Examples of the the word, therein , in a Sentence Context

The word ( therein ), is the 7463 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Exclusion, advocated by the skeptics, of preventative mitigation efforts, and, therein , say carbon cutting proponents, lies the difference. Political pressure on
  2. Of supply and performance contracts where the total turnover provided for, therein ,is more than the percentage of turnover for the previous financial year; * the
  3. System is only an upper bound to the actual quantity of information stored, therein , If the two possible values of one bit of storage are not equally likely, that
  4. Priessnitz, at Greenberg ", and " making allowances for certain exaggerations, therein ,", pondered the option of travelling to Greenberg, but preferred to find
  5. Granted to vast multitudes both of pagans and Christians who took refuge, therein ,; vessels of gold and silver which were found in a private dwelling, spared
  6. Greeks, though impure, must be honored since they were trained in sciences and, therein , excelled others ..... ". Yet another Indian text, ( Gargi-Samhita),also
  7. As a chapel dedicated to Lawrence of Rome. It is unknown whether the sarcophagi, therein ,contained the bodies of the members of the Theologian dynasty, or when they
  8. But when Patton was ready to deliver his report, the Queen:: flatly refused, therein ,to hear my Lord Chancellor, and for a final answer commanded me no more to
  9. Operated from 1941 to 1942,during which time some 60,000 people were killed, therein ,; it was then converted into an air-raid shelter for the use of the SS. This gas
  10. Owning enslaved persons in the territory of the United States north of the line, therein ,is not warranted by the Constitution and is therefore void. " Name "
  11. The gospel is written as a historical narrative, many of the facts portrayed, therein ,are based on previous traditions of the recorded Gospel story and not on what
  12. W. " Iron Mike" O'Daniel to Vietnam to study and" assess" the French forces, therein , Chief of Staff Matthew Ridgeway dissuaded the President from intervening by
  13. Black friars before King Henry, and Catherine's portrayal is very sympathetic, therein , However, most of the rest of the play is an attempt to absolve many
  14. Containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read, therein , nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be
  15. The Ark—containing the original tablets of the Ten Commandments—was placed, therein ,(1 Kings 8:6-9). When the priests emerged from the holy place after placing
  16. Communists attempted to disrupt the elections of 1948,preceding large losses, therein , while 300,000 Berliners demonstrated for the international airlift to continue
  17. Fox et al. in the context of the 1966 standard by the PORT library. The ideas, therein ,became widely used, and were eventually incorporated into the 1990 standard by
  18. Human counterparts" identified with the teen angst and goth music references, therein , keeping the book in print. Upon release of a special 10th Anniversary edition
  19. The stock of bones left behind, if any, is called the bone yard, and the bones, therein ,are said to be sleeping. In draw games, players take part in the bone selection
  20. Of interacting with the cosmos and have no knowledge of what transpires, therein , From an" aspiration or desire ", the celestial spheres, imitate that purely
  21. Has an interest in the strength of the companies that provide jobs and services, therein , but also has an interest in monitoring and regulating their behavior.
  22. Difference between versions in Seafarers, the extension, and the older editions, therein ,is the size of the frames. A dynamical system is a concept in mathematics where
  23. Recent results concerning the hydrogen molecular ion (see references, therein ,for more details),the quantum n-body problem cannot be solved analytically
  24. The Origin of Species was published. The views about common descent expressed, therein ,were that it was possible that there was only one progenitor for all life forms
  25. Was finished. It was decided, during development, that the use of the services, therein ,would be decided on by each given congregation,to avoid as much conflict
  26. Fact and every act of empirical consciousness, though it never appears as such, therein , The 'I' must set (set zen) itself in order to be an 'I' at all; but it can
  27. Of Printed Books in the Authors or purchasers of such Copies, during the Times, therein ,mentioned ", was the first copyright statute. Today copyright laws are
  28. Kant had exposure to Islam as well and reflected about the role of reason, therein , Idea of freedom In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant distinguishes between the
  29. Promised! Beneath it flow rivers. Perpetual is the fruits thereof and the shade, therein , Such is the End of the Righteous; and the end of the unbelievers is the Fire.
  30. Then. He directed that the library of the church in Hippo and all the books, therein ,should be carefully preserved. Shortly after his death the Vandals lifted the
  31. Of his work in pubs and bars. Many of his poems are about the city and events, therein , such as his work The Day Bridge Disaster. City of Recovery Press was founded
  32. Sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials, therein , " Hoyle also compared the chance of obtaining even a single functioning
  33. His assignee and his under-tenants have built upon the garden 130 houses, and, therein , bestowed £10,000,which assignee and his under-tenants have bonds and security
  34. The Lord unto you concerning the Apocrypha-There are many things contained, therein ,that are true, and it is mostly translated correctly; There are many things
  35. Increasing tensions in the Middle East and potential Russian naval involvement, therein , Robert James Lee" Bob" Hawks AC GPL (born 9 December 1929) was the 23rd
  36. Of the Basic Law, including how and when the universal suffrage promised, therein ,is to be achieved, has been a major issue of political debate since the
  37. And spiritually, is dependent on and affects one's surroundings and the people, therein , This concept is not limited to magical or overtly religious behavior, but
  38. They make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some temperate, and put, therein ,much of that" chili "; yea, they make paste thereof, the which they say is
  39. Of the Torah and study her wisdom in order to receive all the blessings written, therein ,or in order to merit the life of the World to Come and I shall keep away from
  40. Reared towers of great height against the incursions of enemies, and set guards, therein , He also fortified the city Bethesda, that it might serve as a citadel against
  41. In the midst of the wine-dark sea, a fair, rich land, begirt with water, and, therein , are many men, past counting, and ninety cities. They have not all the same
  42. These holy Scrolls with the six-hundred-and-thirteen precepts which are written, therein , with the excommunication with which Joshua banned Jericho, with the curse with
  43. Friendship, Co-operation,and Mutual Assistance (and the restrictions included, therein ,) was annulled, but Finland recognized the Russian Federation as the successor
  44. Orient himself. " Developing this idea, Nietzsche wrote Thus Spoke Zarathustra, therein ,introducing the concept of a value-creating Übermensch. According to Lambert,"
  45. Of the United States: the role (including the power and responsibilities, therein ,) can vary dramatically, depending on the style and needs of the President.
  46. And Trip) along with the SD became departments under Heydrich's command, therein , Himmler oversaw the entire concentration camp system. Once World War II began
  47. 100 kilometers (62 mi) east of the Windward Islands and the Caribbean Sea;, therein , it is about east of the islands of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and
  48. And maliciously levied war against the present Parliament, and the people, therein ,represented ... ", that the" wicked designs, wars,and evil practices of him
  49. The grandson of Moses) and idioms present in the epilogue show that the, therein ," must have taken place ... early in the period of the judges. " Composition
  50. Explorers may have plundered the island of whatever native peoples resided, therein ,to become slaves. Thereafter, the Portuguese in 1536 then visited, but they too

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