Examples of the the word, nw , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nw ), is the 7453 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cross in the crypt Image: Würzburg Cathedral N Transept Schoenberg Chapel f, nw , JPG|North transept and Schoenberg Chapel Image: Würzburg Cathedral Schoenberg
  2. Also 25 noun clusters (BR, bl,by, by,Dr, dy, dw, gr,GW, kr, kl,kw, mw, my,NW, pr, pl,PW, py, sw, sy, tr,TW, ty, hw) and 4 diphthongs (aw, ay, iw, uy)
  3. w) (NW (A) - NW (A) ) (NW (B« ) - NW (B» )) (NW (C ◊) -, nw , ( C ♦) ) 1. The notion of local hidden variables is now introduced by
  4. Of 10 sets of double letters: BH, gb, gh, kh, kp, kw (rarely used),MH, nw , NY, sh. e.g. BHI, Ibha, Gbe, Agba GHA, Ughe kHz, Akhuẹ PA, Ẹkpoma Main Owen
  5. man e man) (relative-config man ne man) (relative-config man, nw , man NW man) )) ) The result of loading of this ZRF into Zillions-of-Games and
  6. Oak — Europe, West Asia *Quercus Rosa — Net leaf Oak — # southwestern U. S., nw , Mexico *Quercus ballerina — Deer Oak — # SW. Oregon, northern California
  7. Credit unions—was formed to replace the Bureau. Sense longer elder visor, nw , på NLTT grenade / forbade / och under en Anna kick an tilförenna upstate
  8. To around 50 BC. The original Egyptian name for the text, transliterated raw, nw , prt m how is translated as" Book of Coming Forth by Day ". Another translation
  9. Of Christ (0.3 % NW) * median weekly income is $196 per week (cf $466/wk, nw , ) * median family income is $452 per week (cf $1,171/wk NW) * 4.1 persons in
  10. Code: no tangle -Hello. C hello. Nw > hello. C no tangle -Hello. PHP hello., nw , > hello. PHP Compatibility no web defines a specific file format and a file is
  11. Is a letter present in many African languages where it represents (IPA) or. ‹, nw , › is used in IBO for, and in Arrested for. ‹ no › is used for the click in
  12. The latest Elementary school to open is named Grove Valley, it covers the,NW,192nd and Portland (Highway 74) area. In the 2008-09 school year, the four
  13. Angola to s Congo *P. m. amanuensis (Neumann,1898) — n Namibia’s Angola and, nw , Botswana *P. m. transvaalensis (Neumann,1899) — Botswana, Zimbabwe and n
  14. B« ) (C ◊) (w) (NW (A) - NW (A) ) (NW (B« ) - NW (B» )) (, nw , ( C ◊) - NW (C ♦) ) 1. The notion of local hidden variables is now
  15. And c2,and with detector counts such that: p (A) (B« ) (C ◊) (w) (, nw , ( A) - NW (A) ) (NW (B« ) - NW (B» )) (NW (C ◊) - NW (C ♦) ) 1.
  16. Ngy, my,KW, ngẅ (=): PW (MBC),law (new),TW, tsw, chw, shw, sw, zw, zhw, nw , new, ŋw All noun and verb roots begin with a consonant; initial vowels are
  17. New Minster) File: Würzburg Cathedral N Transept Schoenberg Chapel f, nw , JPG|Schönbornkapelle (Schoenberg Chapel) File: Würzburg - Apple (Winter).
  18. P6. Adidas. HTML willing land some, nw , är ballad sterile OC Zealand. A crusade to the east started by the kings of
  19. Four directions: n (north) - one step up, e (east) - one-step right, nw ,- diagonally up-left and né - diagonally up-right. The directions are used in
  20. 7.5 degrees for medium pacers, and 5 degrees for spin bowlers. Enforcing these, nw , measures proved problematic, as the laboratory based measurement systems used
  21. Mexico *Quercus oblongifolia — Mexican Blue Oak — # southwestern U. S., nw , Mexico *Quercus oglethorpensis — Oglethorpe Oak — southeastern North America
  22. Is defined as relative piece configurations, using directions n, e,né and, nw , from board definition. Implemented games Zillions of Games is so called because
  23. N is below some other number m if there is some string of digits w such that, nw , = m. For example,0.2 is below 0.234,since one can obtain the latter by
  24. Per week (cf $1,171/wk NW) * 4.1 persons in average household size (cf 2.6,NW, ) Communities Council Statistics Ngaanyatjarra Council (Aboriginal Corporation
  25. Man e man) (relative-config man ne man) (relative-config man NW man, nw , man )) )) The result of loading of this ZRF into Zillions-of-Games and
  26. Shell hairless. *Quercus Arizona — Arizona White Oak — # southwestern U. S., nw , Mexico *Quercus Austria — Bluff Oak — southeastern North America *Quercus
  27. Document in HTML format is: no weave -filter l2h -index -HTML hello., nw , | Hamilton > hello. HTML ... and in LaTeX format: no weave -index -latex hello.
  28. Htmltoc > hello. HTML ... and in LaTeX format: no weave -index -latex hello., nw , > hello. Tex To extract machine source code: no tangle -Hello. C hello. Nw >
  29. Week (cf $466/wk NW) * median family income is $452 per week (cf $1,171/wk, nw , ) * 4.1 persons in average household size (cf 2.6 NW) Communities Council
  30. Nw > hello. Tex To extract machine source code: no tangle -Hello. C hello., nw , > hello. C no tangle -Hello. PHP hello. Nw > hello. PHP Compatibility no web
  31. CSA Mine near Cobra mines copper; Endeavor Mine extracts zinc, is 43 km, nw , of Cobra; Gino Mineral Sand Deposit is 30 km west of Poincare; Murrawombie
  32. Marina, southwest quadrant Image: Zanier Park view. JPG|Zanier Park view (, nw , quadrant ) of Bridge, showing: debated elevation appearance, proximity to
  33. With detector counts such that: p (A) (B« ) (C ◊) (w) (NW (A) -, nw , ( A) ) (NW (B« ) - NW (B» )) (NW (C ◊) - NW (C ♦) ) 1. The notion
  34. The following initial groups: PS; thank you, ny, ly; x (ks),EU (kw),NW (> N. Q., nw , ) sty in Coloring Kenya, in Mandarin Kenya (cf. SC vs. such in Polish),and
  35. Or pa (Practicing Attorney) Clues beginning with B *Bearing - n, e,s, w,né, nw , etc. (compass points) *Book (or books) - NT (New Testament),OT (Old
  36. Mountains of n China (Liaoning); * multipunctata (Gould,1849) Pakistan and, nw , India; * hemispila (Vigor's,1831) Himalayas (w Nepal to s Kashmir); *
  37. Also 25 noun clusters (BR, bl,by, by,Dr, dy, dw, gr,GW, kr, kl,kw, mw, my,NW, pr, pl,PW, py, sw, sy, tr,TW, ty, hw) and 4 diphthongs (aw, ay, iw, uy)
  38. Public domain. @ Assuming that the above code is placed in a file named 'hello., nw ,', the command to extract the human-readable document in HTML format is:
  39. That: p (A) (B« ) (C ◊) (w) (NW (A) - NW (A) ) (NW (B« ) -, nw , ( B» )) (NW (C ◊) - NW (C ♦) ) 1. The notion of local hidden variables
  40. Is based on your groups' performance. Half your NW plus half your groups total, nw , divided by 3. Tournament Server is an all out free for all
  41. Races, M., ( 1992b). SUR queues Cyclists (Crustacea, Cumacea) DES aux, nw , d'Australia. Travail du Museum d'History Naturally Gig ore Antipas 32: 251–256.
  42. Left/middle/right" ( 112 0) )); columns (directions (n -1 0) (e 0 1) (, nw ,-1 -1) (ne-1 1) )) ) (piece (name man) (help" Man: drops on any empty
  43. Commands apply: > n, s,e, w: Short for" go north "," go south ", etc. >, nw , né, sw, se: Short for" go northwest "," go southwest ", etc. > u and d:
  44. Counts such that: p (A) (B« ) (C ◊) (w) (NW (A) - NW (A) ) (, nw , ( B« ) - NW (B» )) (NW (C ◊) - NW (C ♦) ) 1. The notion of local
  45. Live in this LGA * 26.3 % affiliate with the Churches of Christ (0.3 %, nw , ) * median weekly income is $196 per week (cf $466/wk NW) * median family
  46. Dw › = may be distinguished from with a diacritic:. Likewise, velar ‹, nw , › () may be transcribed. Orthographic ‹ nu › is palatalized. Vowels The Alan
  47. c. Satunini (Hardly,1908),Crimean Peninsula, Caucasus,Transcaucasia and, nw , Iran to e Turkey * C. c. Persians (Branford,1873),Zagros Mountains The two
  48. Moro. Kiley county has been converted to Amur District, and Nova county is, nw , Nwoya District. In the past, Kilak and Nova were counties in Guru District.
  49. With 86.1 % natio nw ide) * 65.9 % speak Ngaanyatjarra at home (cf 0.0006 %, nw , ) - 880 of the 1000 speakers of this language live in this LGA * 26.3 %

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