Examples of the the word, offspring , in a Sentence Context

The word ( offspring ), is the 7456 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In pair-bonding that enabled greater parental effort directed towards rearing, offspring , Love joy proposes that male provisioning of food would improve the offspring
  2. To survive will live on to reproduce. They will then pass this trait to their, offspring , which will result in a fully resistant colony. The four main mechanisms by
  3. That originally Athenian fathers had been able to register for citizenship, offspring ,had with slave women (Hansen 1987:53). This will have rested on an older
  4. Established between him and God. The Qur'an has stories about Abraham and his, offspring ,that are similar to the Bible's. In Islam, Abraham is recognized as a prophet
  5. Dominant gene, only one parent has to have the gene for it to be transmitted to, offspring , There is a DNA test for HYPE, which is required by the AQUA. Since 2007,the
  6. And although he had two sons, one was of age but illegitimate and the other the, offspring ,of a legal marriage but still a child. The older son, Gesalec, was chosen king
  7. Slave" ( cf. Cosmetic bættən" bind ", bast " bound" ) and Iranian *area- ", offspring ,", equating it with the δουλόσποροι" slave Sports" mentioned by Nonnus and
  8. A (PW) female boa constrictor was discovered to have produced viable female, offspring ,with WW chromosomes. The female boa could have chosen any number of male
  9. In literary narratives, though his numerous love affairs and abundant, offspring ,are often alluded to. When Ares does appear in myths, he typically faces
  10. Common or unavoidable. " #" Chastity. Rarely use very but for health or, offspring , never to dullness, weakness,or the injury of your own or another's peace or
  11. Of the parents are changed for the purpose of passing on the changes to their, offspring , There are basically two ways of implementing a gene therapy treatment: # Ex
  12. The nickname. Horses listed in the appendix may be entered in competition, but, offspring , are not initially eligible for full AQUA registration. If the Appendix horse
  13. Programmed to act as though they have a goal of surviving and propagating, offspring , At the level of an individual animal, this overarching goal of genetic fitness
  14. Copulations will closely guard their mates to ensure the parentage of the, offspring ,that they raise. Other mating systems, including polygyny, polyandry,polygamy
  15. In DXF format. " Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction by which, offspring ,arise from a single parent, and inherit the genes of that parent only, it is
  16. Breeding, organisms with desirable characteristics are mated to produce, offspring ,with the same characteristics. For example, this technique was used with corn
  17. Quarter Horse and an" appendix" American Quarter Horse. The resulting, offspring ,is registered in the" appendix" of the American Quarter Horse Association's
  18. Example baker's yeast),resulting in a 'mother' and 'daughter' cell. The, offspring ,organism is smaller than the parent. Budding is also known on a multicellular
  19. Diverged beyond a certain point, each adapted to particular conditions, hybrid, offspring , would be less well-adapted than either parent form and, at that point, natural
  20. Cycles and the river levels, which increases chances of survival for their, offspring , Differences from crocodiles Alligators differ from crocodiles principally in
  21. Sexual maturity in captivity in the absence of males, and in both cases the, offspring ,were shown to be genetically identical to the mothers. Reptiles use the PW
  22. House of the firstborn collapsed, due to a mighty wind, killing all of Job's, offspring , but Job does not curse God but instead shaves his head, tears his clothes and
  23. Have" offspring " through the creation of black holes, and that these, offspring ,universes have values of physical constants that depend on these of the mother
  24. Continue to survive and reproduce, the virus is reproduced in all the cell’s, offspring , Sometimes prophages may provide benefits to the host bacterium while they are
  25. The PW chromosome system used by reptiles was incapable of producing viable WW, offspring , but a (PW) female boa constrictor was discovered to have produced viable
  26. Can earn its way from the appendix into the permanent studbook, making its, offspring ,eligible for AQUA registration Since Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred crosses
  27. Will choose to mate with nonresistant ones. Since the gene is recessive, all, offspring , will be heterozygous, and the offspring from that mating will not be resistant
  28. Children. However, Shumway was soon back in the abbey again to take care of her, offspring , Mussolini's Fascist government expelled Crowley from the country at the end
  29. Well in boiling water. Some alkaloids can produce developmental defects in the, offspring ,of animals that consume them but cannot detoxify them. A characteristic example
  30. Of. He puts forth his fecund universes' theory, which assumes universes have ", offspring ," through the creation of black holes, and that these offspring universes have
  31. Offspring. Love joy proposes that male provisioning of food would improve the, offspring ,survivorship and increase the pair's reproductive rate. Thus, the male would
  32. Infection would result in abortion or weak or deformed offspring , with some, offspring ,carrying the virus in their bloodstream. Such damage to the offspring was also
  33. In another sermon, on April 19, 2002,he declared that Jews are" evil, offspring , infidels, distorters of others' words, calf-worshippers, prophet-murderers
  34. For example" wheels" to refer to a car, or " flowers" to refer to beautiful, offspring , an entire plant, or a collection of blooming plants). In modern vocabulary
  35. Of the same species—usually close relatives of the breeding pair, such as, offspring ,from previous broods—will help with the raising of the young. Such
  36. Increase the pair's reproductive rate. Thus, the male would leave his mate and, offspring ,to search for food and return carrying the food in his arms walking on his legs
  37. Important for the manufacturing of DNA, RNA and transmission of characters to, offspring ,through genes. Carbonic acid is important for maintenance of pH equilibrium in
  38. To them as possible. The most extreme form involves the production of clonal, offspring , An extreme of sexual conflict is seen in Tasmania auropunctata, where the
  39. Possible benefits of extra-pair copulation include getting better genes for her, offspring ,and insuring against the possibility of infertility in her mate. Males of
  40. Enrages the Dragon, prompting him to wage war against the rest of her, offspring , who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (
  41. As individuals that avoided hybrid ratings would tend to have more fit, offspring , and thus contribute to the reproductive isolation of the two incipient species
  42. Also known as" fecund universes," which proposes that universes have ", offspring ," which are more plentiful if they resemble our universe. Also see Gardner (
  43. Catcalls / Area, daughter of Cloches / Dane ## Miles ##, offspring ,invariably by Catcalls are: ### Amphithemis (Dramas) ### NixOS, eponym of
  44. 1970s showed that such infection would result in abortion or weak or deformed, offspring , with some offspring carrying the virus in their bloodstream. Such damage to
  45. By a recessive allele, which leads to loss of sexual reproduction in homozygous, offspring , Inheritance of asexual reproduction by a single recessive locus has also been
  46. S name Year, he is able to force the dragon to vow that neither it nor its, offspring ,will ever trouble the islanders. Then, with no idea how to deal with his other
  47. To the mother - hampering the mother's freedom and thus make her and her, offspring ,more dependent on resources collected by others. Modern monogamous primates
  48. With some offspring carrying the virus in their bloodstream. Such damage to the, offspring ,was also seen for the calves born in Northern Ireland. Symptoms Major signs are
  49. In some species of ants with the reproductive apparently competing to produce, offspring ,that are as closely related to them as possible. The most extreme form involves
  50. That Al-Siddiq referred to Jews as" the scum of the human race" and ", offspring ,of apes and pigs ", and stated," the worst ... of the enemies of Islam are

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