Examples of the the word, slap , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of a remote period and cannot by any exercise of ingenuity be taken to be a, slap ,on an existing institution. " G. K. Chesterton compared it to Jonathan Swift's
  2. Peppers) and Alex Keypunch (from Incubus). Spank bass developed from the, slap ,and pop style and treats the electric bass as a percussion instrument, striking
  3. Bass is sometimes used in bluegrass bass playing. When bluegrass bass players, slap ,the string by pulling it until it hits the fingerboard or hit the strings
  4. McCourt rarely do slap bass on recordings. While bassists such as Jack Cook, slap ,bass" ... on the occasional faster Clinch Mountain boys song ", bassists such
  5. Written for cello,1960s Motown tunes,1970s fusion jazz solos, and 1980s, slap , bass tunes. A typical program may include a Prelude by J. S. Bach;" Portrait
  6. N't remind him of anything, just to enhance the surprise (even accepting a, slap ,in the process). Sybil believes he really forgot and leaves in a huff. In an
  7. To applaud or disturb a piece at the theater; in modern French, it means" a, slap ,";" clique" is used in this sense (but in a pejorative way).; connoisseur:
  8. At a slight time-delay. The effect can either be a single echo called a “, slap ,” or“ slap back,” or multiple echos. A well-known use of delay is the lead
  9. Swing, polka,rockabilly, and psychobilly music, it is sometimes played in the, slap ,style. This is a vigorous version of pizzicato where the strings are" slap ped
  10. Such as" ... Gene Libber, Missy Rains, Jenny Keel, or Barry Bales rarely, slap ,bass. " Bluegrass bassist Mark Schatz, who teaches slap bass in his
  11. Are taught include the front kick, round kick,sidekick, back kick, heel kick, slap ,kicks, axe kicks, various knee strikes, and sweeping. Head strikes: Krav Maga
  12. Or Barry Bales rarely slap bass. " Bluegrass bassist Mark Schatz, who teaches, slap ,bass in his Intermediate Bluegrass Bass DVD acknowledges that slap bass" ...
  13. The bluegrass scene. Even slap ping experts such as Mike Bub say," ... don't, slap ,on every gig" or in songs where it is" not appropriate. " As well, bluegrass
  14. To use:" ( 1) attention grasp, ( 2) walling, ( 3) facial hold, ( 4) facial, slap ,(insult slap ),(5) cramped confinement, ( 6) wall standing, ( 7) stress
  15. By releasing bursts of bubbles or flashing their white undersides. They then, slap ,the ball with their tail flukes, either stunning or killing up to 10–15 at a
  16. Mumbaikars (residents of Mumbai) in the wake of the terrorist attacks was 'a, slap ,to fanatics of Samajwadi Party leader Abu Asia AQMI' and that Thackeray
  17. Attention grasp, ( 2) walling, ( 3) facial hold, ( 4) facial slap (insult, slap ,), ( 5) cramped confinement, ( 6) wall standing, ( 7) stress positions, ( 8
  18. Were inadequate. The dissenting states regarded the settlement as merely a, slap ,on the wrist. Industry pundit Robert X. Princely believed a breakup was not
  19. Said the change to Verdana" is so offensive to many because it seems like a, slap ,at the principles of design by a company that has been hailed for its adherence
  20. The Roland TR-808 began to replace the" funky drummers" of the past, and the, slap ,and pop style of bass playing were often replaced by synth keyboard bass lines.
  21. Against the fingerboard, it adds the high-pitched percussive" clack" or ", slap ," sound to the low-pitched bass notes, sounding much like the clacks of a tap
  22. Larry Graham of Sly and the Family Stone) developed a technique called ", slap ,and pop ", where the thumb of the plucking hand is used to hit the string
  23. In the music I have recorded. " He notes that" Even in traditional bluegrass, slap ,bass only appears sporadically and most of what I've done has been on the more
  24. And backhand. He used a then unorthodox two-handed backhand, adapted from the, slap ,shot in hockey, a game he favored as a child. By the time he was 13 he was
  25. Instrument in a jazz band, many players of the 1920s and 1930s used the, slap ,style, slap ping and pulling the strings so that they make a rhythmic" slap "
  26. After shouting at him slap ped him in the face; an angry André responded with a, slap ,of his own that sent Keenan staggering from the ring. André also caught Haku's
  27. So that they make a rhythmic" slap " sound against the fingerboard. The, slap ,style cuts through the sound of a band better than simply plucking the strings
  28. Gave Agrippina, in a whole bevy of married women, a public reprimand and a, slap ,in the face. Claudius had Nero’s inheritance reinstated and arranged for Gains
  29. A distinctive percussive attack in addition to the expected pitch. Notable, slap ,style bass players, whose use of the technique was often highly syncopated and
  30. With two flat flexible wooden pieces mounted in parallel so that the two sticks, slap ,together when the implement is struck, causing a slap ping sound, exaggerating
  31. Tim O'Brien). " Schatz states that he would be" ... more likely to use it, slap ,in a live situation than on a recording – for a solo or to punctuate a
  32. To play in. Specific electric bass courses include funk/fusion styles for bass;, slap ,techniques for electric bass; finger style R&B five- and six-string electric
  33. As well, bluegrass bassists who play slap -style on live shows often, slap ,less on records. Bub and his mentor Jerry McCourt rarely do slap bass on
  34. Drummers on recordings and live performances until late 1952; prior to this the, slap ,bass was relied on for percussion, including on recordings such as Haley's
  35. Also created transportation problems for touring bands. In some groups,the, slap ,bass was utilized as band percussion in lieu of a drummer; such was the case
  36. Style, similar to the Sun Records sound, which had a strong rhythm acoustic and, slap ,bass. Holly's transition to rock continued when he opened for Bill Haley & His
  37. Shows often slap less on records. Bub and his mentor Jerry McCourt rarely do, slap ,bass on recordings. While bassists such as Jack Cook slap bass" ... on the
  38. Since the 1990s,instructional DVDs (e.g., on how to play rockabilly-style, slap ,bass). As such, performers in these other genres tend to come from a variety
  39. Pain or injury. Failure to abide by the former may result in a foul or wallet, slap , They also are prohibited from kicking,headbutting, or hitting with any part
  40. Style, and Louis Johnson of The Brothers Johnson is also credited as an early, slap ,bass player. Slap and pop style is also used by many bassists in other genres
  41. The strings in the 1970s models and eliminated in the 1980s. " Slap and pop" The, slap ,and pop method, or " thumb style ", most associated with funk, uses tones and
  42. Equipment of that time did not favor low frequencies. For more about the, slap ,style, see " Modern playing styles ", below. Many string bass players have
  43. The slap style, slap ping and pulling the strings so that they make a rhythmic ", slap ," sound against the fingerboard. The slap style cuts through the sound of a
  44. The tackler. Fending is not allowed to the head. * chopping - using hands to, slap ,or 'chop' away the arms of the player attempting to tackle. Mostly used while
  45. Who teaches slap bass in his Intermediate Bluegrass Bass DVD acknowledges that, slap ,bass" ... has not been stylistically very predominant in the music I have
  46. And the Family Stone and Graham Central Station was an early innovator of the, slap ,style, and Louis Johnson of The Brothers Johnson is also credited as an early
  47. Method, Learn to Play Bluegrass Bass, by Earl Lately, also teaches bluegrass, slap ,bass technique. Use in popular music In 1952,the upright bass was a standard
  48. And through this reveals her intimacy with Jeffrey, causing an upset Sandy to, slap ,Jeffrey, although she later forgives him. Jeffrey insists on returning to
  49. In a funk or funk rock band, a bass solo may showcase the bassist's percussive, slap ,and pop playing. In genres such as progressive rock, art rock, or progressive
  50. The first true Western swing band. Brown added twin fiddles, tenor banjo and, slap ,bass, pointing the music in the direction of swing, which they played on local

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