Examples of the the word, diabetic , in a Sentence Context
The word ( diabetic ), is the 8362 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Trigger bouts of sleepwalking and make them more likely to be violent. The, diabetic ,who takes insulin but doesn't eat properly - is that an internal or external
- State was transitory was irrelevant. * R v Quick & Addison 1973 3 AER 397 a, diabetic ,committed an assault while in a state of hypoglycemia caused by the insulin he
- Ulcers Topical honey has been used successfully in a comprehensive treatment of, diabetic ,ulcers when the patient cannot use topical antibiotics. Acidity The pH of honey
- Ready for a clinical test. On January 11, 1922,Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old, diabetic , who lay dying at the Toronto General Hospital, was given the first injection of
- Had ended most of his touring. February 13, 2002,Jennings died in his sleep of, diabetic ,complications in Chandler, Arizona. Jennings is buried in the Mesa City
- An extensive white paper on the effect of the pancreatic extract injected into a, diabetic ,animal, which he called:" Research on the Role of the Pancreas in Food
- Storyteller who has sold his birthright for a pot of message. " Wells was a, diabetic , and a co-founder in 1934 of what is now Diabetes UK, the leading charity for
- The issue should have been left to them. * R v Hennessy 1989) 1 WAR 287 a, diabetic ,stole a car and drove it while suffering from a mild attack of hyperglycemia
- And clinical studies have shown ACE inhibitors reduce the progress of, diabetic ,nephropathy independently of their blood pressure-lowering effect. This
- Acquired damage to the nerves, such as spinal cord injury, diabetes mellitus (, diabetic ,neuropathy),or leprosy in countries where this is prevalent. These
- Or death in men. A 2007 study found the DHEA restored oxidative balance in, diabetic ,patients, reducing tissue levels of pentoxide—a biomarker for advanced
- By developing an aqueous pancreatic extract which, when injected into a, diabetic ,dog, proved to have a normalizing effect on blood sugar levels. He had to
- A maximum dose of ACE inhibitors in such patients (including for prevention of, diabetic ,nephropathy, congestive heart failure, prophylaxis of cardiovascular events)
- On stage. After kicking his drug habit in 1985,Garcia slipped into a, diabetic ,coma for several days in July 1986. After a quick recovery, the band released "
- As a result, hydrogen peroxide is released slowly and acts as an antiseptic. In, diabetic ,ulcers Topical honey has been used successfully in a comprehensive treatment of
- That an important goal of treatment is to make the biochemical profile of the, diabetic ,patient (blood lipids,HbA1c,etc.) as close to the values of non- diabetic
- Guard gum has been considered of interest in regard to both weight loss and, diabetic ,diets. It is a thermogenic substance. Moreover, its low digestibility lends its
- Is mediated by different receptors in different situations. Specifically, in, diabetic , mice the opioid receptor appears to be involved in the antinociceptive
- It is being developed as a method to measure blood sugar concentration in, diabetic ,people. History The rotation of the orientation of linearly polarized light was
- In clinical chemistry to measure urine ketone bodies mainly as a follow-up to, diabetic ,patients. On occasion, it is used in emergency medical situations to produce a
- Effect. This action of ACE inhibitors is used in the prevention of, diabetic ,renal failure. ACE inhibitors have been shown to be effective for indications
- Who does not. Second, because injected insulin cannot be" turned off,", diabetic ,hypoglycemia has a greater chance of progressing to serious impairment if not
- Treat hypertension, although they may also be prescribed for cardiac failure, diabetic ,nephropathy, renal disease, systemic sclerosis, left ventricular hypertrophy
- Of infections. The general research conclusion is that around 80 % of resistant, diabetic ,infections can be cured with HOT. Crush injuries where there is extensive
- All time. He practices line dancing with the Kansas City Hot steppers. He is a, diabetic , though he continues to consume large quantities of sugar products. Furthermore, he has an
- And the collapse of sexual functions, and he documented the sweet taste of, diabetic ,urine. " Like Antaeus of Cappadocia before him, Avicenna recognized a primary
- Used with duloxetine (Cymbal ta) for neuropathic pain, especially that from, diabetic ,neuropathy, provided that the patient has normal relative and absolute levels
- From Toronto to Rochester, New York, to treat Havens. Children dying from, diabetic ,ketoacidosis were kept in large wards, often with 50 or more patients in a ward
- America and Western Europe is related to age-related macular degeneration and, diabetic ,retinopathy. While both of these conditions are subject to treatment, neither
- Particularly atypical, appear to cause diabetes mellitus and fatal, diabetic ,ketoacidosis, especially (in US studies) in African Americans. * The atypical
- He wrote four papers about his work carried out in Bucharest and his tests on a, diabetic ,dog. Later that year, he detailed his work by publishing an extensive
- And also exhibited a neuroprotective effect in patients afflicted with, diabetic ,nephropathy, History The first step in the development of ACE inhibitors was
- Use ". Experimental Aspirin has been theorized to reduce cataract formation in, diabetic ,patients, but one study showed it was ineffective for this purpose. The role of
- With high insulin secretion. " This is consistent with prior studies of, diabetic ,patients in which low carbohydrate diets were more beneficial. The American
- Surgery is more available, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma,and, diabetic ,retinopathy are usually the leading causes of blindness. Childhood blindness
- He declared his #10 flag to be" my Hall of Fame. " Because Santa was a type 1, diabetic , who had lost both his legs to the disease, most sponsors of the radio program
- And releases it into the bloodstream, to prevent the person going into a, diabetic ,coma, for a short period of time. Brief or mild hypoglycemia produces no
- Is reduced, the amount of sugar absorbed is the same overall. This helps, diabetic ,patients by lowering the amount of insulin needed to keep the blood glucose at
- Which in turn can cause type 2 diabetes. Virtually all obese and most type 2, diabetic , individuals have marked insulin resistance. Although the association between
- Him, Avicenna recognized a primary and secondary diabetes. He also described, diabetic ,gangrene, and treated diabetes using a mixture of lupine, trigonella (
- James SIRPA (, is considered to be medicinally valuable for stomach, spleen and, diabetic ,ailments. Balsamic vinegar is an aromatic, aged type of vinegar
- With the infusion set tubing) is uncomfortable or unwieldy. * An episode of, diabetic ,ketoacidosis may occur if the pump user does not receive sufficient fast acting
- Not easily infected. Those who are weak, sick,malnourished, have cancer or are, diabetic ,have increased susceptibility to chronic or persistent infections. Individuals
- The blood. A high fasting blood sugar level is an indication of pre diabetic and, diabetic ,conditions. Glucose is a primary source of energy for the brain, and hence its
- Determined that glaucoma had been a misdiagnosis, and that Cagney was actually, diabetic , Zimmerman then took it upon herself to look after Cagney, preparing his meals
- Episodes of hypoglycemia depends on the cause. The risk of further episodes of, diabetic ,hypoglycemia can often (but not always) be reduced by lowering the dose of
- Intramuscular injection. More treatment information can be found in the article, diabetic ,hypoglycemia. One situation where starch may be less effective than glucose or
- Of the pancreas and proving its efficacy in reducing the hyperglycemia in, diabetic ,dogs. " Furthermore, Murray reported:" In a recent private communication
- To the wound site and elevating the limb if possible. * Hyperglycemia (, diabetic ,coma) and Hypoglycemia (insulin shock). * Hypothermia, or Exposure, occurs
- With Down syndrome also have a much lower risk of hardening of the arteries and, diabetic ,retinopathy. Gastrointestinal Down syndrome increases the risk of Hirschsprung
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