Examples of the the word, stressful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stressful ), is the 8366 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Music, Morris stated" It's exactly what you need if you have a busy and, stressful ,life ". Life and career Morris Gould was born in Brighton, Sussex,England, but
  2. Utilization during hypoxia, reduce lactic acid build-up in the blood during, stressful ,events," and reduce the number of seizures experienced in epilepsy.
  3. By many things, and one of them is abiotic stress. If an environment is highly, stressful , biodiversity tends to be low. If abiotic stress does not have a strong
  4. And more co-occurring disorders such as PTSD. The total number of reported, stressful ,events in childhood is higher in those with an adult diagnosis of bipolar
  5. Told BBC Radio 4 that the amount of time between album releases is extremely, stressful ,noting:" It's very frustrating the albums take as long as they do ... I wish
  6. And zooplankton. The same types of conditions are usually considered, stressful ,for these two types of organisms. They act very similarly when exposed to
  7. Promoter region (5-HTTLPR); a 2009 meta-analysis showed, stressful ,life events were associated with depression, but found no evidence for an
  8. Idea that he was institutionalized came from a flippant remark made during a, stressful ,interview, and he never expected the story to become so well-known. Thornton
  9. Can be helpful for individuals who experience libido impairment due to a, stressful ,life. Aphrodisiacs are known to increase individuals' libido due to either
  10. Skill with a level of 11. Under normal circumstances - i.e., under an average, stressful ,situation, according to the manual - the player must roll an 11 or less for the
  11. To some children. The on Breaking family environment was also less, stressful ,than his own, which was increasingly dominated by his father's decline.
  12. Published in 1966,claimed a 58 % cure rate. Alderman is skeptical that such, stressful ,methods permit feelings of sexual responsiveness, and notes that Feldman
  13. The application to cross-cultural relations has involved workshops in highly, stressful ,situations and global locations including conflicts and challenges in South
  14. Back to You contributed to his health problems, stating that" It was a very, stressful ,time for me, and a surprise that it was cancelled. But you know, everything
  15. In. Phase 1 involved memorizing a series of words, phase 2 entailed either a, stressful ,(public speaking) or non- stressful situation (an attention task),and phase
  16. In an actual confrontation due to the adrenal shock that one experiences in a, stressful ,situation. This" adrenal dump" as it is called by some experts, causes the
  17. Declarative memory performance in the participants that had to complete the, stressful ,situation after learning the words. This showed that the stress of the
  18. Are foreign to those found in the wild. Critics claim that captive life is, stressful ,due to these factors and the requirement to perform circus tricks that are not
  19. Producing anything more than atomic smoke rings, but Godzilla discovers that, stressful ,conditions (i.e. stomping on his tail, ) or motivation produces a true
  20. And biologically diverse, the plant will have a higher chance of surviving, stressful ,conditions. This facilitation will not go so far as to protect an entire
  21. Physiological psychologist, a psychophysiologist may look at how exposure to a, stressful ,situation will produce a result in the cardiovascular system such as a change
  22. Of mind, and allowed her to travel to France and Canada. Life in London was, stressful ,for Goldman; she wrote to Bergman:" I am awfully tired and so lonely and
  23. In nature, Bacillus includes both free-living and pathogenic species. Under, stressful ,environmental conditions, the cells produce oval endospores that can stay
  24. Keeping life predictable and by limiting choice as making choices is very, stressful ,for catatonics. In cryptography, a cipher (or cipher) is an algorithm for
  25. Been found to be important, including abuse, bullying and other negative or, stressful ,life experiences. The specific risks and pathways to particular disorders are
  26. A negative schema of the world in childhood and adolescence as an effect of, stressful ,life events. When the person with such schemata encounters a situation that in
  27. Are genetically predisposed toward bipolar disorder can experience a series of, stressful ,events, each of which lowers the threshold at which mood changes occur.
  28. Documented that stress differs from other physical responses in that stress is, stressful ,whether one receives good or bad news, whether the impulse is positive or
  29. And was driven to a nervous breakdown (and eventual suicide) by the, stressful ,and repetitive nature of the work. *In BBC's Torch wood series, the character
  30. Dementia, bipolar disorder or depression. Fugues are usually precipitated by a, stressful ,episode, and upon recovery there may be amnesia for the original stressor (
  31. A mare also does not have to travel to the stallion, so the process is less, stressful ,on her, and if she already has a foal, the foal does not have to travel. * AI
  32. In the same environment, but an increase in temperature of the area would prove, stressful ,only for one of the organisms. Detriments The most obvious detriment concerning
  33. Things that vex my heart!: :Pleasures are few, so very few — just four -: :But, stressful ,things are manysandthousandsandheaps!: Here Aristophanes employs a frequent
  34. Months were spent cataloging the contents of the antechamber under the 'often, stressful ,' oversight of Pierre Lacey, director general of the Department of Antiquities
  35. Working on these books, which he tells us he gradually wrote through the many, stressful ,times of his reign to refresh his mind. Of the authenticity of the work as a
  36. Is considered crucial to the success of members of the family in graphically, stressful ,environments worldwide. The Tyrolean tribe are mixotrophic and gain sugars from
  37. BASE jumping) for the adrenaline" rush ". Adrenaline junkies appear to favor, stressful ,activities for the release of epinephrine as a stress response. Whether
  38. By military personnel is often loaded in an autoinjector, for ease of use in, stressful ,conditions. The limitation of atropine is that it is only indicated for use
  39. Heating of a lamp filament or electrodes when a lamp is turned on is the most, stressful ,event on the lamp. Most test cycles have the lamps on for 3 hours and then off
  40. In 1939,he was told by his doctors to concentrate on film scores, a less, stressful ,task, as Hollywood songwriters were not as deeply involved with the production
  41. Life stress over successive recurrences of depression. The relationship between, stressful ,life events and social support has been a matter of some debate; the lack of
  42. CAD has always been a tough disease to diagnose without the use of invasive or, stressful ,activities. The development of the Multifunction Cardiogram (MCG) has changed
  43. Results when a preexisting vulnerability, or diaeresis, is activated by, stressful ,life events. The preexisting vulnerability can be either genetic, implying an
  44. In the Japanese suicide attacks. The protracted length of the campaign under, stressful ,conditions forced Admiral Chester W. Nimitz to take the unprecedented step of
  45. And sea swell as well as effects of wind and weather. These movements can be, stressful ,for passengers and equipment, and must be controlled if possible. The rolling
  46. Is often described as not only physically challenging, but also extremely, stressful ,psychologically. History The French Foreign Legion was created by Louis
  47. Titled Revenge of the Jedi),much had changed. Making Empire Strikes Back was, stressful ,and costly, and Lucas' personal life was disintegrating. Burned out and not
  48. 5-HTT) gene affects the chances that people who have dealt with very, stressful ,life events will go on to experience depression. Specifically, depression may
  49. To operate) might offer an alternative where the user's arm is in a less, stressful ,thumbs up position rather than rotated to thumb inward when holding a normal
  50. That a first episode of depression is more likely to be immediately preceded by, stressful ,life events than are recurrent ones is consistent with the hypothesis that

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