Examples of the the word, bout , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bout ), is the 8355 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Historians. Skid more believes that Edward contracted the tuberculosis after a, bout ,of measles and smallpox in 1552 that suppressed his natural immunity to the
  2. Poor health history, during 1918 Munch felt himself lucky to have survived a, bout ,of the Spanish Flu, the worldwide pandemic of that year. Later years Munch
  3. Style, incorporates a deeper sound box, but a smaller and less-pronounced upper, bout ,(the area of the sound box between the waist and neck) than most styles
  4. At least in part to the crowded conditions there, in 1889 he suffered his first, bout ,of deep depression. He continued to have such attacks of" melancholia, weeping
  5. On the lower bout between the knees of the seated player, and on the upper, bout ,against the upper chest. The neck of the cello is above the player's left
  6. Wave. Some of the first films of this new genre were Godard's Breathless (À, bout ,de souffle,1960),starring Jean-Paul Belmont, and Truffaut's The 400 Blows
  7. Constitutional rules were, they would continue to obey Agrippa. Soon after his, bout ,of illness subsided, Augustus gave up his permanent consulship. Both times to
  8. Nixon; and his iconoclastic contempt for authoritarianism. While suffering a, bout ,of health problems, he committed suicide in 2005 at the age of 67. Early life
  9. Strategy: Used by Muhammad Ali in his 1974" Rumble in the Jungle ", bout ,against George Foreman, the rope-a-dope method involves lying back against the
  10. Three rounds of three minutes in a national ABA (Amateur Boxing Association), bout , each with a one-minute interval between rounds. Competitors wear protective
  11. Also affect the impact of punches, so this too is usually stipulated before a, bout , A mouth guard is important to protect the teeth and gums from injury, and to
  12. Either by the referee's decision or by judges' scorecards at the end of the, bout , The birth hour of boxing as a sport may be its acceptance by the ancient
  13. Requisitioned). By 301,however, the system was in trouble, strained by a new, bout ,of inflation. Diocletian therefore issued his Edict on Coinage, an act
  14. Endpin or spike, which rests on the floor. The cello is steadied on the lower, bout ,between the knees of the seated player, and on the upper bout against the upper
  15. Diane to several diatribes on Sam's promiscuity. Fraser also has a notable, bout ,of drinking in the fourth season episode" The Triangle ", while Woody develops
  16. Optionally incorporate a" cutaway ". A cutaway guitar has a redesigned upper, bout ,that removes a section of the sound box on the underside of the neck, hence the
  17. Style" is often defined as the strategic approach a fighter takes during a, bout , No two fighters' styles are alike, as it is determined by that individual's
  18. A bout a martial arts instructor tricked into fighting in a professional, bout , Mamet teamed up with his wife Rebecca Pigeon to adapt the novel Come Back to
  19. Orwell made a bout him in a Horizon article. In October Orwell had a, bout ,of bronchitis and the illness recurred frequently. David Astor was looking for
  20. Matches are three minutes long, or to 5 points. Points carry into the next, bout , thus making it a forty-five touch bout fought by six fencers. Unlike
  21. Cease fighting and return to their corner at the signaled end of each round. A, bout ,in which the predetermined number of rounds passes is decided by the judges
  22. In 430 BC. Thucydides noted that people who had recovered from a previous, bout ,of the disease could nurse the sick without contracting the illness a second
  23. To 5 points. Points carry into the next bout , thus making it a forty-five touch, bout ,fought by six fencers. Unlike individual tournaments, team tournaments almost
  24. The Daily Telegraph & Courier, on June 25, 1896:" Every one who has watched a, bout ,with the foils knows that the task of judging the hits is with a pair of
  25. Criticism as a deeply personal affront. Cantor suffered his first known, bout ,of depression in 1884. Cantor recovered soon thereafter, and subsequently made
  26. Of Pediatrics. Death Kaye died of a heart attack in March 1987,following a, bout ,with hepatitis. Kaye had quadruple bypass heart surgery in February 1983; he
  27. And advice, including stories of his time in Vietnam, as well as mentioning a, bout ,with melanoma upon his back, which subsequently resulted in" giving a pound of
  28. Became the object of Bell's affection. Losing her hearing after a near-fatal, bout ,of scarlet fever close to her fifth birthday, she had learned to read lips but
  29. 2nd Duke of Albemarle (and later Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica) engineered a, bout ,between his butler and his butcher with the latter winning the prize. Early
  30. On fouls. Up to three judges are typically present at ringside to score the, bout ,and assign points to the boxers, based on punches that connect, defense
  31. Out if they are unable to continue. Accidental fouls that cause injury ending a, bout ,may lead to a" no contest" result, or else cause the fight to go to a
  32. Movies. In one year, he spent an estimated $11 million at the hotel. In a, bout ,of obsession with his home state, Hughes began purchasing all restaurant chains
  33. NEWS) " might be made after a no decision bout had ended. A" no decision ", bout ,occurred when, by law or by pre-arrangement of the fighters, if both boxers
  34. It notes that“ readers new to Doonesbury sometimes experience a temporary, bout ,of character shock,” as the sheer number of characters—and the historical
  35. Major film to overtly work this angle was French director Jean-Luc Godard's À, bout ,de souffle (Breathless; 1960),which pays its literal respects to Bogart and
  36. Unanimous and split decisions are possible, as are draws. A boxer may win the, bout ,before a decision is reached through a knockout; such bout s are said to have
  37. In a boxer being penalized or ultimately disqualified. Referees will stop the, bout ,if a boxer is seriously injured, if one boxer is significantly dominating the
  38. Parke Custis. George and Martha never had any children together – his earlier, bout ,with smallpox in 1751 may have made him sterile. Washington may not have been
  39. Resignation distressed him, and to compound his concerns Eugene caught a severe, bout ,of influenza that Christmas, marking the beginning of permanent bronchitis and
  40. Decision in their publications. Officially, however,a" no decision ", bout ,resulted in neither boxer winning nor losing. Boxing historians sometimes use
  41. Of shooting (two prone, two standing, in that order) with the first shooting, bout ,being at the lane corresponding to your bib (Bib #10 shoots at lane #10
  42. Parliaments" ) were powerful, especially that of France. The king had, bout ,10,000 officials in royal service--very few indeed for such a large country
  43. Debut with Argentines Juniors, ten days before his sixteenth birthday. First a, bout ,with hepatitis, then a broken ankle caused by an ill-timed tackle by Athletic
  44. Of as being composed of two connected chambers: the" upper bout " and" lower, bout ,", which meet at the" waist ", or the narrowest part of the body face near the
  45. America, a " newspaper decision (NWS) " might be made after a no decision, bout ,had ended. A" no decision" bout occurred when, by law or by pre-arrangement
  46. Credit, was granted mission after losing to Scalar, with 26 victories. A single, bout ,probably lasted between 10–15 minutes, or 20 minutes at most; Spectators
  47. Can be thought of as being composed of two connected chambers: the" upper, bout ," and" lower bout ", which meet at the" waist ", or the narrowest part of the
  48. Much heavier than those worn by early twentieth-century fighters. Prior to a, bout , both boxers agree upon the weight of gloves to be used in the bout , with the
  49. Prior to a bout , both boxers agree upon the weight of gloves to be used in the, bout , with the understanding that lighter gloves allow heavy punchers to inflict
  50. Against body punches. Many fighters vary their defensive style throughout a, bout ,in order to adapt to the situation of the moment, choosing the position best

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