Examples of the the word, bladder , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bladder ), is the 8371 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. May damage the nerves and blood vessels involved in erection. Prostate and, bladder ,cancer surgery often require removing tissue and nerves surrounding a tumor
  2. Strain. This may result in different vaccine potency. 1) Notice (used for, bladder ,instillation for bladder cancer),developed by Org anon laboratories, acquired
  3. With BCG prevents recurrence in up to 67 % of cases of superficial, bladder ,cancer. BCG also finds use for immunotherapy of colorectal cancer and for the
  4. Include painful bladder syndrome, bladder pain syndrome and hypersensitive, bladder ,syndrome, alone and in a variety of combinations. These different terms are
  5. Broadcaster and former third baseman, Ron Santa, died due to complications from, bladder ,cancer and diabetes, he spent 13 seasons with the Cubs, and is regarded as one
  6. Feelings. * Surgery (radiation therapy, surgery of the colon, prostate, bladder , or rectum may damage the nerves and blood vessels involved in erection.
  7. Organ, three specialized vertebra processions that transfer motion of the gas, bladder ,to the inner ear. This construction is also used to observe motion of the gas
  8. Of foods high in acrylamide and increased risk of three forms of cancer:, bladder , large bowel and kidney. Frying French fries in beef tallow, lard,or other
  9. That the majority of IC/BPS patients struggle with a damaged ruthenium, or, bladder , lining. When the surface glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer is damaged (via a
  10. In 2008,terms currently in use in addition to IC/BPS include painful, bladder ,syndrome, bladder pain syndrome and hypersensitive bladder syndrome, alone and
  11. Grass) shrimp Crayfish Brachiopods Molluscan Gastropods * Phyla species (, bladder , tadpole and phyla snails) * Melanizes transfer (spike tailed trumpet snail
  12. Frequency (as often as every 10 minutes),urgency, and/or pressure in the, bladder ,and/or pelvis. The disease has a profound impact on quality of life. A Harvard
  13. Antony van Leeuwenhoek who in 1674 saw cysts of Nigeria staid in the gall, bladder ,of a rabbit. The first member of the phylum to be named (by Du four in 1828)
  14. Other things, it contains nuclei that control sleep, respiration,swallowing, bladder ,function, equilibrium,eye movement, facial expressions, and posture, *The
  15. Truly CA" series. On January 8,2010,creator Art Close died of a recurrent, bladder ,infection at his home in Los SOS, California. On July 23, 2010,Mel Smith
  16. With spinal cord injury associated with bladder catheterization, neurogenic, bladder , or infrequent urination, any of which may be associated with increased
  17. Bile is extracted through a permanent hole in the abdomen leading to the gall, bladder , which can cause severe pain; the bears are known to regularly try to kill
  18. On inorganic arsenic exposure suggests a small but measurable risk increase for, bladder ,cancer at 10 parts per billion. According to Peter Ravens croft of the
  19. Cell death (apoptosis). It has been tested in humans with skin papillomas and, bladder ,cancer. Dichloroacetate (DCA) has been found to shrink tumors
  20. Trachea, bronchi,lungs, and diaphragm. * Urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder , and urethra involved in fluid balance, electrolyte balance and excretion of
  21. May occur from a component of the juice inhibiting bacterial attachment to the, bladder ,and urethra. Although promising for antibacterial activity, long-term
  22. Supports the belief that IC's symptoms are associated with a defect in the, bladder ,epithelium lining allows irritating substances in the urine to penetrate into
  23. May have a substance in the urine that inhibits the growth of cells in the, bladder ,epithelium. An infection may then predispose those patients to get IC.
  24. Or preadolescent girls. * in which individuals struggle with a full, bladder ,before finally wetting themselves (also known as waterspouts). *Sharon, the
  25. To the inner ear. This construction is also used to observe motion of the gas, bladder ,due to atmospheric conditions or depth changes. The Cypriots are lysosomes
  26. Is retained in adult stages and the fish are able to gulp air to fill the gas, bladder ,or they can dispose excess gas to the gut. The fish in this family are native
  27. Like pentosan polysulfate and medications that are placed directly into the, bladder ,via a catheter sometimes work to repair and rebuild this damaged/wounded lining
  28. Cranberry juice or tablets by people with spinal cord injury associated with, bladder ,catheterization, neurogenic bladder or infrequent urination, any of which may
  29. Urea or ammonia via the ureters into the intestine. Birds do not have a urinary, bladder ,or external urethral opening and (with exception to the Ostrich) uric acid is
  30. Every 90 minutes. An" abnormal" liver, one with hepatitis, cirrhosis,gall, bladder ,disease, cancer,and so on, will have a slower rate of metabolism. Pharmacology
  31. Cancer immunotherapy: BCG is used in the treatment of superficial forms of, bladder ,cancer. Since the late 1980s,evidence has become available that instillation
  32. Autoimmune The body's immune system attacks the bladder . Biopsies on the, bladder ,walls of people with IC usually contain mast cells. Mast cells gather when an
  33. In different vaccine potency. 1) Notice (used for bladder instillation for, bladder ,cancer),developed by Org anon laboratories, acquired by Schering-Plough, in
  34. In treating some people with IC and/or PBS, which are chronic inflammatory, bladder ,problems with unknown etiology. It is instilled directly into the bladder . It
  35. Treatment doctors found and removed a low grade tumor from the singer's, bladder , Gahan's illness caused 16 concerts to be cancelled, but several of the shows
  36. Close until her death on May 24, 1921,the result of complications from gall, bladder ,surgery. Lovecraft was devastated by the loss. Marriage and New York A few
  37. Beautiful naiad and the daughter of Poseidon and Gaia. She takes form as a huge, bladder ,of a creature whose face was all mouth and whose arms and legs were flippers
  38. Lining allows irritating substances in the urine to penetrate into the, bladder ,— essentially, a breakdown of the bladder lining (also known as Adherence
  39. Reaction is occurring. They contain histamine packets. The body identifies the, bladder ,wall as a foreign agent, and the histamine packets burst open and attack. The
  40. Bladder problems with unknown etiology. It is instilled directly into the, bladder , It is not clear how it works, but the mechanism is likely immunotherapeutic
  41. For a reduction in symptoms. Autoimmune The body's immune system attacks the, bladder , Biopsies on the bladder walls of people with IC usually contain mast cells.
  42. Epidemiological study analysis would predict an additional 2,000 cases of, bladder ,cancer alone. This represents a clear underestimate of the overall impact
  43. Death was listed as complications from dementia, heart and kidney disease, and, bladder , cancer. His death was confirmed by the Sinatra family on their website with a
  44. Pelvic Pain Syndromes (CPPS) to refer to pain syndromes associated with the, bladder ,(i.e. interstitial cystitis/ bladder pain syndrome, IC/BPS) and the prostate
  45. For about a third of the test subjects. *Interstitial cystitis (IC) / painful, bladder ,syndrome (PBS): BCG has been useful in treating some people with IC and/or
  46. Bladder. Of unknown cause, it is characterized by: pain associated with the, bladder , pain associated with urination (dysuria),urinary frequency (as often as
  47. Is a chronic, oftentimes severely debilitating disease of the urinary, bladder , Of unknown cause, it is characterized by: pain associated with the bladder
  48. Thuringia are Thuringia sausages and (a steamed blood sausage packed in a, bladder ,or other natural casing). Saxony-Anhalt Cereal grain cultivation occupies 62 %
  49. Terms currently in use in addition to IC/BPS include painful bladder syndrome, bladder ,pain syndrome and hypersensitive bladder syndrome, alone and in a variety of
  50. The late 1980s,evidence has become available that instillation of BCG into the, bladder ,is an effective form of immunotherapy in this disease. While the mechanism is

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