Examples of the the word, bacon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bacon ), is the 7458 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Typical Romagna quill shaped egg pasta usually dressed with Glacial (cheek, bacon ,), peas,Parmigiano Region and a hint of cream. * Grain con Alicia -
  2. And mountain air and wood burned during the drying process. It is similar to, bacon , Philippines In the Philippines, ham,or Damon as it is called (from the
  3. Garlic, breadcrumbs and braised * Spaghetti alley carbonara - spaghetti with, bacon , eggs and pecorino * Beating all'Americana - beating with glacial
  4. Costs. In the United States, the local variation serves scrambled eggs, bacon , country potatoes and choice of Swedish pancakes or French toast sticks. In the
  5. Americans used this right to transport products such as flour, tobacco,pork, bacon , lard, feathers,cider, butter,and cheese. The treaty also recognized American
  6. Cure process rather than the newer Sweet cure. And may also be used to refer to, bacon , The depth of meat to the bone is greatest at the top of the hind limb; cutting
  7. Lardellato - made with lean pork shoulder, or leg meat, along with diced, bacon , salt, pepper,and whole peppercorns. It is cased in hog's intestines, dried
  8. Neapolitan Easter pie with Parmesan cheese, Pecorino cheese, eggs,Salome, bacon , and pepper * Canada DI peace - Fish Canada; bread (baked in the shape of
  9. Other sausages *Suppressant de Fabriano - finely emulsified pork flavored with, bacon , salt and pepper, the sausage is smoked and then aged *Mazzafegato the Fabiano
  10. Pecorino cheese * Hugo DI castrate - mutton sauce made with onion, rosemary, bacon , white wine, and tomatoes * Mozzarella all afferent - mini mozzarella
  11. Pork fat made the most popular cooking medium, especially from the cooking of, bacon , Pork fat was used more often in the southern colonies than the northern
  12. Pecorino cheese * Hugo DI castrate - mutton sauce made with onion, rosemary, bacon , white wine, and tomatoes * Mozzarella all afferent - mini mozzarella
  13. Garlic, oregano,breadcrumbs, olive oil and lemon juice *Music - the, bacon ,or boneless meat from sheep or goat (and in some cases young calf) is cut
  14. Like prawns or scallops, especially if wrapped in a protein-rich food such as, bacon ,or prosciutto. Merlot tends not to go well with strong and blue veined cheeses
  15. Tomato, with a vegetarian option with baked beans which omits the sausage and, bacon , In Germany this breakfast consists of two bread rolls, one slice of smoked
  16. For example, preserving food by pickling (with vinegar),salting, as with, bacon , preserving sweets or using sulfur dioxide as in some wines. With the advent of
  17. Knife or wire, and the slices fried in a fat such as vegetable oil, butter,or, bacon ,grease. The word" grits" derives from the Old English word" great," meaning
  18. Other sausages *Suppressant de Fabriano - finely emulsified pork flavored with, bacon , salt and pepper, the sausage is smoked and then aged *Mazzafegato the Fabiano
  19. Garlic, breadcrumbs and braised * Spaghetti alley carbonara - spaghetti with, bacon , eggs and pecorino * Beating all'Americana - beating with glacial
  20. Common throughout Canada. * What Americans call Canadian bacon is named back, bacon ,or, if it is coated in cornmeal or ground peas, cornmeal bacon or pea meal bacon
  21. Salad consists of Romain lettuce, boiled eggs (halved or quartered),cooked, bacon ,and a creamy dressing usually accompanied by shredded cheese. Ingredients *
  22. Garlic, oregano,breadcrumbs, olive oil and lemon juice *Music - the, bacon ,or boneless meat from sheep or goat (and in some cases young calf) is cut
  23. Is named back bacon or, if it is coated in cornmeal or ground peas, cornmeal, bacon , or pea meal bacon in Canada. * What most Americans call a candy bar is usually
  24. Und Speck (Low Saxon Born, Bohn un Speck, green beans cooked with pears and, bacon ,), Aalsuppe (Low Saxon Holdup) is often mistaken to be German for“ eel soup
  25. This breakfast includes eggs, sausage,and hash browns and various add-ons like, bacon ,and pancakes at additional costs. In the United States, the local variation
  26. Alla Chiara - a narrow stripped pasta served with a sauce of tomatoes, bacon ,and Pecorino cheese * Hugo DI castrate - mutton sauce made with onion, rosemary
  27. Baked pasta rectangles filed with potato and pumpkin purée and sausage or, bacon ,bits * Tagliatelle all' love - egg pasta noodles, very popular across
  28. Days. The smokers also produce other specialities including smoked salmon and, bacon , Crab, lobster and scallops are commercially fished, and the Queen Scallop (
  29. A boiled egg, and coffee or tea. In Australia, it consists of hash brown, bacon , scrambled eggs, a sausage and tomato, with a vegetarian option with baked
  30. The Hot Brown, a dish normally layered in this order: toasted bread, turkey, bacon , tomatoes and topped with moray sauce. It was developed at the Brown Hotel in
  31. Coppa in this region refers to a boiling sausage made from pig's head, bacon , orange peel, nutmeg and sometimes pine nuts or almonds. It is meant to be eaten
  32. Examples of popular Irish cuisine include beauty, colcannon, coddle,stew, and, bacon , and cabbage. Ireland is famous for the full Irish breakfast, which involves a
  33. Which is chicken breast stuffed with haggis. This can in turn be wrapped in, bacon ,to create a dish known as" Chicken Balm oral ". Haggis can also be used as a
  34. Neapolitan Easter pie with Parmesan cheese, Pecorino cheese, eggs,Salome, bacon , and pepper * Canada DI peace - Fish Canada; bread (baked in the shape of
  35. Alla Chiara - a narrow stripped pasta served with a sauce of tomatoes, bacon ,and Pecorino cheese * Hugo DI castrate - mutton sauce made with onion, rosemary
  36. Cornbread, dumplings (digenic ᏗᎫᏅᎢ),or, in post-contact times, fried with, bacon ,and green onions. Some recipes using hominy include menu do (a spicy tripe and
  37. Irish breakfast, which involves a fried or grilled meal generally consisting of, bacon , egg, sausage,pudding, and fried tomato. Apart from the significant influence
  38. Salad Likewise, a warm salad incorporating potato, green beans and fried, bacon ,A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers
  39. Girl whose flesh he cut into strips, cooked with carrots, onions,and strips of, bacon , This excited him sexually}. Wertheim described how Fish’s account of the
  40. Of the communities and towns of the so-called" Speckgürtel" ( literally, bacon ,belt, meaning the suburban area),such as Bad Homburg, Königstein I'm Taunus
  41. Lardellato - made with lean pork shoulder, or leg meat, along with diced, bacon , salt, pepper,and whole peppercorns. It is cased in hog's intestines, dried
  42. Finely writes that Irish exports of calves, livestock (except pigs), bacon , and ham actually increased during the famine. The food was shipped under guard
  43. Covered with sugar, jam or syrup. Salty variants with cheese, ground meat or, bacon ,exist as well (but aren't usually considered desserts, but main dishes). In
  44. Bacon or, if it is coated in cornmeal or ground peas, cornmeal bacon or pea meal, bacon ,in Canada. * What most Americans call a candy bar is usually known as a
  45. Is also extremely common throughout Canada. * What Americans call Canadian, bacon ,is named back bacon or, if it is coated in cornmeal or ground peas, cornmeal
  46. S dressing are available today. Some recipes include mustard, avocado,tomato, bacon ,bits, garlic cloves or anchovies. Cardini's Brand original Caesar dressing is
  47. Typical Romagna quill shaped egg pasta usually dressed with Glacial (cheek, bacon ,), peas,Parmigiano Region and a hint of cream. * Grain con Alicia -
  48. Of light, thru instead of through, smokey instead of smoky (for" smokey, bacon ," flavor chips),and rucksack instead of rucksack. The spellings of personal
  49. Baked pasta rectangles filed with potato and pumpkin purée and sausage or, bacon ,bits * Tagliatelle all' love - egg pasta noodles, very popular across

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