Examples of the the word, resentment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resentment ), is the 8374 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Honorary position of Colonel-of-the-Regiment in 1947. Montgomery stirred up the, resentment ,of his superiors for his arrogance and dictatorial ways, and also for his
  2. Output to the West has resumed, and the dispute has officially been resolved, resentment ,towards, what the Debt administration considered, foreign meddling lingers.
  3. The aggressive individualism, the egoism, the touchiness, the liability to, resentment , even a touch of vindictiveness. " While attending the 1952 World Christian
  4. Is a term for a killing spree perpetrated by an individual out of rage or, resentment ,over perceived mistreatment. The syndrome of" Amok" is found in the DSM-IV TR
  5. Changes in the Cleveland sports landscape have led to further heartbreak and, resentment ,among local fans, the most notable instances being Art Modell's relocation of
  6. Colonies and Britain became increasingly strained, primarily because of, resentment ,of the British Parliament's attempts to govern and tax American colonists
  7. Was turned over to Imperial appointees and freedmen. This led to further, resentment ,and suggestions that these same freedmen were ruling the Emperor. Several coups
  8. The state over the construction of a new arena, caused great controversy and, resentment , The former Whalers are now known as the Carolina Hurricanes. Connecticut has
  9. And unacceptable. This newly frozen materialization of caste created a growing, resentment ,firstly against the system itself and secondly against the" Aryan" or" Upper
  10. Of the uncle of Muhammad and being part of the Quraish tribe. They used Shi'a, resentment , Khorasanian movement, and appeals to the ambitions and traditions of the newly
  11. A November 1950 interview in Time magazine. " The secret of how to live without, resentment ,or embarrassment in a world in which I was different from everyone else," Camp
  12. Sought the wealth and positions of local Jews through government channels;, resentment ,over Jewish nationalism and the Zionist movement; and the readiness of
  13. Effects on society Beauty presents a standard of comparison, and it can cause, resentment ,and dissatisfaction when not achieved. People who do not fit the" beauty ideal
  14. Attitudes and actions, he insisted that 'the racial question ... and, resentment ,of the Jewish race ... had nothing to do with medieval anti-Semitism ...' That
  15. Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River to the United States. Full of, resentment , Native Americans reluctantly confirmed these land cessions with the United
  16. Others from publishing compatible material. This angered many fans and led to, resentment ,by the other gaming companies. TSR itself also ran afoul of intellectual
  17. Europe, China,and Japan. The influx of a non-Caucasian population stimulated, resentment ,from the dominant ethnic groups, resulting in agitation (much of it successful
  18. Catholic population from Berlin and contributed to a deeply felt anti-Prussian, resentment , which was still significant after World War II, when the former mayor of
  19. By most ethnic minorities in Germany, and the feelings of frustration and, resentment ,that being denied a German identity can cause. The song" Fred I'm agency Land
  20. Make sure the food supplies were delivered to the Roman soldiers. This created, resentment ,among the Euronews. Although Julius Caesar had freed him from paying tribute to
  21. The government, civil service, and the ruling party, a situation that has bred, resentment ,and political competition between the Somali Issac and the Afar. In early
  22. 1895. Attempts at introducing a census in West Germany sparked strong popular, resentment ,in the 1980s since many quite personal questions were asked. Some campaigned
  23. Of Na both (see Jezebel),an act of royal encroachment, stirred up popular, resentment ,just as the new cult aroused the opposition of certain of the prophets (Elijah
  24. Though the political dominance of the SSA continues to be a source of Afar, resentment ,and periodic unrest. In the social sphere, the divide looms large. Djibouti has
  25. Commander-in-chief of the Whom army despatch against Mir Lumley II leading to, resentment ,among the ranks. This officer was Panther Bharat Beirut of Benvolio family. He
  26. Columbia Associates, an alumni association. Eisenhower was unknowingly building, resentment ,and a reputation among the Columbia faculty and staff as an absentee president
  27. Jailed and abused many innocent citizens. Their actions, in turn, bred popular, resentment ,among Quietens, who,after several days of street fighting in August 1810,won
  28. As anti-Semitic propaganda and blood libels were imported from Europe and as, resentment ,against Zionist efforts in British Mandate of Palestine spread. British troops
  29. With water" ( SUK. 48b). These controversies, though forced on him, provoked, resentment , and it is even related that his physician, Jacob the Schismatic (Min aah)
  30. Dreadful weariness ". Germanic folklore Reflecting Friedrich's patriotism and, resentment ,during the 1813 French occupation of the dominion of Pomerania, motifs from
  31. Were widespread after decades of abandonment by the Catholic Church, all fed, resentment ,of Spanish rule. Confined to the major towns, the Spanish army was unable to
  32. Antisemitism, a combination of growing nationalism, the rise of eugenics, and, resentment , at the socio-economic success of the Jews led to the newer, and more virulent
  33. Party. That, together with a shortage of non-government employment, has bred, resentment ,and continued political competition between the SSA Somalis and the Afar. In
  34. Deceived," and ended up pardoning many Confederate leaders. His class-based, resentment ,of the rich appeared in a May 1865 statement to W. H. Holden, the man he
  35. And sexism, perhaps being the primary cause of many people harboring, resentment ,towards the genre and its future. However, he has expressed hope for its
  36. Mother, Empress Maria. Her Latin origins and culture however led to creeping, resentment ,from her Greek subjects (who felt insulted enough by the late Manuel's
  37. And looted (many manuscripts and documents were destroyed) which aroused, resentment ,among the Cornish. They, among other things, objected to the English language
  38. Family. He was also appointed Sarmatia Human. This appointment caused bitter, resentment ,among the hereditary Whom nobles and commanders and the resistance which they
  39. To immigrate to British Columbia through the imposition of a head tax. This, resentment ,culminated in mob attacks against Chinese and Japanese immigrants in Vancouver
  40. South Asia by the mid-to-late 1980s. Economic malaise in the 1980s,along with, resentment ,of communist oppression, contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the
  41. And its colonial government in Canada in the aftermath of the war. Lingering, resentment ,over the perception of British sympathy toward the Confederacy resulted in
  42. It governs fear and lust. Vital Located in the thighs, it governs anger and, resentment , Stall Located in the knees, it governs jealousy. Palatal Translated as
  43. Part of a movement throughout Spanish America led by Criollo's. The Criollo's ', resentment ,of the privileges enjoyed by the Peninsular was the fuel of revolution
  44. Caligula was an excellent natural actor and, recognizing danger, hid all his, resentment ,towards Tiberius. In AD 33,Tiberius gave Caligula an honorary quaestorship, a
  45. Out of academia. A late essay," On University Philosophy ", expressed his, resentment ,towards university philosophy. While in Berlin, Schopenhauer was named as a
  46. Of losing control of the federal government to antislavery forces, and Northern, resentment ,of the influence that the Slave Power already wielded in government, brought
  47. Was / Simple and plain ". The persistence of such attitudes was fueled by, resentment ,over the fact that Presley, whose musical and visual performance idiom owed
  48. Non-Arab Muslim converts and the latter's obligation to pay heavy taxes caused, resentment , Caliph Umar II strove to resolve the conflict when he came to power in 717. He
  49. Conservative" attitude towards religion, obliged Tiberius to suppress any open, resentment ,he might have harbored. Also, the historian R. Shaw-Smith points to letters of
  50. Him over to the city mob and for three days he was exposed to their fury and, resentment , remaining for that period tied to a post and beaten. His right hand was cut

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