Examples of the the word, sailing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sailing ), is the 7454 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the best sailing conditions in the Caribbean (some say the world). Many, sailing ,events are held in the waters of this country, the largest of which is a
  2. In the Red Sea. Albuquerque went as chief-captain for the" Coast of Arabia ", sailing ,under command of the Cuba until reaching Mozambique. He carried a sealed letter
  3. A tidal or other stream. Historically, it was of particular relevance to, sailing ,warships which used them to out-maneuver opponents when the wind had dropped
  4. Is a week-long series of races called the Spring Regatta. This is the premier, sailing ,event of the Caribbean, with several races hosted each day. Boats include
  5. Colony of Jamestown, settled two years before. Homers had previous experience, sailing ,with both Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. The flotilla was broken up
  6. White water rafting, gorge walking, kayaking and open canoeing, mountaineering, sailing , mountain biking and rock climbing. They inspire learning through adventure and
  7. Bars of Most Van Dyke. The BVI are known as one of the world's greatest, sailing ,destinations, and charter sailboats are a very popular way to visit less
  8. Of which is a ship representing the Santa María of Christopher Columbus, shown, sailing , beneath the sun. Along the bottom, below the shield appears a banner upon which
  9. In various endeavors including a hamburger stand, air charter service, and a, sailing ,business. In 1949, they were introduced by Neil Peasant (Van Andel's second
  10. S deadliest terrorist attack at sea. On that day, the 10,192 ton ferry was, sailing ,out of Manila, with about 900 passengers and crew. A television set filled with
  11. For centuries; it greatly speeds up any voyages from west to east, but makes, sailing ,extremely difficult from east to west; though this is mostly due to the
  12. Expedition had circumnavigated Africa at the behest of Pharaoh Echo, sailing ,south down the Red Sea and Indian Ocean and northwards in the Atlantic
  13. Swells make the southern tip of the Island an ideal location for wave, sailing ,(an extreme form of the sport of windsurfing). Netball is also popular with
  14. Is contained in a single, miles-deep crater; the story concerns a ship, sailing ,on the ocean of dust at the bottom, which hunts creatures called dust whales
  15. Frequently each day. The ferry boat from Tamika Port in northern Makes, sailing ,north to Moi/Motel in Nagasaki Prefecture, is operated by Masada Sang yo Risen
  16. Selkirk served on the galley Cinque Ports, the St. Georges companion, as a, sailing ,master serving under Thomas Straddling. Castaway In October 1704,after the
  17. Ten days in an open boat before being picked up by the brig Jorgenson, which was, sailing ,from Cuba to London. The Jorgenson provisions were strained by the unexpected
  18. Ships of the line A ship of the line was a large, unarmored wooden, sailing ,ship on which was mounted a battery of up to 120 smooth bore guns and carbonates
  19. Also originated in Bermuda. At the 2004 Summer Olympics, Bermuda competed in, sailing , athletics, swimming,diving, triathlon and equestrian events. In those
  20. The current; once they did, they were able to trim two weeks from their, sailing ,time. In 1853,oceanographer and cartographer Matthew Fontaine Mary reminded
  21. In all the BVI. Calm waters and steady breezes provide some of the best, sailing ,conditions in the Caribbean (some say the world). Many sailing events are
  22. A number of tour boats, ranging from large motorized vessels to small, sailing ,yachts, visit the Antarctic Peninsula during the summer months (January–March
  23. To hunt sea mammals and to travel between islands, the Aleuts became experts of, sailing ,and navigation. While hunting they used small watercraft called Bandannas and
  24. Him with the command of a squadron of five vessels in the fleet of sixteen, sailing ,for India in early 1506 headed by Tristan the Cuba. Their aim was to conquer
  25. Howe's situation was untenable, and the British fled on March 17, 1776, sailing , to their naval base at Halifax, Nova Scotia. Washington then moved most of the
  26. Match racing title ISAF World Match Racing Champion. Match racing unlike other, sailing ,sports is suited to locations like Bornholm due to the racing taking place in
  27. As an island and moderate climate makes Bornholm an ideal location for, sailing ,and other water based sports. Bornholm has also become an internationally
  28. Its location and climate the British Virgin Islands has long been a haven for, sailing ,enthusiasts. Sailing is regarded as one of the foremost sports in all of the
  29. Is an archaic technique, and may be considered a variety of edging: when a, sailing ,vessel is in a narrow channel or on a lee shore so that there is no room to
  30. To India with his cousin Francisco de Albuquerque. Each commanded three ships, sailing ,along with Duarte Pacheco Pereira and Nicolas Coelho. They participated in
  31. World to be considerably smaller than most thought, small enough that a ship, sailing ,west to the Far East could carry enough supplies for the journey. By this
  32. From cooking utensils to baseball bats, watches. * Street lighting poles, sailing ,ship masts, walking poles, etc. * Outer shells of consumer electronics, also
  33. Ships. The situation escalated when the British seized a Dutch merchant convoy, sailing ,under Dutch naval escort in December 1779,prompting the Dutch to join the
  34. Or the techniques of operating aircraft. While the term—literally meaning ", sailing ,the air"—originally referred solely to the science of operating the aircraft
  35. Of their history, and an important marine trade route in the era of the coastal, sailing ,vessels from possibly as early as the 3rd millennium BCE, certainly the late
  36. Who wanted to have fun always needed more. Jim, increasingly drunk, dreams of, sailing ,back to Alaska. He takes down a curtain rod for a mast and climbs on the pool
  37. Quattro Cup and the HypoVereinsbank Ladies German Open presented by Audi. In, sailing , Audi is engaged in the Med cup regatta and supports the team Luna Ross during
  38. For those games. Eight years earlier, Amsterdam assisted in hosting some, sailing ,events for the Summer Olympics held in neighboring Antwerp, Belgium by hosting
  39. Yǔhángyuán" (," sailing personnel in universe" ) or" hángtiānyuán" (,", sailing ,personnel in sky" ) have long been used for astronauts. The phrase" taking
  40. In Russian use космонавт (cosmonaut). In China, the terms" yǔhángyuán" (,", sailing ,personnel in universe" ) or" hángtiānyuán" (," sailing personnel in sky" )
  41. Route between New York and California. The clipper route, which is the fastest, sailing ,route around the world, follows the ACC around three continental capes - Cape
  42. Automobiles. It is important in the prediction of forces and moments in, sailing , It is used in the design of large components such as hard drive heads.
  43. To prove that the world was round, because he expected to reach the Far East by, sailing ,west. In fact, it was generally accepted by Columbus' time that the world was
  44. In many family island settlements. They usually feature one or more days of, sailing ,by old-fashioned work boats, as well as an onshore festival. Some settlements
  45. Has since been lost—that he had begun 17 years before, two years after he quit, sailing , The last entry of 1772 was a recounting of how much he had changed since then.
  46. Has also become an internationally recognized venue for 'match racing ',a, sailing ,sport where two identical (or one design) supplied racing yachts are raced in
  47. 1972 the BVI has hosted the Spring Regatta, which is a seven-day collection of, sailing ,races throughout the islands. A substantial number of the tourists who visit
  48. Misfortunes, including a plague and a lack of wind, prevented the army from, sailing , Finally, the prophet Catches announced that the wrath of the goddess could
  49. Then secret" spice islands ", Albuquerque sent an expedition of three ships, sailing ,east to find them, led by trusted António de Abreu with the deputy commander
  50. A large scale test with 500 schoolchildren aiming mirrors at an of a Roman, sailing ,ship 400 feet (120 m) away. In all the experiments, the sail failed to

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