Examples of the the word, scientology , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Control" over the patient. " It is the firm conclusion of this Board that most, scientology , and diabetic techniques are those of authoritative hypnosis and as such are
  2. Non-confidential, that were anonymously posted to the newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , in 1995. Samizdat was a major feature of the Scientology versus the Internet
  3. A forged message; (2) not discussed on alt. Config; (3) it has the name ", scientology ," in its title which is a trademark and is misleading, as a. r. s. is mainly
  4. The first of many anonymous messages was posted to alt. Religion., scientology , containing the text of the" secret" writings of Scientology known as the OT
  5. To remove his postings from the newsgroup. Attempt to remove alt. Religion., scientology , On January 11, 1995,Scientology lawyer Helena Robin attempted to shut down
  6. The identity of a person who had been posting anonymously to alt. Religion., scientology , with the pseudonym of" Safe ". *In March 2001,legal threats from Scientology
  7. Ghost-faced bats or mustached bats) The newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , ( often abbreviated a. r. s or AS) is an Usenet newsgroup started in 1991 to
  8. Scientology The word surgery was coined in the newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , an Internet newsgroup where people discuss the controversial belief system of
  9. Church's internal computer servers and posted to the newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , by a Tenet user, representatives of the Church contacted Interpol, who in turn
  10. By falsely signing their names to offensive posts. Origins in alt. Religion., scientology , The word surgery was coined in the newsgroup alt. Religion. Scientology, an
  11. In charge of the surgery project. The surgery attack against alt. Religion., scientology , ended a few months after the name and address of one of the perpetrators was
  12. She was assigned in 2000 to monitor postings to the newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , Christman took the screen name of" Magoo ", and posted multiple times to the
  13. Of the organization. Alt. Religion. Scientology The newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , was created in 1991 by Scott Goering, partly as a joke, partly for the purpose
  14. Without heavily filtering. A prominent example occurred in alt. Religion., scientology , Prevalent in recent times is the MI-5 Persecution spam, which is well known
  15. Bunker; soon afterwards an unidentified individual posted to alt. Religion., scientology , and boasted of" silencing" Christman. Christman resided in Los Angeles
  16. Deletion of material from the Dena News archive. Participants in alt. Religion., scientology , began using quotes from OT III in particular to publicize the online battle
  17. By the Church of Scientology are posted to Usenet group alt. Religion., scientology , church lawyers send threats of legal action to several users and attempt to
  18. The Church's appeal, finding " fair dealing in The Mind Benders in criticizing, scientology , and that it was in the public interest to investigate and disclose. " Following
  19. If there should be detected in this Report a note of unrelieved denunciation of, scientology , it is because the evidence has shown its theories to be fantastic and
  20. Lawsuits against outspoken critics of the organization. Alt. Religion., scientology , The newsgroup alt. Religion. Scientology was created in 1991 by Scott Goering
  21. Out by the public, and it doesn't want its members to know that they can get, scientology ,outside the Church of Scientology ". Litigation as Harassment of Critics In
  22. Operating Theta documents are published on the newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , through an anonymous retailer. This marks the beginning of Scientology's
  23. Between authoritative hypnosis and most of the techniques of Scientology. Many, scientology , techniques are in fact hypnotic techniques, and Hubbard has not changed their
  24. Helena Robin attempted to shut down the Usenet discussion group alt. Religion., scientology , by sending a control message instructing Usenet servers to delete the group on
  25. CDC declared war on the Church of Scientology in 1995 during the alt. Religion., scientology , controversy,stating In 1997,before online distribution of audio files was
  26. With coining the term" Surgery" in the Usenet newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , to which he is a regular contributor. " Surgery" refers to internet attacks
  27. Parliament member, went as far as to say" Everything points to the, scientology , cult having played a direct role in making Kara choose to take her own life ".
  28. The following statement::" We request that you remove the alt. Religion., scientology , newsgroup from your site. The reasons for requesting its removal are: (1) It
  29. Sitter" program blocks users from accessing the newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , as well as many Websites containing information critical of Scientology, and
  30. Theories in the book A Piece of Blue Sky by Jon Attack. " ... unhappily, scientology , is as often mistaken for science as theology is for worship. " --The New Word
  31. Anderson Report in 1965 declared:" The Board is not concerned to find that the, scientology , techniques are brainwashing techniques as practiced, so it is understood, in
  32. What Really Happened in INCOME – Part 2" was posted to alt. Religion., scientology , by a former Scientologist named Dan Gavin, which described events within the
  33. Scanned, converted to text, and posted onto the Usenet newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , by ex-Scientologist Arnie Lemma. The material was then placed on the Worldwide
  34. Mallia" /> Speculation on campus, and on the Internet newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , about the role Gale's Scientologist upbringing might have played in his
  35. A synopsis of the screenplay was posted to the newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , in 1995. Scientology critic Grady Ward published a summary of the material. The
  36. In May 1996,an estimated 20,000 messages were sent. ) Activity Alt. Religion., scientology , remains one of the more popular newsgroups on Usenet, averaging three to four
  37. Is any difference between authoritative hypnosis and most of the techniques of, scientology , Many Scientology techniques are in fact hypnotic techniques, and Hubbard has
  38. The" Religious Freedom Watch" site is often cited by alt. Religion., scientology , users as a contemporary example of" dead getting. " Dead getting has also
  39. Rights are reserved by Brett Hanover. " MSNBC quoted journalist and, scientology , critic Mark Bunker, who stated," It appears that Scientology has hired
  40. The software is designed to completely block out the newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , various anti-Scientology websites, and all references to various critics of
  41. Chief. Its true authorship remains unclear, the three common hypotheses being:, scientology , founder L. Ron Hubbard, Kenneth Goff (alias Oliver Kenneth Goff),or both
  42. Host on BCN and helped on several bits with t and r. including" the church of, scientology ," commercial (so funny) Hardy - current hub headlines and weekend host on
  43. Internet for the first time in a posting to the Usenet newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , through an anonymous retailer. This led to an online battle between Church of
  44. Were often written by Corea's friend Neville Potter, and were quite often, scientology ,themed-though this is not readily apparent to those not involved in
  45. Intense and aggressive campaign was waged online. The newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , found itself at the center of an electronic maelstrom of information and
  46. As the Fishman Affidavit, were posted to the Internet newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , in August 1995 by Arnie Lemma and on the World Wide Web by David S. Gretzky.
  47. Defense. Daily reports of the latest happenings were posted to alt. Religion., scientology , The newsgroup's popularity exploded. As the months and years wore on and the
  48. In the courts. Creation of the newsgroup On July 17, 1991,the alt. Religion., scientology , newsgroup was created by Scientology critic Scott Charles Goering, who
  49. The Menu story, to the internet via the Usenet newsgroup alt. Religion., scientology , Time in Scientology Lemma started in Scientology at the age of 16 at the
  50. A forged message; (2) not discussed on alt. Config; (3) it has the name ", scientology ," in its title which is a trademark and is misleading, as a. r. s. is mainly

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