Examples of the the word, preparedness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preparedness ), is the 7451 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Disease threats. This allows for informed pandemic planning and enhanced, preparedness , History of development In 1854,John Snow depicted a cholera outbreak in
  2. German magazine Der Spiegel publishes an article about the Bundeswehr's poor, preparedness ,; the Spiegel scandal erupts. * October 9 – Uganda becomes independent within
  3. An economic collapse. North urged his readers to take" prudent" survivalist, preparedness ,measures. In the event there were no significant problems (dispute continues
  4. For instance, when in May 2004 the BBC's Panorama program examined the, preparedness ,of Britain's emergency services for a terrorist attack on the scale of
  5. Third term as President, and the government's alleged lack of military, preparedness , Willie claimed that he would keep most of FDR's New Deal welfare and
  6. Therefore leading to coordinated response and assist in preparation of, preparedness ,plans. Efficient surveillance systems can also improve the risk assessment for
  7. Shift from defensive to active containment and advocated aggressive military, preparedness , NSC-68 shaped government actions in the Cold War for the next 20 years and has
  8. Quick to fear dangerous situations were more likely to survive and reproduce, preparedness ,is theorized to be a genetic effect that is the result of natural selection.
  9. To utilize popular culture to educate the public about all-hazards, preparedness , Diseases with which the CDC is involved Influenza The CDC has launched
  10. Or medical geology. *Disaster medicine deals with medical aspects of emergency, preparedness , disaster mitigation and management. *Diving medicine (or hyperbaric medicine
  11. For YouTube submissions of the most creative and effective videos covering, preparedness ,for a zombie apocalypse (or apocalypse of any kind). The CDC challenges
  12. Fears are also easier to induce in the laboratory. This phenomenon is known as, preparedness , Because early humans that were quick to fear dangerous situations were more
  13. Overrode these concerns. The 9/11 Commission Report noted that lack of, preparedness ,could have led to the deaths of first responders at the scene of the attacks.
  14. By a royal warrant. Service in each organization involved different levels of, preparedness , Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries With the decay of the feudal system and
  15. In part) identifying local disaster threats, disaster impact, mitigation and, preparedness ,concepts, and an overview of Citizen Corps and CERT. Hands on skills include
  16. Participant in Partnership for Peace (PFP) and has sought to demonstrate its, preparedness ,to take on the responsibilities and burdens of membership in the Alliance. The
  17. Grant Commission, appointed to assess responsibility for Israel's lack of, preparedness ,for the war, exonerated the government of responsibility and held the Chief of
  18. Running the Danish Maritime Safety Administration, Danish national rescue, preparedness ,and the administration of conscientious objectors (
  19. Network Operations Centers (OCS) to support national security and emergency, preparedness ,(NS/EP) telecommunications network restoration coordination, transmission of
  20. And as Willkie's support sagged he turned to criticism of Roosevelt's lack of, preparedness ,in military matters. However, during the campaign Roosevelt shrewdly preempted
  21. In pressure (to at least 29 psi absolute) caused by the fire. Emergency, preparedness ,The board noted that: the test planners had failed to identify the test as
  22. And respond to emergencies. FAO focuses on strengthening capacity for disaster, preparedness ,and ability to mitigate impact of emergencies on food security, by forecasting
  23. Withdraw 1,000 troops from Iraq due to rising hostilities with Russia. Their, preparedness ,and training skills are evaluated on highest level by international experts.
  24. Impact, may cause public panic, or require special action for public health, preparedness ,.;, inhalation,ingestion of contaminated water or insect bites. Francisca
  25. For a possible influenza pandemic the WHO published a document on pandemic, preparedness ,guidance in 1999,revised in 2005 and in February 2009,defining phases and
  26. Sovereign state, government,forms of government ** civil defense, emergency, preparedness , community emergency response teams ** industrial policy, investment policy
  27. Shade of meaning, such as crisis management, emergency management, emergency, preparedness , contingency planning, emergency services, and civil protection. In some
  28. Expenditures in the state totaling $75,801,364; immunizations, bioterrorism, preparedness , and health education were the top three most funded medical items. Instances
  29. World where they live and work appears partially driven by shortages of time, preparedness ,and willingness to contribute. The supplicants for deep knowledge appear to
  30. National Center for Medical Readiness, a national training program for disaster, preparedness ,and relief. The Moonshot School of Medicine at Wright State University is the
  31. Activation warning" ( ACTUARY) taking NATO to an increased level of military, preparedness ,for both a limited air option and a phased air campaign in Kosovo. The other
  32. Relief Fund has since become PLANT NOW, an organization that seeks to provide, preparedness ,resources for people living in hurricane and severe-storm afflicted areas.
  33. Was highly popular. Hughes advocated a program of greater mobilization and, preparedness ,; some pro-Wilson newspapers claimed that Hughes, if elected, was secretly
  34. Address in Reply debate, after giving some specific instances of Germany's war, preparedness , he said" The Government simply cannot make up their mind, or they cannot get
  35. Disaster management, on the other hand involves: *pre-disaster planning, preparedness , monitoring including relief management capability Disaster reduction is a
  36. Or loss of property, or degrade or threaten the national security or emergency, preparedness ,posture of the United States. NS/EP telecommunications are managed and
  37. Order (E. O.) 12472 which broadened the NCS' national security and emergency, preparedness ,(NS/EP) capabilities and superseded President Kennedy's original 1963
  38. Wisdom of his foreign policy initiatives, FDR continued his twin policies of, preparedness ,and aid to the Allied coalition. On December 29, 1940,he delivered his Arsenal
  39. Situations of large magnitude * to support the national societies with disaster, preparedness ,through the education of voluntary members and the provision of equipment and
  40. Motion study; a collection of papers on the efficient method to industrial, preparedness , (1917) with Frank B. Gilbert * Fatigue Study: The Elimination of Humanity
  41. Ship types with King Held of Wu (r. 514 BC-496 BC) while explaining military, preparedness , Before labeling the types of warships used, Zixu said: Medieval and later use
  42. He bore" personal responsibility for the assessment of the situation and the, preparedness ,of the IDF. " * Intelligence Chief, Aluf Eli Zara, and his deputy, head of
  43. Of the Committee of Imperial Defense charged with researching the defense, preparedness ,of other nations. Lord Swanton as Secretary of State for Air, and with Baldwin
  44. A military themed fundraiser in which all proceeds go towards vital disaster, preparedness ,education and response in Western New York communities. * Juneteenth Festival is
  45. Technologies with similar goals have emerged, such as microformats. Purpose and, preparedness ,Its critics have questioned its feasibility, however,more and more
  46. And complete account of the circumstances of the attacks, including, preparedness , for,and the immediate response to, the attacks. On July 22, 2004,the report
  47. Citing environmental, worker safety, migrant labor, national security, disaster, preparedness , foreign policy, government accountability and democratic governance issues to
  48. As does the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in regard to disaster, preparedness , Unofficially, it is one of the biggest barrier islands in the world, shielding
  49. Natural and technological disasters. In recent years there has been emphasis on, preparedness ,for technological disasters resulting from terrorist attack. Within EU
  50. To 12,000 troops will be conducted between September 19 and 27, 2011 to raise, preparedness ,and co-ordination in Arab Spring style anti-destabilization techniques. Other

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