Examples of the the word, spirituality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spirituality ), is the 7468 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have applied a conspiracy model to interpreting the emergence of New Age, spirituality ,and linking that to speculations about fulfilled prophecies heralding Christ's
  2. With materialistic society was giving rise to a new appreciation of, spirituality , This shift in ideals was often expressed through a reevaluation of the natural
  3. Free Assembly,1974). While the Scandinavian branch emphasizes pantheist, spirituality ,rooted in medieval and contemporary Scandinavian folklore, the American branch
  4. Human beings, not business entities, have the necessary faculties of belief and, spirituality ,that enable them to possess and exercise religious beliefs. Harvard College (a
  5. Most important patron of the arts at that time, as a return to tradition and, spirituality , One of the great periods of art history, Baroque Art was developed by
  6. Was reinforced by Pope Benedict XIV, who ordered a ban on Chinese rituals. On, spirituality , Confucius said to Chi Lu, one of his students, that " You are not yet able to
  7. Also refer to a personal set of beliefs having to do with the role of nature in, spirituality , Deism can be a belief in a deity absent of any doctrinal governance or precise
  8. Plus a number of independent clubs: Culture, international association and, spirituality ,There are several associations, clubs and circles associated with the TU/e
  9. When Heidegger became involved with the Nazis. After the war he wrote on Jewish, spirituality ,; most of his family had been murdered by the Nazis in Lithuania. Levine then
  10. The Manichean's. With charity, the other concept that most defines the work and, spirituality ,of the Order, study became the method most used by the Dominicans in working to
  11. Of religion in general and of Judaism in particular; and human yearning for, spirituality , He offers his views as to Judaism being a pattern for life. God in Search of
  12. To Jewish law. He discusses the need to correlate ritual observance with, spirituality ,and love, the importance of Havana (intention) when performing mitzvot. He
  13. Association between an increase in attendance to AA meetings with increased, spirituality ,and a decrease in the frequency and intensity of alcohol use over time. One of
  14. Images of the divine. Third, English Dominican mysticism focused on an embodied, spirituality ,with a structured love of fellow men at its center. Finally, the supreme
  15. Citizen of the middle class:" Dandyism in certain respects comes close to, spirituality ,and to stoicism" and" These beings have no other status, but that of
  16. Manifestation of theology in the realms of liturgy, piety and, to some extent, spirituality , Anglican diversity in this respect has tended to reflect the diversity in the
  17. Structure. A number of these houses became centers of study and mystical, spirituality ,in the 14th century. There were one hundred and fifty-seven nunneries in the
  18. Z Budapest, the New York Redstocking's W. I. T. C. H. manifesto, or woman's, spirituality ,movements, who emphasize self-initiation, womanism and non-hierarchical
  19. Of recovery was seen in both agnostics and atheists, which indicates that while, spirituality ,is an important mechanism of behavioral change for AA, it is not the only
  20. S first paintings on religious themes, and the emergence of remarkable, spirituality , The first of these was the Penitent Magdalene, showing Mary Magdalene at the
  21. Kabbalah, and Hasidim. According to some scholars, he was more interested in, spirituality ,than in critical text study, which was a specialty of many scholars at JTS. He
  22. To Walcott and published in the Times Literary Supplement. Themes Methodism and, spirituality ,have played a significant role from the beginning, in Walcott's work. He
  23. Ark hip Sindhi (c. 1842–1910) and Ivan Pushkin (1832–98). Friedrich's, spirituality ,anticipated American painters such as Albert Pink ham Ryder (1847–1917),Ralph
  24. Pride and offers the delusion of divinity ", but also motivates creativity and, spirituality ,; Ahriman as the dark spirit, which tempts human beings to" ... deny their link
  25. Ásatrú Folk Assembly defines it as" an expression of the native, pre-Christian, spirituality , of Europe. " Blot Many Ásatrú groups celebrate with blots. Historically, the
  26. Writers in the Dominican Order. In this role, he added significantly to its, spirituality , His writings are permeated with" religious good sense," and he used
  27. Father's will. Concerning humanity as the image of Christ, English Dominican, spirituality ,concentrated on the moral implications of image-bearing rather than the
  28. Warfare, social and economic development, the future of the human condition, spirituality , and philosophy. Terraforming is a natural outgrowth of colonizing an alien
  29. Center that was the focus of Gilbert's quest for balance through traditional, spirituality ,and healing that leads to love. Newly launched packages by luxury resorts and
  30. Single habit, refused to carry money, and would allow no one to serve him. The, spirituality ,evidenced throughout all the branches of the Order reflects the spirit and
  31. His mastery of language, though Baudelaire thought he lacked deeper emotion and, spirituality , Both strove to express the artist's inner vision, which Heinrich Heine had
  32. And this was his most lasting contribution to the Order. The growth of the, spirituality ,of young preachers was his first priority. He once cried to his students: "...
  33. Healing The medical community (and others) have taken some interest in, spirituality ,and healing. The Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education
  34. Playing a New Age style of music with liner notes promoting the instruments, spirituality ,which misleads consumers about the didgeridoo's secular role in traditional
  35. The participants spiritual beliefs, especially in those individuals who had low, spirituality ,at the beginning of the study. The results indicated that there was a robust
  36. Of spirituality but as an agent of the Roman Empire that seeks to dominate, spirituality , It is a unique narrative that effectively links the domination of the soul to
  37. Edition replaced the word" white" with the word" pure ", emphasizing inward, spirituality , Doctrinal reforms and influences Good Neighbor policy (LDS Church) and
  38. Yet both had widespread influence in their societies. Spirituality Dominican, spirituality ,The spiritual tradition of Dominic's Order is punctuated not only by charity
  39. Devotion to the Virgin Mary was another very important aspect of Dominican, spirituality , especially for female members. As an Order, the Dominicans believed that they
  40. Maurice transformed Hooker's emphasis on the international nature of Anglican, spirituality ,to an imperative for social justice. In the 19th century, Anglican biblical
  41. Writings had become popular reading among lay people interested in pursuing, spirituality , In her writings, she described the love of God as piercing her heart like a
  42. Of extreme formal symbolism in which Christ is resurrected not as an agent of, spirituality ,but as an agent of the Roman Empire that seeks to dominate spirituality . It is
  43. Disappeared. In the 19th and 20th centuries, prominent figures of Indian, spirituality ,such as Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi, Swami Savanna and A. C.
  44. Whole. Animals, both domesticated and wild, were therefore a critical source of, spirituality , companionship, and sustenance to the ancient Egyptians. Cattle were the most
  45. Were produced in Italy and Sweden, respectively. They are characterized by, spirituality ,and metaphysical themes, long takes, lack of conventional dramatic structure
  46. A number of groups committed to environmentalism, feminism,psychology, and/or, spirituality ,and personal growth, or that they were suffering from a variety of common and
  47. Of the Church. All of these ideas associated with mysticism were at play in the, spirituality ,of the Dominican community, and not only among the men. In Europe, in fact, it
  48. As seen below. Albert us Magnus Another who contributed significantly to the, spirituality ,of the Order is Albert us Magnus, the only person of the period to be given the
  49. Most religions hold that ethical egoism is the product of a lack of genuine, spirituality ,and shows an individual's submersion in greed. Religious egoism is a
  50. A exemplified in media exaltation of superficiality, cosmetic surgery, New Age, spirituality ,mysticism, pop psychology, motivational speakers, success gospel evangelism

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