Examples of the the word, outdoors , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outdoors ), is the 7452 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Km) skywalk system, allowing people to move between buildings without going, outdoors , As of 2008 a light rail tram system has been proposed. Greyhound Bus Lines and
  2. As it is underwater swimming. Such non-competitive diving can occur indoors and, outdoors , Outdoor diving typically takes place from cliffs or other rock formations
  3. Century Many cities, towns,and department stores put up public Christmas trees, outdoors , such as the Rich's Great Tree in Atlanta, the Rockefeller Center Christmas
  4. Of organic architecture. Glass allowed for interaction and viewing of the, outdoors ,while still protecting from the elements. In 1928,Wright wrote an essay on
  5. They do not grow a flower. In gardening, annual often refers to a plant grown, outdoors ,in the spring and summer and surviving just for one growing season. Many food
  6. In the open air," and is particularly used to describe the act of painting, outdoors ,.; en point: (in ballet) on tiptoe. Though used in French in this same
  7. Candies, of various sizes, are hidden for children to find, both indoors and, outdoors , When the hunt is over, prizes may be given for the largest number of eggs
  8. Interference-free wireless operation to around 100 meters (109 yards), outdoors , much fewer indoors when separated by walls. Operates clearly in common
  9. Painted from nature. It was from Corot that Pissaro was inspired to paint, outdoors , also called" plan air" painting. Pissaro found Corot, along with the work
  10. Apples in the trees for her sake. However, it was dangerous to leave the plow, outdoors , because if Freya sat on it, it would no longer be of any use. The Orion
  11. Physical or mental prowess. Games may be geared for children, or may be played, outdoors ,such as lawn bowling. Equipment may be necessary to play the game such as a
  12. The west by the Belmont border, and on the east by railroad tracks. Parks and, outdoors ,Consisting largely of densely built residential space, Cambridge lacks
  13. Hosting planners artists from all over the world, who are invited to paint, outdoors ,in Alameda's amazing range of light and temperate climate. The FCA is also
  14. By both males and females. In countries where winter prevents play, outdoors , hockey is played indoors during the off-season. This variant, indoor field
  15. At the close of the 17th century as a handsome greenhouse plant, and is hardy, outdoors ,in the south of England and Ireland if protected from severe frosts. The plants
  16. While women advertise domestic products. Men are more likely to be shown, outdoors ,or in business settings. Women are depicted in domestic settings. Men are more
  17. Lawn. An Easter egg hunt is a common festive activity, where eggs are hidden, outdoors ,(or indoors if in bad weather) for children to run around and find. This may
  18. Its most essential, the process of composting requires simply piling up waste, outdoors ,and waiting for the materials to break down from anywhere between 6 weeks or
  19. Renditions of rural life ”. Pissaro later explained the technique of painting, outdoors ,to a student::” Work at the same time upon sky, water,branches, ground
  20. A" very small and not-over-particularly-taken-care-of boy ". He spent time, outdoors , but also read voraciously, especially the picaresque novels of Tobias Smollett
  21. Large area. He was thus the first to successfully project an entire image from, outdoors ,onto a screen indoors with the camera obscure. In addition to physical optics
  22. In the peasant village, the axial cut is used twice. When the villagers are, outdoors , gathered in a circle, weeping and lamenting the imminent arrival of the
  23. Sulfur Diesel fuel indicates a vapor explosion hazard for Diesel indoors, outdoors , or in sewers. US Army gasoline-engined tanks during World War II were
  24. Life. Also, because Concetta was occupied by refugees, films were shot, outdoors , on the devastated roads of a defeated country. This genre soon also became an
  25. Personal life relatively private. He enjoyed the company of his family, being, outdoors , hunting and fishing, and actively working on his farm in Mooresville. In
  26. Coming in the house would be something like putting on your hat and going, outdoors , " Gray cliff consists of three buildings set within 8.4 acres of landscape
  27. Utility knife Large fixed-blade utility knives are most often employed in an, outdoors ,context, such as fishing, camping,or hunting. Outdoor utility knives typically
  28. The Costa Brave especially during the summer months when these songs are sung, outdoors ,accompanied by a cremate of burned rum. Other music styles are Catalan rumba
  29. Products that enable people with reduced mobility to move freely indoors and, outdoors ,(wheelchairs/scooters) * Vehicles modified with Height adjustable suspension
  30. It is possible to travel between several casinos without ever going, outdoors , McCurdy Station of the United States Antarctic Program and other scientific
  31. Low-effort food-production systems include urban gardening (indoors and, outdoors ,). Indoor cultivation may be set up using hydroponics, while outdoor
  32. Was held in 1904. The United States defeated Canada in the first final, played, outdoors , This competition has usually been dominated by the United States, whose team
  33. The CCC also led to a greater public awareness and appreciation of the, outdoors ,and the nation's natural resources; and the continued need for a carefully
  34. Preconceptions. Pissaro, on the other hand, preferred to finish his paintings, outdoors , often at one sitting, which gave his work a more realistic feel. As a result
  35. Vale of Neath. Wallace's work on the survey involved spending a lot of time, outdoors ,in the countryside, allowing him to indulge his new passion for collecting
  36. Maintained basketball courts, but less regulated variations are often played, outdoors ,in both inner city and rural areas. History Creation In early December 1891
  37. By wind, competitive badminton is played indoors. Badminton is also played, outdoors ,as a casual recreational activity, often as a garden or beach game. Since 1992
  38. Or convex or uneven (for" crown-green bowls" ). It is normally played, outdoors ,although there are some indoor venues and the surface is either natural grass
  39. Using the tracking ability is sometimes especially effective, particularly, outdoors , Other groupings can also be effective. Especially popular is During with
  40. Often from a nursery, to be stored at nurseries in planters or planted later, outdoors ,and enjoyed (and often decorated) for years or decades. Others are produced
  41. Ballast have difficulty starting lamps in very cold conditions, so lights used, outdoors ,in cold climates need to be designed for outdoor use to work reliably.
  42. In the early 21st century ". The levels of Duke Nuke 3D take the player, outdoors ,and indoors through rendered street scenes, military bases, deserts,a flooded
  43. Respiratory system, so it should be employed in a well-ventilated area such as, outdoors , Materials Paper comes in a variety of different sizes and qualities, ranging
  44. Lake Recreation Area The Richmond Lake Recreation Area is used by all types of, outdoors ,enthusiasts. Three separate areas in this park cater to the needs of campers
  45. To" taunt" and a" harmony" line of spells (like" pacify ", but only works, outdoors ,) which allow them to play the role of" tank" to a limited degree. They can
  46. Notable student groups include the nation's largest and oldest collegiate, outdoors ,club, the Dartmouth Outing Club, which includes the nationally recognized Big
  47. Perform baptisms indoors in a baptismal font, a swimming pool, or a bathtub, or, outdoors , in a creek or river. Baptism memorializes the death, burial and resurrection of
  48. Suited to the particular set of tasks they are designed to perform. Thus,an, outdoors ,utility knife suited for camping or hunting might use a broad three to
  49. Alexander held the remains of the roof on his shoulders as the children fled, outdoors , The onset of Alexander's kidney failure was later linked to the blunt trauma
  50. Of performers that consist of instrumental musicians who generally perform, outdoors ,and incorporate some type of marching (and possibly other movements) with

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