Examples of the the word, rebate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rebate ), is the 7455 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Practically eliminate most of the price advantage, achieved by way of the 50 %, rebate ,Proton (and other“ Malaysian-made” cars) enjoy on a hefty (75 to 105 %)
  2. Some countries. However, with the introduction of Internet gambling has come ", rebate ,shops ". These offshore betting shops in fact return some percentage of every
  3. S government negotiated a special annual UK rebate in 1984. Due to the way the, rebate ,is funded, France pays the largest share of the rebate (31 %),followed by
  4. Of US$1.25 billion, National Board of Revenue (NBR) is set to withdraw tax, rebate ,facilities on investment in the capital market by individual taxpayers from the
  5. Both corporate and personal) with a national retail sales tax and monthly tax, rebate ,to households of citizens and legal resident aliens. The tax proposal is named
  6. Etc.) In marketing, coupon codes can be used for a financial discount or, rebate ,when purchasing a product from an internet retailer. In military environments
  7. Power with credits which do not appear in prices in the form of a price, rebate ,and a dividend. Formally called a" Compensated Price" and a" National (or
  8. If a consumer spent $100 for a good, the National Credit Authority would, rebate ,the consumer $25. The good costs the consumer $75,the retailer receives $100
  9. And" selfishness" are therefore seen as extremely self-serving. If the, rebate ,were removed without changes to the CAP then the UK would pay a net
  10. Due June 30 each year. Residents earning less than $5000/year can receive a $42, rebate , on the EMS tax through the borough office. Subdivisions are reviewed by the
  11. Down to the nearest pound),500 points are earned, which translates to a, rebate ,of £2.50 to be redeemed at the next shop. The same applies at Home base. Nectar
  12. Of a C64,so the consumer could send the TS1000 to Commodore, collect the, rebate , and pocket the difference; Timex Corporation departed the computer market
  13. Trading in another computer or video game console. To take advantage of this, rebate , some mail-order dealers and retailers offered a Timex Sinclair 1000 for as
  14. Index, the government has a variety of options, such as issuing a tax, rebate ,or taking other fiscal or monetary action to stimulate the economy. Conversely
  15. And the food was cooked. Directly aft of the galley was the mast step,a, rebate ,in the centre-most timber of the keel son, right above the keel, which supported
  16. Income to the Village which in turn provides eligible residents with a tax, rebate , HSBC completed construction of its North American Headquarters in Ottawa in
  17. Ventura succeeded in several initiatives. One of the most notable was the, rebate ,on Sales tax. In each year of his administration, Minnesotans received a
  18. Used widely by governmental and private payers" and that Johnson & Johnson's, rebate ,programs" have been and remain lawful and appropriate ". Name investor/>
  19. Credit Office would be charged with the task of calculating the size of the, rebate ,and dividend by determining a national balance sheet, and calculating aggregate
  20. To see re-opened, both in their efforts to defend the UK position on the UK, rebate ,and also given that the UK is in favor of lowering barriers to entry for third
  21. Duty-free and quota-free and there are no export subsidies for cotton. UK, rebate ,and the CAP The UK would have been contributing more money to the EU than any
  22. And calculating aggregate production and consumption statistics. The price, rebate ,is based upon the observation that the real cost of production is the mean rate
  23. Share for certain pharmaceutical manufacturers, and thereby increased hidden, rebate ,payments it received from pharmaceutical manufacturers. " In response to the
  24. Code for the town, whereas all ZIP codes beginning with 555 are reserved for, rebate , contest, and fulfillment services. Geography According to the United States
  25. Nets The Medicare Safety Nets provide families and singles with an additional, rebate ,for out-of-hospital Medicare services, once annual thresholds are reached.
  26. The thickness of the belly and is usually made of a contrasting color wood. The, rebate ,for the half-binding must be extremely precise to avoid compromising structural
  27. Corporation. They are one of the largest employers in the town. They process, rebate , coupon, and other marketing programs for many businesses. Furthermore, they receive a great
  28. Of Fort Collins has established an economic development policy that allows the, rebate ,of use taxes paid by qualifying firms on qualifying equipment. On a
  29. Except that Margaret Thatcher's government negotiated a special annual UK, rebate ,in 1984. Due to the way the rebate is funded, France pays the largest share of
  30. Be taking over his father's role as mayor. Crestwood's government used to, rebate ,to its residents a portion of their property and other municipal tax payments.
  31. Of production is less than the financial cost of production, the Douglas price, rebate ,(Compensated Price) is determined by the ratio of consumption to production.
  32. More expensive than Web TV (which at this time was typically $50 after, rebate ,) and lacking many features that PC users and Web TV users found standard, the
  33. For tourism promotion overseas. The package also includes a salaries tax, rebate , and reduced rates. On April 26,Wu Yi was named Zhang Wenkang's replacement
  34. Fiscal year, income tax rate reductions started on July 1,2001. In addition, rebate ,checks were sent to everyone that filed a 2000 income tax return (before Oct 1
  35. Has more than double the land area of the UK. In comparison, the UK budget, rebate ,for 2005 is scheduled to be approx €5.5 billion. The popular view in the UK (
  36. And through hard bargaining managed to obtain for Britain a £6 billion per year, rebate ,on the basis that Britain paid a disproportionately high financial contribution
  37. Reconciliation Act of 2003. Income tax rates were immediately reduced and, rebate ,checks issued (without waiting for the new fiscal year). Federal revenues in
  38. And electricity bills) *Support the abolition of the 30 % private healthcare, rebate , to increase funding for public healthcare Immigration: *support for
  39. 1984. Due to the way the rebate is funded, France pays the largest share of the, rebate ,(31 %),followed by Italy (24 %) and Spain (14 %). The discrepancy in CAP
  40. In the UK (as, for example, set forth in the tabloid press) is that if the UK, rebate ,were reduced with no change to the CAP, then the UK would be paying money to
  41. Area to be made larger. The Super 8 standard also specifically allocates the, rebate ,opposite the perforations for an oxide stripe upon which sound can be
  42. Other singles and families is $1,126.00. Somewhat negating the benefit of the, rebate , As at March 2010 approximately 44.5 % of Australians also retain private
  43. Featured on the front,there's a board game on the back, and a special $3, rebate , for Runaway Reptar on the side. This cereal was released for a limited time
  44. In the 1870s and 1880s had used economic threats against competitors and secret, rebate ,deals with railroads to build what was called a monopoly in the oil business
  45. Engine-capacity-related Excise Duty applied to new cars sold in Malaysia. This, rebate ,is largely responsible for non-Malaysia ASEAN-made cars costing between 30 and
  46. Was reported in the news media. Manufacturers were asked to suspend drug, rebate ,programs for physicians and to also suspend marketing the drugs to patients.
  47. a billion. In December 2005 the UK agreed to give up approximately 20 % of the, rebate ,for the period 2007–2013,on condition that the funds did not contribute to CAP
  48. Charge premiums, at the programs' discretion. Part C plans may also choose to, rebate ,a portion of the Part B premium to the member. Deductible and coinsurance Part
  49. Words, local tax or accounting rules may treat a dividend as a form of customer, rebate ,or a staff bonus to be deducted from turnover before profit (tax profit or
  50. American video game crash of 1983. In January 1983,Commodore offered a US$ 100, rebate , in the United States on the purchase of a C64 to anyone trading in another

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