Examples of the the word, awaken , in a Sentence Context

The word ( awaken ), is the 7467 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To make me feel like there’s nothing left of me ...: :As the smoke clears I, awaken ,and untangle you from me: :Would it make you feel better to watch me while I
  2. Deepens, and the demons and ghosts of the Overlook Hotel's dark past begin to, awaken , displaying horrible, phantasmagoric images to Danny, and driving his father
  3. Told one of the policeman attending the case," Be kind enough, Monsieur,to, awaken ,this man with great care, and if he asks for me tell him I have left for Paris;
  4. History of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to, awaken , The further back in history one goes, the lower the level of childcare, and
  5. Inherited this Rabbinic suspicion of their teachings, as they sought to, awaken ,a popular, mystical revival for the simple Jewish folk, as well as offering
  6. In his 1534 works on herbs that vodka could serve" to increase fertility and, awaken ,lust ". Around 1400 it became also a popular drink in Poland. Vodka club gorilla
  7. Of his friend during this battle causes a dormant personality within him to, awaken , under whose influence FEI then destroys the entire village. FEI later awaken s
  8. Uninformed criticism from his colleagues. " The result of such advice was to, awaken ,immediately all the insecurity in the nonmusical part of Bruckner's
  9. Stockholm, Sweden,Bellow called on writers to be beacons for civilization and, awaken ,it from intellectual torpor. Bellow traveled widely throughout his life, mainly
  10. Howe, Siamese twins with a third, dormant head, which eventually starts to, awaken , Also adapted for film by Keith Fulton and Lou Pepe, released in 2006. **
  11. With a reasonable degree of discipline and has a serious intention to, awaken ,their full potential. The student is advised to follow the path in an
  12. With attractive young maidens and beautiful plants in which these FIDA’is would, awaken , Here, they were told by an" old" man that they were witnessing their place
  13. Has exercised so wide an influence as Oehlenschläger. His great work was to, awaken ,in the breasts of his countrymen an enthusiasm for the poetry and religion of
  14. The language they are learning. Politically-themed LAP events may attempt to, awaken ,or shape political thinking within a culture. Because LAP involves a
  15. For severe, debilitating depression, is all that has ever worked for me. I, awaken ,about 20 minutes later, and although I am still groggy with anesthesia, much of
  16. Pearl Harbor (2001),where it merely read," I fear all we have done is to, awaken ,a sleeping giant. " Neither At Dawn We Slept, written by Gordon Range, nor The
  17. Its ideas to the psychology and experience of man, so that Jewish mysticism can, awaken ,a personal experience and perception of the Divine. Gershon Scholar, who
  18. Their father’s bus arrives. The girls plant the seeds. A few days later, they, awaken , at midnight to find Motor and his two miniature colleagues engaged in a
  19. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to, awaken ,at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and
  20. Of danger, discomfort,psychological or physical terror. Sufferers usually, awaken ,in a state of distress and may be unable to return to sleep for a prolonged
  21. As saying after his attack on Pearl Harbor," I fear all we have done is to, awaken ,a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. " The supposed quotation
  22. Lucille into the countryside. In an ancient Harmonies no-globe, Teg proceeds to, awaken ,Idaho's original memories, but does, so before Lucille can imprint Duncan and
  23. Organizations. * Marie, a dachshund owned by actress Marie Provost, tried to, awaken ,his dead mistress, who was found with small bites on her legs. Maxie's barking
  24. Free-running sleep means that a person chooses to sleep when sleepy and to, awaken ,spontaneously (specifically without an alarm clock or reference to the time of
  25. Named Paolo. Throne tries various torture techniques for three years to, awaken ,the 12-year-old Baron's genetic memories; these methods fail due to the Baron
  26. Dissimulation),hiding their true identities until their Imams would, awaken ,them. According to the historian Yaqui Al-Hamdani, the Böszörmény, ( Himalaya
  27. To having large blocks fall on one's body (at this point falling books, awaken ,him). This parallels that of the man with his dream of judgment day in the
  28. Bad rad-Din weeps over the grave of his father until sleep overcomes him he is, awaken ,by a large group of sympathetic Jinni in the Tale of Ali Nu rad-Din and his son
  29. Of direction with its conceptual understanding of reality. It is designed to, awaken ,the faculty of penetrative understanding seeing things as they really are. At a
  30. Occurs, Heimdallr stands and blows the Gjallarhorn with all his might. The gods, awaken ,at the sound, and they meet. Odin rides to Mímir's Well in search of counsel
  31. Widow. The story begins as death rays bear down on Earth, and the characters, awaken ,from a virtual reality. Zap hod picks them up shortly before they're killed
  32. Japanese manga and TV series) instantly puts URD to sleep, and she is unable to, awaken ,until the music ceases. Similarly, the demon Earlier dances to rock music, and
  33. The teeth while sleeping. * Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS): inability to, awaken ,and fall asleep at socially acceptable times but no problem with sleep
  34. Depicted the state of a coma victim and the agony of waiting for a patient to, awaken ,: Reversal of Fortune (1990) and The Dreamlike of Angels (1998). The
  35. In the primordial realm. The earth-diver is among the first of them to, awaken ,and lay the necessary groundwork by building suitable lands where the coming
  36. Has enslaved natives from Infant Island to help them, but the natives hope to, awaken ,Mithra to rescue them. In their efforts to avoid capture, Ryota and his friends
  37. In a display of superhuman strength, Ghanima in hand. He says the keywords to, awaken ,Ghanima's secret memories. She asks him if the plan worked, and he says" well
  38. Reality or dreaming of urination while wetting the bed. The mind can, however, awaken , an individual if they are in danger or if trained to respond to certain sounds
  39. While keeping the conscious mind from thoughts that would suddenly cause one to, awaken ,from shock. * Freud suggested that bad dreams let the brain learn to gain
  40. Chance for recovery present: a person with a low chance of recovery may still, awaken , Time is the best general predictor of a chance of recovery: after 4 months of
  41. Producing Adam and Eve. The Father of Greatness then sends the Radiant Jesus to, awaken ,Adam, and to enlighten him to the true source of the light that is trapped in
  42. To seek to establish new knowledge and develop more effective therapies which, awaken , stimulate and heal through the extraordinary power of music – continuing his
  43. Teacher Meter Baba emphasized the need for a master when actively trying to, awaken ,the Kundalini:" Kundalini is a latent power in the higher body. When awaken ed
  44. Is a real place. Edwards hoped that the imagery and message of his sermon would, awaken ,his audience to the horrific reality that awaited them should they continue
  45. His vegetables, Billy is sent to bed by his parents. He falls asleep, only to, awaken ,in a strange vegetable kingdom led by the evil potato king Boobs Tuber, who
  46. States that he does not intend to interfere, only to observe. He even offers to, awaken ,Fafnir so that Alberio can bargain with him. Alberio warns the dragon that a
  47. Demetrius, and Helena will believe that they have been dreaming when they, awaken , The magical enchantment is removed from Lysander, leaving Demetrius under the
  48. The Ride is such a strong tradition that the music was used during Apollo 17 to, awaken ,Astronaut Harrison Schmitt, a Caltech alumnus. Unfortunately, the tradition
  49. Of danger, discomfort,psychological or physical terror. Sufferers usually, awaken ,in a state of distress and may be unable to return to sleep for a prolonged
  50. let's go of all the impediments to the awaken ing rather than trying to actively, awaken ,the Kundalini. A chief part of the passive approach is shakiest where one

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