Examples of the the word, exert , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exert ), is the 6322 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With severe liver disease, increasing its half-life. Some quinolone antibiotics, exert ,an inhibitory effect on the cytochrome P-450 enzyme CYP1A2,thereby reducing
  2. To the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan and also, exert ,considerable influence in other Central Asian nations. * China has security
  3. Old son and heir, who was to become DOM Pedro II. As the new emperor could not, exert ,his constitutional prerogatives until he reached maturity, a regency was
  4. Princess, Bertha,daughter of Charier I the King of Paris who was expected to, exert ,some influence over her husband. Before reaching Kent the missionaries had
  5. Play a game and win (successful shared talent event). While playing, members, exert , energy on behalf of the team (personal investment in the group). As the team
  6. Control of the fine details of movements. Other motor-related brain areas, exert ,secondary effects by projecting to the primary motor areas. Among the most
  7. Style and other architectural movements such as Bauhaus and Art Deco began to, exert ,an influence on almost all Greek architects, and many buildings both public and
  8. Emerged during the scientific revolution of 17th century Europe and came to, exert ,a powerful influence during the eighteenth century enlightenment. By virtue of
  9. Shifting priorities It was during this period that the Soviets started to, exert ,themselves in several new theaters of action, in particular through Cuba during
  10. Systems are able to execute their actions. Rewards and punishments, exert ,their most important neural effects by altering connections within the basal
  11. In the North, where lack of autonomy and monolingual public schooling in French, exert ,great pressure on the Basque language. However, in Navarre, Basque has been
  12. Providing direct evidence that toxic radicals may mitohormetically, exert ,life extending and health promoting effects. Superoxide dismutase, catalase and
  13. Through their art and culture, First Nations, Inuit and Métis continue to, exert ,influence on Canadian identity. The question of Canadian identity was
  14. Has been noted to slow the development of tolerance to opioids and, exert ,additional analgesia by acting upon the MDA receptors; some analgesics such as
  15. Plane ", but also stimulates intellectually and technology. Both figures, exert ,a negative effect on humanity when their influence becomes misplaced or
  16. Of opposition caucuses, are known as backbenchers. Backbenchers can, however, exert , their influence by sitting in parliamentary committees, like the Public
  17. Can cocaine or other addictive drugs. Serotonin Amphetamine has been found to, exert ,similar effects on serotonin as on dopamine. Like DAT, the serotonin
  18. Cases resulting in human injury, particularly to fingers. A closing door can, exert ,up to 40 tons per square inch of pressure between the hinges. Because of the
  19. Bicycle patrol units, including the possibility that some bicycle saddles, exert ,excessive pressure on the urogenital area of cyclists, restricting blood flow
  20. From an evolutionary-biological point of view, the function of the brain is to, exert ,centralized control over the other organs of the body. The brain acts on the
  21. Enzyme oxidation. A great interest in oysters arose when they were shown to, exert ,inhibitory actions on cholesterol biosynthesis. This finding became known as
  22. Say that the" findings ... suggest that chronic DHEA supplementation would, exert ,antiatherogenic effects, particularly in elderly subjects who display low
  23. The cosmopolitan city's Pagan, Jewish,and Christian inhabitants. He began to, exert ,his authority by causing the churches of the Novations to be closed and their
  24. Drug metabolites and adverse effects. Benzodiazepines include: Benzodiazepines, exert ,their anxiolytic properties at moderate dosage. At higher dosage hypnotic
  25. And l-amphetamine (or a race mic mixture of the two isomers),is believed to, exert ,its effects by binding to the monoamine transporters and increasing
  26. Larger atoms exert a compressive force on neighboring atoms, and smaller atoms, exert ,a tensile force on their neighbors, helping the alloy resist deformation.
  27. The archenemy of bhangra, Punjabi folk, and its hip-hop form, folkhop, began to, exert ,an influence over US R&B music, when Missy Elliott released the
  28. Their place in the order of succession. Through her children Agnes would, exert ,much influence in Jerusalem for almost 20 years. Conflicts with the Muslim
  29. Aria, Variza) is also in clinical development. Barbiturates, exert ,an anxiolytic effect linked to the sedation they cause. The risk of abuse and
  30. In the County Records office, which he and his followers were to later use to, exert ,their claim to the right to use the church's identity and property. In all of
  31. The force of tension as a function of s. The chain is flexible, so it can only, exert ,a force parallel to itself. Since tension is defined as the force that the
  32. Council member). The following table is ranked for the power the member states, exert ,on Council decisions, and lists their population figures (criterion three)
  33. Would after them, the Incas encountered fierce resistance and so were unable to, exert ,control in the south. During their attempts at conquest in 1460 and again in
  34. Conflict emerge between the sons of Constantine the Great, and his attempt to, exert ,his perceived rights of primogeniture ended up causing his death in a failed
  35. This model was developed to ensure that no area of the country is able to, exert ,undue influence in the Senate. The Maritime, with its much smaller proportion
  36. The Pogo oscillation, which would not only hamper engine performance, but could, exert ,significant g-forces on a crew. A task force of contractors, NASA agency
  37. Anesthetics act by reducing the effects of glutamate; most tranquilizers, exert ,their sedative effects by enhancing the effects of GAZA. There are dozens of
  38. And protect the eastern marches. In 948 Emperor Otto I established margraves to, exert ,imperial control over the pagan Slavs west of the Oder River. Otto founded the
  39. Like the Quebec nationalist Bloc Québécois and the Green Party of Canada can, exert ,their own influence over the political process. Context Canada's governmental
  40. e.g. codeine, oxycodone,hydrocodone, dihydromorphine, pethidine) all, exert ,a similar influence on the cerebral opioid receptor system. Buprenorphine is
  41. The new central hub of human civilization, and interplanetary crime syndicates, exert ,influence over the government and the Inter-Solar System Police (ISP)
  42. S Hellenic empire would extend into Central Asia; two Islamic empires would, exert ,substantial influence throughout the region; and the modern state of Iran has
  43. Individual when they could not by themselves, as politically apt chimps can, exert ,power over aggressive interactions regardless of their rank. Coalitions can
  44. The early years of this period, was followed by a failed attempt to permanently, exert ,a prominent role in the League of Nations after military involvement in World
  45. About its center of mass. The control systems include actuators, which, exert , forces in various directions, and generate rotational forces or moments about
  46. By the neurotransmitters it releases. The great majority of psychoactive drugs, exert ,their effects by altering specific neurotransmitter systems. This applies to
  47. And was less transparent for passengers. The Direct Connect allows American to, exert ,more control over their distribution, save costs and better sell ancillary
  48. Sometimes a result of the sizes of the atoms in the alloy, because larger atoms, exert ,a compressive force on neighboring atoms, and smaller atoms exert a tensile
  49. Territorial conquest, the historical record is more of tribes using warfare to, exert ,political control and harass rivals, for economic advantage, and in some
  50. And HCO3− are carefully regulated by a number of homeostatic mechanisms, which, exert , their influence principally through the respiratory system and the urinary

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