Examples of the the word, fetal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fetal ), is the 8368 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. infant's intestines until after birth, but sometimes (often in response to, fetal ,distress) it is expelled into the amniotic fluid prior to birth, or during
  2. California, San Francisco Medical Center performs the world's first human open, fetal ,surgery. *1982 – 57 people are killed by former police officer Woo Bumpkin in a
  3. To term. Similarly, abortions performed after the first trimester because of, fetal ,abnormalities are not thought to cause mental-health problems, though
  4. Isletin, which forced considerable delays. Banting suggested they try to use, fetal ,calf pancreas, which had not yet developed digestive glands; he was relieved to
  5. It may cause these organs to increase in size substantially. During, fetal ,development, since bones and thus the bone marrow, develop later, the liver
  6. Agents; gadolinium compounds are known to cross the placenta and enter the, fetal ,bloodstream, and it is recommended that their use be avoided. Despite these
  7. Then 80 % when it occurs in pregnant women during their third trimester;, fetal ,death also occurs in nearly all those cases. Abortion decreases the risk of
  8. Instruments into the uterus, and therefore carry a small risk of causing, fetal ,injury or miscarriage. The risks of miscarriage for CVS and amniocentesis are
  9. Had difficulties. In 1989 Morris published The Broken Cord, a book about, fetal ,alcohol syndrome, from which their adopted son Reynold Abel suffered. Morris
  10. Small intestine enterocytes and in very low levels in the colon during, fetal ,development. This mutation has allowed almost half of the world’s population to
  11. A special case is the congenital amputation, a congenital disorder, where, fetal , limbs have been cut off by constrictive bands. In some countries, amputation of
  12. Congenital malformations, stillbirths,and neonatal deaths. Commonly reported, fetal ,abnormalities include hypotension, renal dysplasia, anuria/Liguria
  13. Syndrome are characterized by the novelization of the brain and body to the, fetal ,state. Down syndrome is characterized by decelerated maturation (Neogene)
  14. Imaging mode of choice for pre-surgical, in-utero diagnosis and evaluation of, fetal ,tumors, primarily teratomas, facilitating open fetal surgery, other fetal
  15. And Gynecologists has recommended that an injection be used to stop the, fetal ,heart during the first phase of the surgical abortion procedure to ensure that
  16. Of fetal tumors, primarily teratomas, facilitating open fetal surgery, other, fetal , interventions,and planning for procedures (such as the EXIT procedure) to
  17. Maternal blood, while inner cells become the inner cell mass that will form all, fetal ,organs (the bridge between these two parts eventually forms the umbilical cord
  18. That it is complete with no fragments remaining in the uterus, where retained, fetal ,membranes could cause a serious inflammatory condition (endometriosis) and/or
  19. By the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before, fetal ,viability. Forty percent of the world's women are able to access therapeutic
  20. For retinal problems include a cybernetic replacement and transplant of, fetal ,retinal cells. Adaptive techniques and aids Mobility Many people with serious
  21. Combination with maternal uterine endometrial tissue the placenta, needed for, fetal ,nurturing via maternal blood, while inner cells become the inner cell mass that
  22. Fold of peritoneum. Fetal remnant ligaments Certain tubular structures from the, fetal ,period are referred to as ligaments after they close up and turn into cord-like
  23. To data collection difficulties the data must be viewed as tentative and some, fetal ,deaths reported beyond 20 weeks may be natural deaths erroneously classified as
  24. When osteoblasts produce asteroid rapidly, which occurs initially in all, fetal ,bones (but is later replaced by more resilient patellar bone). In adults
  25. The eye *Ectopic cords, the displacement of the heart outside the body during, fetal ,development *Renal ectopic occurs when both kidneys are on the same side of the
  26. Z, is called a hetero tropic allosteric effect. A variant hemoglobin, called, fetal , hemoglobin (HBO,α2γ2),is found in the developing fetus, and binds oxygen
  27. Married couples. Abortion in Monaco is only allowed in cases of rape, fetal ,deformity or illness, or fatal danger to the mother. The most recent abortion
  28. And friends. For instance, alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman can lead to, fetal ,alcohol syndrome, an incurable and damaging condition. Estimates of the
  29. He. Types in humans Hemoglobin variants are a part of the normal embryonic and, fetal ,development, but may also be pathologic mutant forms of hemoglobin in a
  30. Cartilage called" primary ossification centers. " They mostly appear during, fetal ,development, though a few short bones begin their primary ossification after
  31. The expression of these genes in distinct ways. While IGF-2 may be primarily, fetal ,in action it is also essential for development and function of organs such as
  32. Foods rich in certain fatty acids may foster a healthy immune system. Likewise, fetal ,undernourishment can cause a lifelong impairment of the immune system. In
  33. The fetus is the size of between a rabbit and a beagle. The most dramatic, fetal ,development occurs in the last 3 months of pregnancy when 60 % of fetal growth
  34. Period before the procedure, prescribe the distribution of information on, fetal ,development, or require that parents be contacted if their minor daughter
  35. And involves taking amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac and identifying, fetal ,cells. The lab work can take several weeks but will detect over 99.8 % of all
  36. Zealand 90 percent of Down's syndrome fetuses are aborted, on the grounds of, fetal ,abnormality, which some view as a form of eugenics. Abortions are legal in any
  37. Are the patella and the misinform. Formation The formation of bone during the, fetal ,stage of development occurs by two processes: Intramembranous ossification and
  38. Affinity than adult hemoglobin. This means that the oxygen binding curve for, fetal ,hemoglobin is left-shifted (i.e., a higher percentage of hemoglobin has
  39. But it may increase the risk of various complications of pregnancy and, fetal ,myelosuppression. Or paralysis. Some patients report fatigue or non-specific
  40. And evaluation of fetal tumors, primarily teratomas, facilitating open, fetal ,surgery, other fetal interventions, and planning for procedures (such as the
  41. Lower oxygen tension),in comparison to that of adult hemoglobin. As a result, fetal ,blood in the placenta is able to take oxygen from maternal blood. Hemoglobin
  42. Labor and delivery. Meconium liquor is recognized by medical staff as a sign of, fetal ,distress, and puts the neonate at risk of meconium aspiration. Meconium can be
  43. Includes the consideration of teratogenicity (the effects of medications on, fetal ,development) when women with epilepsy become pregnant. Principles of
  44. By sodium-iodide supporter (IS). Its role in mammary tissue is related to, fetal ,and neonatal development, but its role in the other tissues is unknown. The
  45. More rapidly. Long-term Birth defects Ethanol is classified as a teratogen. See, fetal ,alcohol syndrome. Other effects Frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages has
  46. In humans, the production of myelin begins in the fourteenth week of, fetal ,development, although little myelin exists in the brain at the time of birth.
  47. Fetal remnant ligament: the remnants of a tubular structure from the, fetal ,period of life. The study of ligaments is known as). Articular ligaments "
  48. And blood-milk barriers, and are extensively distributed into the, fetal ,tissues. For this reason, the fluoroquinolones are contraindicated during
  49. Protein from bacillus thuringiensi) in non-pregnant women, pregnant women and, fetal ,blood. All groups had detectable levels of the toxin in blood, including 93 %
  50. Fetal development occurs in the last 3 months of pregnancy when 60 % of, fetal ,growth occurs. Colts are carried on average about 4 days longer than fillies.

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