Examples of the the word, thunder , in a Sentence Context
The word ( thunder ), is the 8357 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The Bible, is bold and direct. Baal was the Canaanite god responsible for rain, thunder , lightning, and dew. Elijah not only challenges Baal on behalf of his own God
- 10: Television. Back to tribal involvement in tribal mood-mud. The last, thunder ,is a turbulent, muddy wake, and murk of non-visual, tactile man. From Cliché to
- Mortal individuals. For instance, Jehovah is closely associated with storms and, thunder ,throughout much of the Old Testament. He is said to speak in thunder , and
- Zeus show himself to her in his true form. When he was compelled to do so, his, thunder , and lightning blasted her. Zeus took the child and completed its gestation sewn
- Hüttenbrenner, who was present at the time, claimed that there was a peal of, thunder ,at the moment of death. An autopsy revealed significant liver damage, which may
- Understands affect better than any of us. When he chooses, he strikes like a, thunder ,bolt. " To Beethoven he was" the master of us all ... the greatest composer
- But now belonging to a single system. Figures such as Zeus and Indra are, thunder ,gods who now interact with Demeter and Dionysus, whose ritual sacrifice and
- Substances were also used. * The discharge of Greek fire was accompanied by ", thunder ," and" much smoke ". Theories on composition The first and, for a long time
- Digitalis bell, suddenly strike the other on the hand to hear the clap of fairy, thunder , with which the indignant fairy makes her escape from her injured retreat. In
- Humans, but also in all other animals, plants,rocks, natural phenomena such as, thunder , geographic features such as mountains or rivers, or other entities of the
- To the intervention of elements, rather than to divine causes. In his system, thunder ,results from the shock of clouds hitting each other; the loudness of the sound
- With Zeus, especially his associations with mountains and his powers over rain, thunder , lighting, and wind. When Elias prevailed over the priests of Baal, it was on
- Rain God, prayed to when they need rain *Llama - Goddess of lightning and, thunder ,(also Yamaha water goddess) *Into - sun god and patron deity of the holy
- Gatekeeper at Macbeth's home Synopsis The first act of the play opens amidst, thunder ,and lightning with the Three Witches deciding that their next meeting shall be
- Qualities of growth, fertility,and production; natural phenomena like wind and, thunder ,; natural objects like the sun, mountains,rivers, trees,and rocks; some
- Genus and species. He dubbed the new species Brontosaurus excels us, meaning ", thunder ,lizard ", from the Greek Bronte/βροντη meaning ' thunder ' and Sauron/σαυρος
- Meteorological phenomena Anaximander attributed some phenomena, such as, thunder ,and lightning, to the intervention of elements, rather than to divine causes.
- Altar, and throws it to the earth (8:3-5). What follows are" peals of, thunder , rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake" ( 8:5). ####After the
- Flies away suddenly and burns up everything. " Another recipe, for artificial ", thunder ,", specifies a mixture of one pound native sulfur, two pounds linden or willow
- Subordinate to Tenure, including the fertility divinity May, Kuara,a, thunder ,divinity, and Erik, the divinity of underworld. Conversion of the royalty and
- Singers, onstage dialogue, and sound effects (e.g., church bells in Tosca or, thunder ,effects in Wagnerian operas). Operatic voices needed enough
- When the Olympian shakes the aegis, Mount Ida is wrapped in clouds,the, thunder ,rolls and men are struck down with fear. " Aegis-bearing Zeus ", as he is in
- Storms and thunder throughout much of the Old Testament. He is said to speak in, thunder , and thunder is seen as a token of His anger. This power was then extended to
- Socialist countries like East Germany. In Norse Mythology, Thor,the god of, thunder ,and lightning, wields a hammer named Mjölnir. Many artifacts of decorative
- Any flame, but strong enough to produce a sound. A flash of lightning without, thunder ,is a jolt of the air that disperses and falls, allowing a less active fire to
- Thunderstruck" by ACDC in which players take a drink every time the word, thunder ,is sung. Also, the song" Real N**** Roll Call" by Lil Jon & Ice Cube, is
- After various SF writers. Ellison becomes Elvin," The small, but mighty god of, thunder ," who will" Rain lightning down upon the heads" of those who" deny the power
- Throughout much of the Old Testament. He is said to speak in thunder , and, thunder , is seen as a token of His anger. This power was then extended to prophets like
- Myths follows, but at the end the palace and the people disappear in a clap of, thunder ,and Golf finds himself alone on the plain, having been deluded (Section 59).
- Destroy a town or an army ... In order to produce this artificial lightning and, thunder ,it is necessary to take saltpeter, sulfur,and Guru OPO VIR Can Strait. The
- In particular, Perun / Перун, the highest god of the pantheon and the god of, thunder ,and lightning is also commonly found in Bosnian toponymy, for instance in the
- A cyclic pattern for the whole history of man through its Ten Thunders. Each ", thunder ," below is a 100-character portmanteau of other words to create a statement he
- A miracle allowing her to give birth quickly and without pain. After a crash of, thunder ,and light, the baby arrives without anyone's assistance. Death After the death
- Pantheon, with the chief male god (Di-) represented by the sky and, thunder , and the chief female god (feminine form of Di-) represented as the earth or
- As in Spanish tentar) * TH = (analogous to pH; never as in English, thunder ,or the) * u (v) (consonant u) The u is pronounced as a consonant also if
- And received from Christ the honorable title of Barges,i.e." sons of, thunder ," (). Originally they were fishermen and fished with their father in the Lake
- Making it an early form of gunpowder. This argument was based on the ", thunder ,and smoke" description, as well as on the distance the flame could be
- Debut album, including " Born to Be Wild ", which refers to" heavy metal, thunder ," in the lyrics. In July, another two epochal records came out: The Yardbirds '
- And Landlords, are based on Fuji, the Kali of wind, Raijin, the Kali of, thunder ,and lightning, and INRI, the Kali of fertility, respectively. * Tamara Pierce
- Potassium, he isolated the metal and named it thorium after the Norse god of, thunder ,and lightning Thor. The same isolation method was later used by Delight for
- Thunderer" and in folklore is held responsible for summer storms, hail,rain, thunder , and dew. Biblical narratives and historical background By the 9th century BC
- 1993 – Snow begins to fall across the eastern portion of the US with tornadoes, thunder ,snow storms, high winds and record low temperatures. The storm lasts for 30
- With them a male dominated mythology with a warrior god whose symbol was the, thunder , As they conquered, mainly due to the superior technology of iron smiting
- By storms - the earth trembles, the mountains quake, the heavens pour rain, thunder ,peals and lightening flashes. The theocracy in Exodus begins as soon as the
- Horses. The sixth was boils on the skins of Egyptians. Seventh, fiery hail and, thunder , The eighth plague was locusts. The ninth plague was total darkness. The tenth
- Greater than the speed of sound (aka, the " Mach-Stem" ), analogous to, thunder ,generated by lightning. Most knowledge about nuclear weapon urban blast
- People. They accept. The people gather at the foot of the mountain, and with, thunder ,and lightning, fire and clouds of smoke, and the sound of trumpets, and the
- Likely found him an ideal analogy for Peru, the supreme Slavic god of storms, thunder ,and lightning bolts. In many Slavic countries Elijah is known as Elijah the
- I'm so awake and alert, that my eyelashes fluttering on the pillow sound like, thunder ,". Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content
- The Anna (heavenly bodies of rain),and atmospheric phenomena such as winds, thunder , lightning, snow,floods, valleys,rivers, lakes,wells and other sources of
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