Examples of the the word, cannabis , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cannabis ), is the 8358 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. America - primarily Venezuela - to Europe and the United States; producer of, cannabis , Relations by country Barbados The relations between Guyana and Barbados had
  2. Country for cocaine shipments; minor producer of illicit opium poppy and, cannabis ,for the international drug trade; active eradication program in 1996
  3. Smoked, though heat destroys much of the chemical; smokers often sprinkle it on, cannabis , The language referring to paraphernalia and practices of smoking cocaine vary
  4. Is often used to describe industrial hemp, or legitimate medically-prescribed, cannabis , Categorization * Abstractions and ambiguities (it for excrement, the
  5. System suggested that alcohol and tobacco were in the mid-range of harm, while, cannabis , lyric acid dimethylamine (" LSD" ) and MDMA (" Ecstasy" ) were all less
  6. Point for heroin being trafficked to Western Europe; minor transit point for, cannabis ,; remains highly vulnerable to money-laundering activity given a primarily
  7. Sativa plant or synthetic, have analgesic properties, although the use of, cannabis ,derivatives is currently illegal in many countries. A recent study finds that
  8. Professor Nut said Gordon Brown had" made up his mind" to reclassify, cannabis ,despite evidence to the contrary. Gordon Brown had argued," I don't think
  9. United States and that large-scale cross-border trafficking of Canadian-grown, cannabis ,continues. The U. S. believes that the Netherlands are successfully countering
  10. Based on mutual interests in maintaining democratic institutions; combating, cannabis ,and cocaine; building trade, investment,and financial ties; cooperating in
  11. Anne Frank House, Amsterdam Museum, its red-light district, and its many, cannabis ,coffee shops draw more than 3.66 million international visitors annually.
  12. On immigration and reproductive rights, while supporting the legalization of, cannabis ,use, placing a higher priority on working for LGBT rights, and tending to
  13. Opium, heroin,and amphetamine production. The country is a large producer of, cannabis ,for the international market. Bilateral relations Denmark Greece * The
  14. And observances *4/20,a counter-cultural holiday involving the consumption of, cannabis ,External links *http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/april/20 BBC:
  15. Illicit drugs El Salvador is a transshipment point for cocaine;, cannabis ,produced for local consumption; domestic drug use on the rise. Equatorial
  16. Transnational issues Illicit drugs Illicit producer of coca, opium poppies, and, cannabis , : *In 1998,Colombia was estimated to be the world's leading coca cultivator (
  17. Meticulous record of his drug-induced experiences with opium, cocaine,hashish, cannabis , alcohol, ether,mescaline, morphine,and heroin. Allan Bennett,Crowley's
  18. Marijuana. Under the pseudonym" Mr. X ", he contributed an essay about smoking, cannabis ,to the 1971 book Marijuana Reconsidered. The essay explained that marijuana use
  19. Main components of Cannabis sativa. Cannabidiol differs from the active drug in, cannabis , tetrahydrocannabinol, in that cannabidiol lacks the typical intoxicating and
  20. Illicit drugs Small-scale cannabis cultivation; lesser transshipment point for, cannabis ,and cocaine to the US. The history of Guam involves phases including the early
  21. Penis ", Fanny for" vulva" ( British English). * Slang,e.g. pot for ", cannabis ,", laid for" having sexual intercourse" and so on. There is some disagreement
  22. Actual growing of marijuana, British Columbia is responsible for 40 % of all, cannabis ,produced in Canada. Siddhārtha Gautama (was founded. In most Buddhist
  23. Based on mutual interests in maintaining democratic institutions; combating, cannabis ,and cocaine; building trade, investment,and financial ties; cooperating in
  24. Drug trade; active eradication program in 1996 effectively eliminated the, cannabis ,crop; proximity to Mexico makes Guatemala a major staging area for drugs (
  25. And manual eradication, Colombia has attempted to keep coca, opium poppy, and, cannabis , cultivation from expanding. The government has committed itself to the
  26. 1957 – Denise Austin, American fitness expert * 1958 – Marc Emery, Canadian, cannabis , activist * 1958 – Tip, British actor and stuntman (d. 1993) * 1959 –
  27. Imports of illicit drugs, including cocaine, heroin,methamphetamine, and, cannabis , This is especially true in Latin America, a focus for the U. S. War on Drugs.
  28. To increases in the intensity of sensory qualities produced by stimulants, cannabis , or most notably by the class of drugs known as psychedelics. LSD, mescaline
  29. Fraser University Applied Research on Mental Health and Addictions indicated, cannabis ,use is more widespread among British Colombians than other Canadians. However
  30. Of Drugs (ACID) recommended to the then Home Secretary Jacques Smith that, cannabis ,remain classified as a Class C drug. Acting against the advice of the Council
  31. Term. It occurs even more in Spanish, e. g., the deformation of names for, cannabis ,: MTA (literally," something that moves" on the black market),replacing
  32. Most widely used illicit drugs in the U. S., along with cocaine, heroin,and, cannabis , According to some estimates as of 2004,only marijuana attracts more first
  33. Drugs, such as LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, or even common drugs such as, cannabis , As this practice has become more prevalent, most of the more common
  34. Of prosecution, albeit with only £100 fines as the punishment, for users of, cannabis , This was well-received by rank-and-file Conservative delegates. In 2003
  35. Over the board of directors of NORMAL, a foundation dedicated to reforming, cannabis ,laws. In 1994,engineers at Apple Computer code-named the Power Macintosh 7100
  36. Is currently illegal in many countries. A recent study finds that inhaled, cannabis ,is effective in alleviating neuropathy and pain resulting from e.g. spinal
  37. Recreational use at the municipal level (though the scope of latter of the two, cannabis ,ordinances has since been restricted). The city is also one of only four in
  38. Mood in distressed patients as do the antidepressants. The use of medicinal, cannabis ,remains a debated issue. Abiotic stress is defined as the negative impact of
  39. Honduras is a transshipment point for drugs and narcotics; illicit producer of, cannabis , cultivated on small plots and used principally for local consumption;
  40. American physicist (b. 1907) *2010 – Jack Herer, American author and, cannabis ,activist (b. 1939) *2011 – Victoria Arriving, Italian peace activist (b.
  41. With farm work, for example, through the WOOF Canada program. Recreational, cannabis ,A 2004 study (published 2006) by the University of Victoria Center for
  42. On the album. He labeled people on drugs" assholes in action ", and he tried, cannabis ,only a few times, but without any pleasure. He was a regular tobacco smoker for
  43. Minutes. When smoked, cocaine is sometimes combined with other drugs, such as, cannabis , often rolled into a joint or blunt. Powdered cocaine is also sometimes smoked
  44. Some accounts claim that the word may derive from hang, a preparation of, cannabis ,which is used in some religious ceremonies in Bengal. Dravidians migrated to
  45. I don't think that the previous studies took into account that so much of the, cannabis ,on the streets is now of a lethal quality, and we really have got to send out a
  46. And trade. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2335.htm Illicit drugs Small-scale, cannabis ,cultivation; lesser transshipment point for cannabis and cocaine to the US. The
  47. The film on DVD on April 20, 2004,a reference to its ironic appeal (see 420 (, cannabis ,culture) ). The World War II-era Department of Agriculture film Hemp for
  48. To 1 gram of heroin (approximately fifty doses) or 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of, cannabis ,for sentencing purposes at the federal level. See also the RAVE Act of 2003.
  49. As the extensive city recycling programs and the decriminalization of the drug, cannabis ,both for medical and recreational use at the municipal level (though the scope
  50. I, there have been no reported cases of THC overdose. Main article: Removal of, cannabis ,from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. * Heroin (Diacetylmorphine)

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