Examples of the the word, unfamiliar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unfamiliar ), is the 7447 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And City Airport which has a manned ticket office to cater for passengers, unfamiliar ,with the system. Canning Town, interchange with the Jubilee line, along with
  2. Of food was imperative, but the soils around Sydney were poor, the climate was, unfamiliar , and moreover very few of the convicts had any knowledge of agriculture.
  3. May become snappy or extremely obstinate. Many dachshunds do not like, unfamiliar ,people, and many will growl or bark at them. Although the dachshund is
  4. A work on orthography, designed to help a medieval reader of Latin with, unfamiliar ,abbreviations and words from classical Latin works. Although it could serve as
  5. Kidnappers" to authorities" as 'the Osama bin Laden Group,' but Burnham was, unfamiliar ,with that name and stuck with" Abu SAAF. After returning to Mindanao, Abu
  6. Dressed in a homemade Cat woman costume, demanding an audition. Burton was, unfamiliar ,with Michelle Pfeiffer's work, but was convinced to cast her after one meeting
  7. This reason, although their tendency to bark or howl when confronted with the, unfamiliar ,makes them good watch dogs. In a 1985 study conducted by Ben and Lynette Hart
  8. To escape religious persecution, but then nearly starved to death due to the, unfamiliar ,land. Some friendly Native Americans (including Squanto) helped the Pilgrims
  9. Microsoft. Growth Steve Case positioned AOL as the online service for people, unfamiliar ,with computers, in particular contrast to CompuServe, which had long served the
  10. Things according to its scenic connotation. Listen to a description of some, unfamiliar ,object—an African warthog, for example; then look at a picture of the animal
  11. Had ascertained their position from ships he had stopped along his journey, but, unfamiliar , with the local channels and shoals he decided to wait until the following
  12. He established a list of new hygiene precautions for his men to deal with the, unfamiliar ,climate. Returning in November to India, he learned that his elder brother
  13. Also not have been aware of the plagiarism since many audiences in India were, unfamiliar ,with foreign films and music. Certain filmmakers see plagiarism in Bollywood as
  14. On the toilet seat over the bowl. Feral cats are wild cats that are, unfamiliar ,with humans and roam freely in urban or rural areas. The numbers of feral cat
  15. Chemists use this knowledge to learn the composition, and properties of, unfamiliar ,substances, as well as to reproduce and synthesize large quantities of useful
  16. Last only a little over three weeks as director. He struggled to work with an, unfamiliar ,crew and the requirements of a Hollywood production, while his working methods
  17. With their backs to the river. Constantine's army arrived at the field bearing, unfamiliar ,symbols on either its standards or its soldiers' shields. According to
  18. Out the abdominal fat/juices. Often, newcomers to the crawfish boil or those, unfamiliar ,with the traditions are jokingly warned" not to eat the dead ones. " This
  19. The Romans' capability to conduct operations over long distances in hostile or, unfamiliar ,territory. In some occasions it also proved its ability to strike a decisive
  20. PIE k > Germ. h). Alternatively, Latin C- represents an attempt to render the, unfamiliar ,Proto-Germanic h =, perhaps due to Celtic-speaking interpreters (a Celtic
  21. Was gone. " Rolling Stone reported that Wilson's manager, Jean Silvers, is ", unfamiliar ,with reunion plans ", although the magazine stated" a source close to Love
  22. Was not seriously proposing cannibalism and infanticide, nor would readers, unfamiliar ,with the satires of Horace and Juvenal recognize that Swift's essay follows
  23. Into separate words, and may be unable to sound out the pronunciation of an, unfamiliar ,word (auditory processing disorder) * Tendencies to omit or add letters or
  24. That using a different setting and cast for Throne Cross would allow players, unfamiliar ,with Throne Trigger to play Cross without becoming confused. The event team
  25. Intercollegiate" football" between two colleges from the United States was an, unfamiliar ,ancestor of today's college football, as it was played under 99-year-old
  26. Sole mechanism of evolution, in contrast to Lamarckism. For example, Darwin was, unfamiliar ,with the work of Gregor Mendel, and as a result had only a vague and inaccurate
  27. Would speak to the crew). The Cap Com was accompanied by a group of geologists, unfamiliar ,with the area who would rely on the astronauts' descriptions to interpret the
  28. Sidetrack ", which portrays the ordinary and extraordinary sights often, unfamiliar ,to passengers, on the system and was displayed throughout the network. Fares
  29. Whewell's sense was widely discussed by philosophers of science, the term was, unfamiliar ,to the broader public until the end of the 20th century, when it was vividly
  30. Producers) as Norman Tinker (Tom's pseudo-hippie, quirky photographer) and, unfamiliar ,actress Kristina Holland as Tina (Tom's secretary). One episode of the show
  31. New lexical items started as soon as the colonists began borrowing names for, unfamiliar ,flora, fauna,and topography from the Native American languages. Examples of
  32. A Cauchy sequence, consisting of the iterates. The notions above are not as, unfamiliar ,as they might at first appear. The customary acceptance of the fact that any
  33. Still a requirement for any tests that are CAT-A. Members who are uncertain or, unfamiliar ,with the Qualification Process are encouraged to consider use of one or both of
  34. In addition, despite the professionalism and discipline of the British troops, unfamiliar ,guerrilla warfare and skirmishing greatly hindered their gains early on. The
  35. Is to have a name more recognizable than a numeric character reference for an, unfamiliar ,character. Entities help to improve legibility of an XML text. In general
  36. Of any possibility of advancement under Richard. Lancastrian Henry Tudor was, unfamiliar ,with the arts of war and a stranger to the land he was trying to conquer. He
  37. Are within the psychological states of those who gain knowledge. While, unfamiliar ,with the internals/eternalist debate himself, many point to René Descartes
  38. Further research convinced him the proper term was" Godhead chowder ", a term, unfamiliar ,to many playgoers. He decided to keep it as" codfish ". When the song
  39. A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Certain people are known even to people, unfamiliar ,with the area in which they excelled. Pablo Picasso's style and name are known
  40. Dub. This series was the first to show any Japanese cultural concepts that were, unfamiliar ,with American audiences (such as the many),which left out unedited and used
  41. But Bergen and others argue that there was no need to recruit foreigners, unfamiliar ,with the local language, customs or lay of the land since there were a quarter
  42. On locations in London and, in all likelihood, will be meaningless to people, unfamiliar ,with the capital e.g. " Peck ham Rye ", meaning " tie" ( as in necktie)
  43. Common Brythonic borrowed a large stock of Latin words, both for concepts, unfamiliar ,in the pre-urban society of Celtic Britain, such as urbanization and tactics of
  44. Especially since people had been using Nance's old system for years and were, unfamiliar ,with the new one. Another step forward came on 17 June 2009,when it was
  45. Cannot be correctly reproduced by most native English speakers who are, unfamiliar ,with Chinese. The argument between the proponents of Day and Tao hinges not on
  46. This" light touch" approach to localization has favored viewers formerly, unfamiliar ,with anime. Robotic and Star Blazers were the earliest attempts to present
  47. And convolution were used as early as 1903,though the definition is rather, unfamiliar ,in older uses. The term Falling was sometimes used in English through the 1940s
  48. Shaking Hands, etc.),in other cases it can lead to a fear of interacting with, unfamiliar ,people altogether. There can be a tendency among those suffering from this
  49. African animals such as the giraffe, rhinoceros,and hippopotamus, they are, unfamiliar ,to Western audiences. Popular culture's stock references to elephants rely on
  50. Sought to create the ideal environment for the exploration and appreciation of, unfamiliar ,new music by means of open rehearsals, repeat performances, and the exclusion

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