Examples of the the word, councillor , in a Sentence Context
The word ( councillor ), is the 7465 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- As Tetzel had been. In 1888,Jules Verne entered politics and was elected town, councillor ,of Aliens, where he championed several improvements and served for fifteen
- Second term councillor Bruce Grand of Ward 2 (Nashwaaksis) and third term, councillor ,Mike O'Brien of Ward 3 (Fulton Heights/North Devon),and first term
- Into a political tradition. Some current councillor s include second term, councillor ,Bruce Grand of Ward 2 (Nashwaaksis) and third term councillor Mike O'Brien
- It as a party of drug-dealers and football hooligans. Evans remains a, councillor , describing himself as a" national socialist ". In late 2007,several BNP
- Wards (six on each side of the Saint John River),with each ward electing one, councillor , The Boyce Farmers Market, open on Saturday mornings, is a place where
- Plus a lone Liberal Democrat, bolstered by a subsequent defection of a, councillor ,who had originally been elected as a Conservative, defected to Labor, went
- Asset Management Agency On 23 February 2008,it was announced that a former UUP, councillor , Colonel Harvey Bicker, had joined FF. Fianna Fáil has registered with the UK
- Anticipation for the duel, Shakespeare requests more alarms after Richard's, councillor , William Gatsby, announces that the king is" enacting more wonders than a man
- On the Danube River in 1505,eventually becoming the town architect and a town, councillor , His first signed works date to c. 1506,including engravings and drawings such
- d. 1728) *1658 – Archibald Campbell,1st Duke of Argyle, Scottish privy, councillor ,(d. 1703) *1683 – Pieter Langendijk, Dutch dramatist and poet (d. 1756)
- Large swing back to Labor from the Conservatives. Since the election, a Labor, councillor ,joined the Conservatives while a Conservative councillor became an independent.
- To 1.7 per cent of the Legislative Council (upper house) vote. Their sole, councillor ,up for re-election, Kate Reynolds, was defeated. After the election, South
- And again in a postal ballot in March 2006. ) Brian Wilson, formerly a, councillor ,for the Alliance Party, won the Green Party's first seat in the Northern
- As a" national socialist ". In late 2007,several BNP officials, including, councillor , Sadie Graham and head of administration Kenny Smith, had pressed for the
- Advises the Chamber of Deputies in the drafting of legislation. The function of, councillor ,ends after a continuous or discontinuous period of fifteen years or when the
- It also had 15 candidates elected to town and borough councils. However one, councillor ,has since resigned from the party In Government The Green Party entered into
- Votes each political party had in that district, so a district can be led by a, councillor ,from a different party than the executive council. The districts are based
- 2007,the Lib Dem/SNP coalition held 28 of the 43 seats). In August 2009 a, councillor ,resigned from the Liberal Democrats and became an independent. The Conservative
- The election, a Labor councillor joined the Conservatives while a Conservative, councillor ,became an independent. CLR Jonathan Driver, who became Mayor in 2008,died
- S first electoral success came in 1993,when Derek Beacon was returned as a, councillor ,in Mill wall, London. He lost his seat in elections the following year. The next
- Medical charity. He also began a career in politics, serving as a Conservative, councillor ,on the Greater London Council during 1967–70. One organization Archer worked
- The Prussian ministry for foreign affairs, and in 1853 was promoted to be privy, councillor ,of legation (Defamer Legationsrath). Abe ken remained in charge of more than
- Former Conservative Director of Campaigning, Gavin Barbell, was a Croydon, councillor ,between 1998 and 2010 and since 2010 is the MP for Croydon Central. Some 10,000
- McGuinness rejected the claims as" fantasy ", while Gerry O'Hara, a Sinn Féin, councillor ,in Derry stated that he and not Ward was the Dianna leader at the time. Over
- In with convicted murderers, rapists and pedophiles. The author, BNP, councillor , Julian Expert, defended it and said that the reason why gay MPs were included
- Des nobles, the principal educational establishment of the state; later on, as, councillor , of embassy, he took part in the negotiations which led to the assumption of the
- Composer (d. 1676) *1680 – John Sidney,6th Earl of Leicester, English privy, councillor ,(d. 1737) *1692 – Pierre-Claude Novella de La Chassé, French writer (d.
- 13 SNP,10 Labor,4 Conservative councillor s and a single independent, councillor , After an SNP by election gain from the Conservatives on 16 August 2007,the Lib
- Mike O'Brien of Ward 3 (Fulton Heights/North Devon),and first term, councillor ,Jordan Graham of Ward 11 (UNB/East End Area). Graham is a University of New
- a few ethnic minorities as candidates and have an elected Jewish, councillor , Patricia Richardson. Formerly the party also had a half-Turkish Cypriot
- Seat; he returned there after the disastrous Battle of King's Landing. His, councillor , the red priestess Melisande of Asshat, tried to convince him to let her raise
- BNP membership was unknown to his employer, Serco, until he was elected as a, councillor , His employer was concerned that he might endanger its contract with a local
- Dramatist (b. 1604) *1720 – Thomas Grey,2nd Earl of Stamford, English privy, councillor ,(b. c. 1654) *1729 – Jakob Hoogeveen, Dutch explorer (b. 1659) *1736 –
- Of his merits, the emperor of Austria made him a knight of the Iron Crown and a, councillor ,of state at Milan, where he died. He bequeathed a considerable sum to found a
- Red bridge, Pendle and Leeds. In 2006,the BNP also gained its first parish, councillor ,in Wales when Mike Howard of RHEL Most, Flintshire, previously an
- Before entering Parliament. Councillor From 1976 to 1978,Widdecombe was a, councillor ,for Runnymede District in Surrey. She contested the seat of Burley in
- The mayor and deputy mayor are elected annually by councillor s, and SDLP, councillor ,Gerard Diver's term as mayor began in June 2008. The local authority
- Women; Shaw declined to stand as an MP, but in 1897 he was elected as a local, councillor ,to the London County Council as a Progressive. In 1906 the Shaw's moved into a
- Was chosen as a council candidate in Bradford. Sharon Banks, the BNP's first, councillor ,in Birmingham, has denied claims made by her stepmother that she is mixed race.
- Disruption it could cause. In October 2010,a Democratic Unionist Party, councillor ,in Northern Ireland, Bobby McKee, condemned a BNP leafleting campaign in his
- Richardson. Formerly the party also had a half-Turkish Cypriot, half-English, councillor , Lawrence Rusted. In 2006,Sharif Abdul Gawd, partly Armenian and Greek, was
- In Catalan, distritos in Spanish),each one with its own council led by a city, councillor , The composition of each district council depends on the number of votes each
- End Area). Graham is a University of New Brunswick student and the youngest, councillor ,ever elected to city council. Fredericton and provincial/federal politics
- The Vichy government from 1942 to 1944). A consider general (departmental, councillor ,) must be at least 21 years old and either live or pay taxes in locality from
- Servant in Prussia could find his duties precisely set out: a minister or, councillor ,failing to attend a committee meeting, for example, would lose six months' pay
- Their seats and the party gained a seat with the defection of a Conservative, councillor ,in Lincolnshire bringing its total to 49. The biggest gain in the local
- 51 Conservatives,25 Liberal Democrats, one Labor and one Community Campaign, councillor ,sit on the County Council. Southampton City Council, which is entirely
- To have been lovers. Augustus III of Poland also honored him with the title of, councillor , In 1754,after seven years' residence partly in Berlin and partly in Dresden
- In a postal ballot election of party members in May 2011. Jonathan based former, councillor ,Catherine Martin defeated Down based Dr John Barry and former Senator Mark
- Monitored the contest. The president's ODP/MT won over 1,100 of some 1,700, councillor , seats being contested. In February 1996,the ruling ODP/MT merged with several
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