Examples of the the word, showing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( showing ), is the 8363 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And TV rating was at its historical low for space mission launches. ABC was, showing ,the Dick Caveat Show when Apollo 13 incident happened. That night Dick Caveat
- Austrians. The name in the Hindu zodiac is likewise rumba" water-pitcher ", showing ,that the zodiac reached India via Greek intermediaries. Aquarius is sometimes
- Created animated cartoons in 2008 to explain behavioral targeting to its users, showing ,how a user's past visits to other Websites could determine the content of
- M with you in Rockland where you imitate the shade of my mother," once again, showing ,the association between Solomon and his mother. Naomi died in 1956,and she did
- Husband James Haggard sleeping with Lillian Rear den and after being beaten for, showing ,James his code of death. *Mayor Mascot is the mayor of Rome, Wisconsin,who
- Namely (and amongst others) the original packaging (with the return label, showing ,Steve Jobs' parents' address, the original Apple Computer Inc 'headquarters '
- Market and a lack of bank transparency. However, the reforms have started, showing ,positive results and competition among the leading banks is increasing. By
- Of daily life in the plague-stricken city resemble life in wartime France: the, showing ,of reruns at the cinemas, the stockpiling of scarce goods, nighttime curfews
- S and Emin's work. In 1998,Arthur Dante, suggested a thought experiment, showing ,that" the status of an artifact as work of art results from the ideas a
- But reconstructed many times. The pulpit (minibar منبر) bears an inscription, showing ,that the building existed in 1097. The minaret was built by the sultan of
- On to prove that there was no solution to the Entscheidungsproblem by first, showing ,that the halting problem for Turing machines is undecidable: it is not possible
- Of a page and proceeds down. Its primary symbols are only 4: the directed arrow, showing ,program flow, the rectangle (SEQUENCE, GOTO),the diamond (IF-THEN-ELSE)
- A dubious theropod. Later researchers suggested that the bone was pathologic, showing ,an injury to the living animal, It is now regarded as an example of A. fragile
- For such a long time. ABBA's manager, Stig Anderson, realized the potential of, showing ,a simple video clip on television to publicize a single or album, thereby
- Hotel Hotel Rival, titled " 2nd Best to None ", accompanied by a video, showing ,the staff at work. In 2008,the two wrote a song for Swedish singer Gisela
- One of the world's the lowest unemployment rates, with the statistics on June 2009, showing , almost 0 % unemployment within the country. Demography Population The
- United States seen on the return journey File: Apollo 11 photo map. PDF|Map, showing ,landing site and photos taken File: First Man on Moon 1969 Issue-10c. JPG|First
- Derive from the Greek word for amber and come from William Gilbert's research, showing ,that amber could attract other substances. The word" electron" was coined in
- The discovery of CP violation helped to shed light on this problem by, showing ,that this symmetry, originally thought to be perfect, was only approximate.
- He left Cambridge, not having taken any degree at all despite a" first class ", showing ,in his spring 1897 exams and consistent" second class honors" results before
- By Set—are carved on a wall and known as the" Abyss King List" (, showing ,the cartouche name of many dynastic pharaohs of Egypt from the first, Narmer or
- With six people who had sued Audi after reporting unintended acceleration, showing ,an Audi 5000 ostensibly suffering a problem when the brake pedal was pushed.
- Which satisfies AFC (ZF with the negation of AC added as axiom) and thus, showing ,that AFC is consistent. Together these results establish that the axiom of
- Of the brain associated with natural opiate production, and animal studies, showing ,that sham needle insertion can have nonspecific analgesic effects through a
- On stage with Swedish singer Tommy Kornberg at the after party for the final, showing ,of the musical, Mamma Mia!, in Stockholm, at which Benny Andersson and Bjorn
- Known to the modern world as the Abyss King List. It is a chronological list, showing ,cartouches of most dynastic pharaohs of Egypt from Menes until Ra messes I, Seti
- Justice for all" if only I were appointed judge in the land ", and by, showing ,humility by kissing those who approached him rather than accepting supplication
- For he has declared upon oath. An affidavit is a type of verified statement or, showing , or in other words, it contains a verification, meaning it is under oath or
- Answering technical questions about the computer) and the original invoice, showing ,'Steven' as the salesman. The computer was brought to Turin University where
- Seeing the crime in the moonlight, Lincoln produced a farmer' Almanac, showing ,the moon was at a low angle, drastically reducing visibility. Based on this
- Uses the word mountebank when Poirot is being assessed by other characters, showing ,that he has successfully passed himself off as a charlatan or fraud. All these
- The reactive alkali metal potassium. Henry Moseley later solved this problem by, showing ,that the periodic table is actually arranged in order of atomic number. (See
- A list of possible preparation styles for the children, and calculations, showing ,the financial benefits of his suggestion. He uses methods of argument
- Borough and South Anchorage typically have the strongest Republican, showing , As of 2004,well over half of all registered voters have chosen" Non-Partisan
- An inner model (the constructive universe) which satisfies ZFC and thus, showing ,that ZFC is consistent. Assuming ZF is consistent, Paul Cohen employed the
- Be. A wide range of Pseudo-Albertine works dealing with alchemy exist, though, showing , the belief developed in the generations following Albert's death that he had
- Needle penetration is suggested by several lines of research, including Acts, showing ,larger effects of a superficial needle penetrating acupuncture than those of a
- Sickness included Germanic and tryparsamide. Dr. Trees conducted experiments, showing ,that the non-amoebic strain of dysentery was caused by a para cholera virion (
- Germany, The Visitors was not as commercially successful as its predecessors, showing ,a commercial decline in previously loyal markets such as France, Australia or
- Requested by the ground crew. This time they gave a tour of the spacecraft, showing ,how an astronaut lived in space. When they had finished broadcasting they found
- The 34 provinces of Afghanistan in alphabetical order and on the right is a map, showing ,where each province is located: Kazakhstan Badges Baghdad Balk Banyan
- Abbey by the Pope, and such monasteries are normally raised to this level after, showing ,a degree of stability—a certain number of monks in vows, a certain number of
- Her death,Caligula's relationship with Agrippina and Li villa changed, showing ,no special love or respect toward them after Drusilla's death. After this
- When seen through the telescope, one object appeared higher than the other, showing ,the curvature of the earth. The judge for the wager, the editor of Field
- Stepping out of the lunar module. File:23_A11neilmesa. JPG|Panoramic montage, showing ,Neil Armstrong File: Earth over Apollo 11 Lunar Module. JPG|Earth as seen from
- Was about 40 × 50 ft (12 x 15 m) inside, with stone gateways front and back, showing ,that it was of the processional type. In the eleventh dynasty Amenhotep I
- Participation and even viewing of such productions is 18. Films and images, showing ,individuals under the age of 18 in applicable jurisdictions can be classified
- However, Robert Lines, who previously made two underwater photographs allegedly, showing ,the monster, countered with the fact that they can also be arranged into" Yes
- Deposited as gravel in streams and shorelines. Types of agate A Mexican agate, showing ,only a single eye, has received the name of cyclops agate. Included matter of a
- Corpse washes up on Mykonos. Other versions depict a different death for Ajax, showing ,him to die when on his voyage home. In these versions, when Ajax comes to the
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