Examples of the the word, foolish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( foolish ), is the 7459 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The two couples and their young counterparts argue furiously about how, foolish ,they were when they were young. Suddenly, at the peak of madness and confusion
  2. The Dragon, which are not found in the Hebrew volume, proves that he is just a, foolish ,sycophant. For I was not relating my own personal views, but rather the remarks
  3. Following the whiteface's directions. Sometimes the August is confused or is, foolish ,and is screwing up less deliberately. The contra-auguste The contra-auguste
  4. And expresses to the king his wish to leave. The king points out that this is a, foolish ,idea, but generously helps them do so. The pair continue their journey, now
  5. Equally memorable and influential on Walt Whitman is Emerson’s idea that“ a, foolish ,consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, adored by little statesmen and
  6. Logically exclude this: I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really, foolish ,thing that people often say about Him: 'I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great
  7. Captured many of the simple-hearted of the Hindus, and even of the ignorant and, foolish ,followers of Islam, by his ways and manners … for three or four generations (
  8. At best average height with straw-coloured hair, a beaked nose, and a vaguely, foolish ,face. (Reputedly his looks were patterned after those of academic Roy Ridley.
  9. For the Demiurge,“ Salas,” is Aramaic for“ fool” ( Syriac sækla“ the, foolish ,one” ). Marion According to Marion, the title God was given to the Demiurge
  10. And" idiocy" describe an extreme folly or stupidity, and its symptoms (, foolish ,or stupid utterance or deed). In psychology, it is a historical term for the
  11. Practical moral life. ” TiB 1955 XI p. 547“ 9 … refrain from investigations of, foolish ,questions, from research into the histories of the genealogies, and from
  12. Anatole France. ) *" If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a, foolish ,thing. " *" The people who have no weaknesses are terrible: there is no way of
  13. Or" mere breath ", depending on translation, as the lives of both wise and, foolish ,men end in death. While Omelet clearly endorses wisdom as a means for a
  14. In the Vermont Journal accusing the administration of" ridiculous pomp, foolish ,adulation, and selfish avarice ". While awaiting trial, Lyon commenced
  15. Bishop of Alexandria ... as for the others, since in our judgement they are, foolish ,madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of
  16. Zeal certainly outran his knowledge. The letter opens with all apology that a ", foolish ,Scot" should be charged to write for a Lombard king. He acquaints the pope
  17. Instance, that the child Lady Macbeth refers to in the first act died during a, foolish ,military action. Witchcraft and evil In the play, the Three Witches represent
  18. To portray the war in a simplistic manner with brave troops being led by, foolish ,officers. There has been a similar movement regarding the French Army during
  19. Would spare the civilians, which was rejected by both sides, who regarded it as, foolish , Behind the scenes, he began to work for imprisoned Algerians who faced the
  20. Claimed to dislike his name, which he" associated with the naive, even, foolish , hero of Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest ". The family's
  21. Lunatic" is a commonly used term for a person who is mentally ill, dangerous, foolish , unpredictable; a condition once called lunacy. Lunar hypothesis In a 1999
  22. Lucas and others argued that Keynesian economics required remarkably, foolish ,and short-sighted behavior from people, which totally contradicted the economic
  23. It was able to snatch a victim to devour. The moral of this story was that, foolish ,people are seduced by false doctrines. Lausanne () is a city in Romany, the
  24. Plot forward. In Ann Radcliffe’s The Romance of the Forest, Peter is talkative, foolish , and comedic. His attempt to relate a particular story to his master takes an
  25. In the fire and screamed in fright, which angered Demeter, who lamented that, foolish ,mortals do not understand the concept and ritual. Instead of making Demotion
  26. Royal stables of Seville and was a highly trained and loyal war horse, not a, foolish ,stallion. The name in this instance could suggest that the horse came from the
  27. More harm in the cause of Jesus Christ than any living man; that he is leading, foolish ,and untaught Christians, simple people that do not know the Word of God, into
  28. Were punishable with death from the 4th Century to the 17th,it would be, foolish ,to expect to discover any consistent line of people or groups holding such
  29. A verb phrase Following on from 'fart' being used to refer to an irritating or, foolish ,person, the verb phrase 'fart around ', meaning to spend time foolish ly or
  30. Used as a non-specific derogatory epithet, often to refer to 'an irritating or, foolish ,person ', and potentially an elderly person, described as an 'old fart '. This
  31. Correspondents to the FBI. Thumb regretted this decision, which he called ", foolish ,". After two FBI agents showed up at his home, he understood that" their
  32. Was humiliated by imprisonment a second time, for rightly opposing Louis's, foolish ,assault on Damascus with his remaining army, fortified by King Conrad and King
  33. Both of these concepts, Locke warns against, for example, letting " a, foolish ,maid" convince a child that" goblins and sprites" are associated with the
  34. Said of a person named" Elizabeth" who has done something that we regard as, foolish ,). In Korzybski's system,one's assessment of Elizabeth belongs to a higher
  35. For my own good. " (Fable by Anatole France. ) *" If 50 million people say a, foolish ,thing, it is still a foolish thing. " *" The people who have no weaknesses are
  36. She believed that it was this inferior education that turned them into, foolish ,people, but women" could easily be concentrated and solidified upon objects of
  37. To his subjects on an equal footing: Minus Marcellus saw in that only the, foolish ,vanity of someone" excessively anxious for empty distinction ", whose " desire
  38. To as" pride that blinds ", as it often causes one accused of hubris to act in, foolish ,ways that belie common sense. In other words, the modern definition may be
  39. Alternative title is" Salas ", Aramaic for" fool" ( Syriac sækla" the, foolish ,one" ). Gnostic myth recounts that Sophia (Greek, literally meaning" wisdom
  40. His full sister Princess Karl no Ōiratsume, although the action was regarded as, foolish , In order to prevent the influence of the other families, a half-sister of
  41. That Asia has offered herself as wife to Farad'n, an offer Farad'n was not, foolish ,enough to accept. Asia dresses as a commoner and goes to witness a speech by
  42. These letters over to them. Thumb regretted this decision, which he called ", foolish ," after two FBI agents showed up at his home, and it became clear that" their
  43. Between church and state. Related to this was the observation that it was, foolish ,to deny to God the same honor that was freely given to the human emperor.
  44. A major proponent of the Beau Arts movement, thought that Wright was making a, foolish ,mistake. Yet for Wright, the classical education of the Cole lacked creativity
  45. Was offered the position of commissioner, but he replied that he was not so, foolish ,as to take over Bell's position. Pete Rozelle was eventually elected the third
  46. Zachariah Chandler, he " disgraced himself and the Senate by making a drunken, foolish ,speech. " In early 1865,Johnson talked harshly of hanging traitors like
  47. Him to" curse God, and die" but Job answers," You speak as one of the, foolish ,speaks. Moreover, shall we receive good from God and shall not receive evil? "
  48. And discipline became increasingly troublesome. ” TiB 1955 XI p. 548:“ Avoid, foolish ,questions, and genealogies In these the Jews particularly delighted; they
  49. Epitaph for the noblest of English kings. " Therefore he seems to me a very, foolish ,man, and truly wretched, who will not increase his understanding while he is in
  50. Midway, gave him rough parity with Nagumo's First Mobile Force. Following a, foolish ,nuisance raid by Japanese flying boats in May, Nimitz dispatched a minesweeper

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