Examples of the the word, sanitation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sanitation ), is the 8359 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Only 48 % of urban residents have access to potable water and only 2 % to basic, sanitation , The country's television audience is limited to N'Djamena. The only
  2. By the Brazilian government). More than 70 % of the total value was for, sanitation , urban pollution control, and other urban environmental projects. Thus, the
  3. Of people without sustainable access to improved drinking water and basic, sanitation ,by 2015 ". Given Algeria's young population, policy favors preventive health
  4. Non-government organizations have a history of working on water and, sanitation ,projects in Honduras. International groups include, but are not limited to, the
  5. Of war, conflict,and natural disaster. Their programs in nutrition, water and, sanitation , food security, health care, and advocacy serve more than 5 million people in
  6. To build two new large dams and associated hydropower plants. Water supply and, sanitation ,Water supply and sanitation in Honduras varies greatly from urban centers to
  7. In developed countries, due to nearly universal advanced water treatment and, sanitation ,practices, cholera is no longer a major health threat. The last major outbreak
  8. It is additionally responsible for libraries, recreational facilities, sanitation , water supply and welfare services. Since 1897,the seat of the government has
  9. Through the use of sharp blades during processing, gentle handling, and proper, sanitation , Cut pieces of celery last only a few hours before they turn brown, and few
  10. Ireland. Each local authority is responsible for certain local services such as, sanitation , planning and development, libraries,the collection of motor taxation, local
  11. Are often ineffective; for example, weak piping networks mean that 12 % of, sanitation ,plants in China operate at utilization levels of below 60 %. This depletion of
  12. 70 % of the population had access to safe drinking water and 21 % had adequate, sanitation , A comprehensive government health program treats such diseases as leprosy
  13. In many large, well-landscaped municipal parks, which also included public, sanitation ,facilities. The chief advocate and driving force for improving public health in
  14. Party started the Patriotic Health Campaign, which was aimed at improving, sanitation ,and hygiene, as well as treating and preventing several diseases. Diseases such
  15. Within society. Through his journalism he campaigned on specific issues—such as, sanitation ,and the workhouse—but his fiction probably demonstrated its greatest prowess in
  16. Many of which are not directly related to food or drugs. These include, sanitation ,requirements on interstate travel and control of disease on products ranging
  17. Taxation, the councils are responsible for the regulation of markets and, sanitation ,and the maintenance of secondary roads and other municipal amenities. The
  18. Of V. cholera bacteria out into the drinking water of the next host if proper, sanitation ,measures are not in place. The cholera toxin (CTX or CT) is an isomeric
  19. Sturgeon. For thousands of years, man has used the river for water, irrigation, sanitation , transportation, industry,boundary-marking and war. The Three Gorges Dam on
  20. Access to clean water and more than 2.6 billion people lack access to basic, sanitation , On July 28, 2010,the UN declared water and sanitation as human rights. By
  21. Locked up again ". Recent history In 2001 a Board of Visitors report condemned, sanitation ,at Dartmoor as well as highlighting a list of urgent repairs needed at the
  22. And many are still followed today. The Romans also built water supply, sanitation ,and sewage systems. Many of Britain's major cities, such as London (Londinium
  23. Facilities are generally limited to latrines and basic septic pits. Water and, sanitation ,services were historically provided by Service Autonomy de Alcantarillas y
  24. And disorders can be prevented through a variety of means. These include, sanitation , proper nutrition, adequate exercise, vaccinations,and other self-care and
  25. And associated hydropower plants. Water supply and sanitation Water supply and, sanitation ,in Honduras varies greatly from urban centers to rural villages. Larger
  26. Disease ”, diarrhea and tuberculosis" that result from malnutrition and poor, sanitation , African AIDS cases, though,have increased in the last three decades as HIV's
  27. This policy, the government maintains an immunization program. However, poor, sanitation , and unclean water still cause tuberculosis, hepatitis,measles, typhoid fever
  28. Of Azerbaijan, Baku,was the world's lowest-ranking city for health and, sanitation ,; however, by 2010 Baku had pulled itself up 4 index points and its place was
  29. Kits, are most effective. Public health education and adherence to appropriate, sanitation ,practices are of primary importance to help prevent and control transmission of
  30. Without housing. Hundreds of public buildings were damaged or destroyed, and, sanitation , and water systems in many communities put out service. The total cost of the
  31. The old ramparts were out of date as a defense system, and because of bad, sanitation ,in the old city. Before the opening, central Copenhagen was inhabited by
  32. Often a collateral benefit of the introduction of window screens and improved, sanitation , WHO's anti-malaria campaign of the 1950s and 1960s relied heavily on DDT and
  33. To vaccination were, in fact, due to better hygiene and improvements in public, sanitation , He also suspected that physicians had a vested interest in promoting
  34. Treatment as dangerous quackery that should be replaced with sound public, sanitation , good personal hygiene and diets devoid of meat. Shaw became a vegetarian while
  35. Also developed a" National Urban Renewal Mission" to improve water supply and, sanitation , road networks and urban transport. Reducing environmental pollution is an
  36. Equipment and work with the population on the importance of clean water and, sanitation , Food security ACF distributes seeds and tools as well as conduct training
  37. Prevention of the disease is normally straightforward if proper, sanitation ,practices are followed. In developed countries, due to nearly universal
  38. Were among the first cities to use grid plans, drainage,flush toilets, urban, sanitation , systems,and sewage systems. At a somewhat later time, a distinctive urban
  39. Of the new law, many communities have joined together to address water and, sanitation ,issues on a regional basis. Many national and international non-government
  40. As HIV's prevalence has increased but as malnutrition percentages and poor, sanitation ,have declined in many African regions. In addition, while HIV and AIDS are more
  41. Situations. In the long term, ACF provides training in nutrition, water and, sanitation , food security, and health care. ACF utilizes international experts and over
  42. Feeding centers, food and supply distributions and by providing water and, sanitation ,facilities in emergency situations. In the long term, ACF provides training in
  43. Severe malnutrition through rigorous programs of medical treatment. Water and, sanitation ,ACF provides access to safe drinking water by drilling wells, tapping springs
  44. People who do the job are not accredited in engineering. Extreme cases, such as, sanitation ,engineer for janitor, or 'transparent-wall maintenance officer' for window
  45. More prevalent in urban than in rural settings in Africa, malnutrition and poor, sanitation ,are found more commonly in rural than in urban settings. According to Dues berg
  46. Drinking water and 2.6 billion of the world’s population lack access to proper, sanitation , Access to clean water has actually decreased in the world's the poorest nations
  47. But only 82 percent of those living in rural areas, had access to" improved, sanitation ,". According to the World Bank, Algeria is making progress toward its goal of "
  48. Major outbreak of cholera in the United States occurred in 1910–1911. Effective, sanitation ,practices, if instituted and adhered to in time, are usually sufficient to stop
  49. Who cannot benefit from health care, barely survive due to very poor, sanitation ,and are prevented from emigrating to the mainland to find jobs when they have
  50. At the same time, however,basic environmental problems related to the lack of, sanitation , which developed countries solved long ago, persist in Brazil. These problems

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