Examples of the the word, destine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( destine ), is the 8369 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Lutul Iberia. Chisinau. Pintos. 2007,p. 15 * George Ion Marin. Mistune SI, destine , Chisinau. Pintos. 2008 * Alex Gain. http://www.memorial.ru Гостинная: Форум:
  2. Many Departments of State. The Transportation and Communication department will, destine ,a big part of its resources to install any necessary sign on the correct
  3. Her performance in The Farmer's Daughter. External links Destine (pronounced, destine ,) is a rock band that formed in Tilburg, the Netherlands in 2006. History
  4. Fleet of patrol boats to counter sea tiger crafts and intercept arms shipments, destine ,for the tigers within Sri Lankan censorial waters. In 2000 the Navy started a
  5. Into slavery. Rousseau says that he almost dares to assert that nature does not, destine ,men to be healthy. Concerning the practical implications, according to Valley
  6. Multimillénaire de l'Europe, Editions Europe/Rome (1983) *1977: Ideal SI, destine ,: ESE supra evolution constitute European, Cartea Românească *1986: Millennium
  7. Land as the Confraternity of Saint Vincent Ferret. The Confraternity decided to, destine ,the land for the construction of a sanctuary and a school for children that
  8. Esposito's appearance as a Legionnaire is quite remarkable as he was seemingly, destine ,to play Junior A that season with St. Catharines but was cut before the season
  9. External links * http://www. destine music.com Destine Official webs * /www., destine , Tv Destine. TV Destine's official video platform *
  10. To fix his defensive shortcomings, however,without result. Thus, Curves was, destine ,to become a journeyman, making stops with the Vancouver Canucks, New York
  11. Of England). She said: N'aide pas suet d'Eyre Bain inquire pews'on me, destine ,un epoch, moi quin'en vex d'outre Que Jésus-Christ? " (" Shouldn't I be
  12. Master who happened to pass by, and who right away decided to purchase and, destine ,him for high-jump. The horse was then taken to the Army Cavalry Academy, in the

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