Before, the vowels: (as in, reel ,vs real),as well as: (doll vs dole),and sometimes: (pull vs pool),: (
  19. The beds to remove the fruit from the vines. For the past 50 years, water, reel , type harvesters have been used. Harvested cranberries float in the water and
  20. Dances taught to students. There is also a treble reel , danced in hard shoes to, reel ,music. Reel music is notated in duple time, either as 2/2 or 4/4.
  21. Shoes and is one of the first dances taught to students. There is also a treble, reel , danced in hard shoes to reel music. Reel music is notated in duple
  22. Vocals and recording the album herself at her home on an analog 8-track reel to, reel , and handling much of the artwork and packaging design for her 2004 album
  23. In manuals as well, but it's unclear if they ever actually caught on. A six some, reel ,is mentioned in a description of Scottish customs in the early 1820s and
  24. In the United States until 1955 (by which time Welles had re-cut the first, reel ,and re-dubbed most of the film, removing Cloutier's voice entirely),and it
  25. Order the malfunction possibly damaged a length of tape at the end of the, reel , This section of tape was subsequently declared" off limits" to any future
  26. Troy Guy. Before he left the group because Mickey Mixing Oliver took the, reel ,to reel recordings and had the record released under his name. So Troy Guy
  27. An extensive mandolin duet of a three-tune" set," two hornpipes and a, reel , The instruments used are flat-backed, oval hole examples as described above:
  28. To make films as long as two, or even three reel s, though most were still one, reel ,long. This trend was followed in Italy, Denmark,and Sweden. Although the
  29. Sat fixated in his chair, often naked, continuously watching movies, reel after, reel , day after day. When he finally emerged in the spring of 1948,his hygiene was
  30. Drive (or" transport" or" deck" ) uses motors to wind the tape from one, reel ,to another, passing tape heads to read, write or erase as it moves. Magnetic
  31. As it's run at KTM was ending, the creators of MST3K used a short" best-of ", reel ,to pitch the concept to executives at the Comedy Channel, a relatively new
  32. With the rewritten script, and with a twenty-minute special effects test, reel ,that was screened for him when he was invited to the studio. Despite his well
  33. Traversing) system for the Sea hawk, a hook, cable,and winch system that can, reel ,in a Sea hawk from a hovering flight, expanding the ship's pitch-and-roll range
  34. Novel musical techniques, including a tape delay system utilizing dual reel to, reel ,Rev ox tape machines that would come to play a central role in Fripp's later
  35. Hughes sat fixated in his chair, often naked, continuously watching movies, reel ,after reel , day after day. When he finally emerged in the spring of 1948,his
  36. As well as the accompanying dance tune type. In Scottish country dancing,the, reel ,is one of the four traditional dances, the others being the jig, the strathspey
  37. And co-wrote a movie called My Best Friend's Birthday in 1987. The final, reel ,of the film was almost fully destroyed in a lab fire that occurred during
  38. Fun of its flaws and wisecracking (or" riffing" ) their way through each, reel ,in the style of a movie-theater peanut gallery. Each film is presented with a
  39. Film, illustrated songs were used as filler material preceding films and during, reel ,changes. In most countries the need for spoken accompaniment quickly faded
  40. The ballroom was dominated by the country dance, the cotillion, and the scotch, reel , In the longways Country Dance, a line of couples perform figures with each
  41. Who remained in opposition to the new order. These short (often one small, reel ,) films were often simple visual aids and accompaniments to live lectures and
  42. In 1935. The 6.5 mm ferric-oxide-coated tape could record 20 minutes per, reel ,of high-quality sound. Alexander M. Pontiff ordered his Apex company, which
  43. Is sloped at 30 degrees in straightaway center. Over the years, many highlight, reel ,catches have been made by center fielders running up the hill to make catches.
  44. Game was tied in the ninth inning by a triple by Tony Wynn, Jr. in a highlight, reel ,play that was repeated often during the 2007 post season. That win, and the win
  45. A tendency to be more unsung in the playing of the fast dance tune types (, reel ,and jigs); short (non-slurred),aggressive bowing, sparse ornamentation, the
  46. Under this category. Another is the" Datsun Game" where a Datsun highlight, reel ,is played on YouTube and contestants drink every time the word Datsun is
  47. The creation of film stars was opened. The appearance of films longer than one, reel ,also helped this process. Such films were extremely rare, and almost entirely
  48. Primarily as a means of cost control. Films were initially limited to one, reel ,in length (13–17 minutes),although competition by independent and foreign
  49. Vantage point, then fades into the trees again and is lost to view as the, reel ,of film ran out. Violin remounted and followed it on horseback, keeping his
  50. Waltz, and is also the name of a dance figure (see below). In Irish dance,a, reel ,is any dance danced to music in reel time (see below). In Irish step dance

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