Examples of the the word, unavailable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unavailable ), is the 6307 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of a successful outcome and sufficient debtor in possession financing may be, unavailable ,during an economic recession. A preplanned, preagreed approach sometimes called
  2. Recommends this procedure, also called sharp curettage, only when MVA is, unavailable , Other techniques must be used to induce abortion in the second | archiver
  3. Weeks or months at a time, were reluctant to travel far from home and thus were, unavailable ,for extended operations, and lacked the training and discipline of soldiers
  4. 11 was delayed past its intended July launch (at which point Andes would be, unavailable ,if needed) and would later join Lovell's crew and ultimately be assigned as
  5. A home friendly game against Hungary on 11 August 2010,with Beckham still, unavailable ,for selection but aiming for a return to playing in the MLS by the following
  6. Of The Police. When the show was picked up as a weekly series, Copeland was, unavailable , so Christopher France of Tangerine Dream was hired. France was the composer
  7. Not come about until 1900,and home rule for cities was extremely limited or, unavailable ,until statehood took effect. U. S. Territory Starting in the 1890s and
  8. There or the Revolutionaries would regain control, and these troops were thus, unavailable ,for further offensive operations. In addition, despite the professionalism and
  9. Which also contains distinctive features. One of the best known aspects, unavailable ,in any other source is that of the skull cup. In Paul the events that lead to
  10. With Renewed Emmy, UCR made use of Tudor and Late Cornish prose materials, unavailable ,to Dance. Williams published his English–Cornish Dictionary in this orthography
  11. Series coincided with the filming of The Silence of the Lambs, making Hopkins, unavailable , The role instead went to Roy Mars den. Awards Besides his win for The Silence
  12. On appeal in very rare instances, for example if that material evidence was, unavailable ,to a party for some very significant reason such as prosecutorial misconduct.
  13. To impossible. Established ocean routes, for example, are generally seen as, unavailable ,for private appropriation. Anarcho-capitalists tend to concur with free-market
  14. And 3,549 members were FM. Statistics on AM and GM categories are currently, unavailable , In 2010 TDI underwent major changes in policy and structure with the goal of
  15. Near adults was an old tradition in Rome when a suitable natural adult heir was, unavailable , This was the case during Britannic us' minority. S. V. Most suggests that
  16. A wide range of" playing equipment ", which in most apartments or houses is, unavailable , Slings, St. Andrews crosses (or similar restraining constructs),spanking
  17. Been assigned exclusively to that plant under the Soviet system and were still, unavailable ,elsewhere to the former Soviet republics in the early 1990s. Up-to-date
  18. A bottle of hard liquor. (Despite the name, Texas mickeys are generally, unavailable ,outside of Canada. ) * Two-four: a case of 24 beers, also known as a" flat "
  19. Have changed with expanding knowledge (for example, DNA sequencing, unavailable ,in Linnaeus' time, has proven to be a tool of considerable utility for
  20. Between 1 km and 2 km in length,2 are less than 1 km in length, and data is, unavailable ,for the remaining 4. Antarctic airports are subject to severe restrictions and
  21. South, the crossbow was used for hunting when firearms or gunpowder were, unavailable ,because of economic hardships or isolation. In Brazil the CIGS (Jungle Warfare
  22. Took office in 2001 because Bush's first choice, FedEx founder Fred Smith, was, unavailable , He immediately announced a series of sweeping reviews intended to transform
  23. From the familiarity was the fact that the legendary Clamped mansion was, unavailable ,for a location shoot as the owners' lease was too expensive. Henning himself
  24. Flies and parasitic worms that breed in cattle dung. The beetles make the dung, unavailable ,to breeding pests by quickly rolling and burying it in the soil, with the added
  25. So much of the black letter, but the course of decisions in New York renders it, unavailable ,..." Instead, it presumably refers to the practice of setting law books and
  26. Platform from August 19 at 5pm ET on channel 812 however, the channel is still, unavailable ,on the satellite platform of the service. Regionalization Since 1999,Radio 1
  27. From the voices heard by the mentally ill when it reveals information, unavailable ,to the clairaudient person by normal means (including cold reading or other
  28. Desert and central highlands (18 %). An up-to-date demographic profile is, unavailable ,from the country's government, which hasn't published census data since 1976.
  29. Included more violent action scenes than the U. S. version. Although initially, unavailable ,in the U. S., and distributed in Europe and Asia via theatrical and local
  30. And can be represented by and ‎/ or if, unavailable , and ‎/ are used, respectively. * For Arabic language speakers, the phoneme can
  31. Without using a medium of exchange, such as money. It is usually) or simply, unavailable ,for conducting commerce. History Contrary to popular conception, there is no
  32. This major source of fertilizer would either become extremely expensive or, unavailable , This would either cause food shortages or dramatic rises in food prices.
  33. When 12 pays 3:1,and neutralizes the house edge on the field. * Big 6/8 are, unavailable , These bets are equivalent to placing or buying 6 or 8 as points, which have
  34. Of blessing of the" sick or afflicted ", though oil is not required if it is, unavailable , The priesthood holder anoints the recipient's head with a drop of oil, then
  35. State may, as digital signals, be perfectly decidable or may become completely, unavailable , In areas where transmitting antennas are located on mountains, viewers who are
  36. About 40 gal (150 l) of fuel was below the fuel pickup point and thus, unavailable ,for use. The flaps-down setting gave the aircraft a more level flight attitude
  37. Bacteria were produced. Information on many of the Soviet projects is largely, unavailable , Aerosolized pneumonic plague remains the most significant threat. The plague
  38. Jose Valverde and Miguel Cabrera were added as reserves. (Overland was, unavailable ,to play in the game due to the scheduling of his regular-season starts. )
  39. Of structs, as well as the size of certain typesets such as off’t, are entirely, unavailable ,in assembly language without help from a configured script, and differ even
  40. As a modern feminist, particularly since the word and the concept were, unavailable ,to her. Although it is commonly assumed now that the Rights of Woman was
  41. Other methods to deal with seasonal variations in flow. Where such sources were, unavailable , reservoirs - either separate from the canal or built into its course - and
  42. A ligature by writing a small an on top of the letter a; if an å character is, unavailable , some Scandinavian languages allow the substitution of a doubled a. The
  43. Automatically to other users if they attempt to make contact when the user is, unavailable , It is analogous to the voice message on an answering machine or voice mail
  44. The Red Army—much of the literature was published in Russian or Georgian, and, unavailable , for many years in the West. Their use has continued since the end of the Cold
  45. Substances Act's" closed system" although this closed system may be, unavailable ,or nonfunctioning in the event of accidents in remote areas or disasters such
  46. Though Oklahoma! Orchestrator Russell Bennett had informed Rodgers that he was, unavailable ,to work on Carousel due to a radio contract, Rodgers insisted he do the work in
  47. To offer both information about the protest and information on Pail previously, unavailable ,to the public. Just three weeks after its launch, the site received more than a
  48. And easily addressed by software, were standout features of Amiga hardware, unavailable ,on PC platforms for years. Third-party sound cards exist that provide DSP
  49. Rum and coffee-could be had at dollars-only stores, but were hard to find or, unavailable ,at peso prices. As a result, Cubans who earned only in the peso economy
  50. Triangle aspects of the novel, the film became a worldwide blockbuster, but was, unavailable ,in Russia until Perestroika. In 2002,the novel was adapted as a television

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