Examples of the the word, repay , in a Sentence Context

The word ( repay ), is the 7450 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 2010–11 season Roma was administrated by UniCredit as Sense family failed to, repay ,the bank and the club was put into the market, which also saw Roma did not have
  2. Had formed the inner resolve that it was needful for him as a Christian to, repay ,to the world something for the happiness which it had given to him, and he
  3. On February 28, 1681,Charles II granted a land charter to William Penn to, repay ,a debt of £16,000 (around £2,100,000 in 2008,adjusting for retail inflation)
  4. Mere minutes when he returned to" grovel for his job back. " Clark elected to, repay ,Lois by finally letting go of his self-imposed inhibitions and passionately
  5. Strictly ordered" to be unproductive—that is, they would create no fund to, repay ,their own expenses. Many hundreds of thousands of" feeble and starving men "
  6. And financial health, Kazakhstan became the first former Soviet republic to, repay ,all of its debt to the IMF by paying back $400 million in 2000; 7 years ahead
  7. In May 2010,Asset is the only Russian owned module launched by NASA, to, repay , for the launch of Zara, which is Russian designed and built, but paid for by
  8. Congress both incurred large debts during the Revolutionary War, and how to, repay ,those debts became a major issue of debate following the War. Some States paid
  9. Source of income; enables individuals with regular income to develop a plan to, repay ,all or part of their debts; also known as Wage Earner Bankruptcy *Chapter 15:
  10. UK. The final German loan repay ment was made in 1971. Since Germany chose to, repay ,the aid debt out of the German Federal budget, leaving the German ERP fund
  11. There was a crisis in international confidence in Greece's ability to, repay ,its sovereign debt. In order to avert such a default, in May 2010 the other
  12. The government to provide goods" of such a nature that the profit could never, repay ,the expense to any individual" such as roads, bridges,canals, and harbors.
  13. Sons who had in fact not carried out the work to the extent claimed. Ordered to, repay ,£16,918,suspended from the House of Commons for 10 days and removed from the
  14. Of lands. At our trading houses, too,we mean to sell so low as merely to, repay ,us cost and charges, so as neither to lessen nor enlarge our capital. This is
  15. Or a sole proprietor, you are allowed to file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to, repay ,all or part of your debts. Under this chapter, you can propose a repay ment plan
  16. Payments from previous decades. Tapir was challenged in the British courts to, repay ,his alleged excessive profits earned from the construction of Dubai's aluminum
  17. Strongly disliked all the scripts including THX. Warner demanded that Coppola, repay ,the $300,000 they had loaned him for the Zoetrope studio, and insisted on
  18. Governments gave Euro tunnel a 55- (later 65-) year operating concession to, repay ,loans and pay dividends. A Railway Usage Agreement was signed between
  19. Using the company as security for loans, and despite his profits, was unable to, repay ,these loans. Ericsson found that they had invested in some very doubtful share
  20. The host fed and provided quarters for the guest, who was expected to, repay ,only with gratitude. The importance of this can be seen throughout Greek
  21. Mysterious incidents that occur throughout the book. Isaac of York offers to, repay ,his debt to the Palmer by offering him a suit of armor and a war horse, too
  22. Goes into hiding and wages a protracted guerilla war against the English. To, repay ,Moray and Lachlan for their betrayals, Wallace brutally murders both men. A
  23. Launched that April at the L. A. Forum, was partly undertaken to earn money to, repay ,the Warner Bros loan for completing his Electric Lady Studios. Performances on
  24. And then forced into commercial sexual exploitation or exploitative labor to, repay ,debts to traffickers; women and children are trafficked into China from
  25. Go Mini, who was later, after becoming one of the top Tang generals, to, repay , the favor, during the Shi disturbances. Emperor Ming Huang found employment
  26. Banks. These transactions would be temporary loans which the government would, repay ,once supply was restored. Governor-General Kerr was following the crisis
  27. To the Seattle Seven, but stipulated that the seafood companies would have to, repay ,almost all of any punitive damages awarded in other civil proceedings. The $5
  28. He came into a small inheritance from his mother and used a portion of it to, repay ,De Warns for her financial support of him. At 27,he took a job as a tutor in
  29. From the 1920s which had defaulted in the 1930s,but which Germany decided to, repay ,to restore its reputation. This money was owed to government and private banks
  30. Recovering, he was giving organ recitals and doing other fund-raising work to, repay ,borrowings and raise funds for returning to Gabon. In 1922, he delivered the
  31. 6.4 % in 2004. In 2000,Kazakhstan became the first former Soviet republic to, repay ,all of its debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF),7 years ahead of
  32. Debt. To avoid this eventuality, the purchasers of his lands were willing to, repay ,Oxford's debt to the Court of Wards if he could persuade the Queen to let them
  33. Was being investigated by Swiss police over his role in a secret deal to, repay ,more than £1m worth of bribes pocketed by football officials. All testimonies
  34. Bible and is literally" For (Pro) so much (tango) what (quid) we shall, repay ,(retributes) " The verse has been translated in bibles differently – for
  35. Pope Leo X to conduct the sale of indulgences in his diocese to obtain funds to, repay ,this loan, as long as half the collection was forwarded to the Papacy. An agent
  36. For his loans. ITT canceled the deal to buy Ericsson shares. Kruger could not, repay ,the $11 million, and committed suicide in Paris in 1932. ITT owned one third of
  37. reported possessing over 100,000 unsold units, and desperately needed money to, repay ,short-term debts. On March 31,the value of Altova shares jumped by almost 30
  38. Manuel II, had first secured a stipulation, that Mustafa should, if successful, repay ,him for his liberation by giving up many important cities. The
  39. Of selling over $70 million worth of stock at this time, which he used to, repay ,cash advances on lines of credit. He sold another $20 million worth of stock in
  40. In the 1953 Debt agreement the amount of Marshall plan aid that Germany was to, repay ,was reduced to less than 1 billion USD. This made the proportion of loans
  41. Would share similar tastes for fine goods. To supplement his income and, repay ,his debts, Wright accepted independent commissions for at least nine houses.
  42. Of the family to bless his own, his essays on the riches of Christ to, repay ,his benefactors, his tracts on morality to convert his enemies, his funeral
  43. Or insolvency is a legal status of a person or an organization that cannot, repay ,the debts owed to creditors. In the majority of cases, bankruptcy is initiated
  44. Shear Kalman of Lead based on the teachings of the Zohar implores one to ", repay ,the offenders with favors ": Israel's postal service quoted from the previous
  45. And Spain have a 'credibility problem ', because they lack the ability to, repay ,adequately due to their low growth rate, high deficit, less FDI, etc. On a poll
  46. In the German coal industry was by these funds. The companies were obligated to, repay ,the loans to the government, and the money would then be lent out to another
  47. ISL, and revealed how some football officials have been urged to secretly, repay ,the sweeteners they received. The book also alleged that vote-rigging had
  48. In 1995. The PSL, which ranged in cost from $250 to $4,000,were meant to help, repay ,the $200 million it cost the city of Oakland and Alameda County to expand
  49. The estates' revenues until a bishop was appointed, when in theory he was to, repay ,the earnings. The infrequence of this repay ment was an obvious source of
  50. Ward. It is thought that Cicero needed her money, particularly after having to, repay ,the dowry of Dementia, who came from a wealthy family. This marriage did not

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