Examples of the the word, predecessor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( predecessor ), is the 6324 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. OCCAM and its, predecessor , the Office of Alternative Medicine, have spent more than $2.5 billion on such
  2. Has been used to cover billiards tables since the 15th century. In fact,the, predecessor ,company of the most famous maker of billiard cloth, Iwan Simon is, was formed in
  3. An astronaut employed by the Russian Federal Space Agency (or its Soviet, predecessor ,) is called a cosmonaut in English texts. Which derives from the Greek words
  4. Only a few weeks after signing the agreement, Shuja was deposed by his, predecessor , Mahmud. Much later, he was reinstated by the British, ruling during 1839-1842.
  5. Basically continued the free-market and privatization-policies of its, predecessor , The relatively robust economic growth of the mid-1990s continued until about
  6. 49 of 85) provincial elections. The New Democratic Party (NDP) and its, predecessor ,the CCF have been the main opposition force to business-oriented parties since
  7. Otherwise, replace it with either the largest in its left subtree (in order, predecessor ,) or the smallest in its right subtree (in order successor),and remove that
  8. And expandability the Apple II was a major technological advancement over its, predecessor , the Apple I, a limited-production bare circuit board computer for electronics
  9. Domain, and consolidated the empire's power after a weak performance by his, predecessor , He took power as Platoon in the year 7 Rabbit (1486),after the death of
  10. Specifications * Motorola 68000 CPU running at (PAL) / (NTSC),like its, predecessor , * 1 MB of Chip RAM (Very early versions came with 512 KiB) * Full ECS
  11. With its electrical demands, consuming approximately 20 % less power than its, predecessor , and thus reducing heat output comparatively as well. While the proceeding
  12. As the many unsuccessful plans launched by Barney, Collor and their military, predecessor , But the Real was a success, and terminated inflation in a few months. FHC
  13. Active labor unions who have traditionally supported the NDP or its, predecessor , the CCF. British Columbia's political history is typified by scandal and a
  14. The cardinal-head logo was updated to be a more aggressive version of its, predecessor , making it look meaner. Numerous fans had called the previous version a "
  15. Permutation network. It is fast in both software and hardware. Unlike its, predecessor , DES, AES does not use a Faster network. AES has a fixed block size of 128
  16. Rights of Woman is inflected by a bourgeois view of the world, as is its direct, predecessor ,the Rights of Men. Wollstonecraft addresses her text to the middle class, which
  17. Subsidiary of Volkswagen AG since 1966,following a phased purchase of its, predecessor , Auto Union, from its former owner, Daimler-Benz. Volkswagen relaunched the
  18. Last Pope" Sylvester III ", not " Sylvester IV ". Benson calls Sylvester's, predecessor ," John XXIV" and not" John XXIII" because, in 1907,Pisa Antipopes
  19. Chapel is standing, whose entrance has the year 1462 engraved. Foundations of, predecessor ,buildings were dated to the 11th and 13th century. St. Mary’s Church of
  20. On 19 October that year. And promoted the cult of Within and Swithun's, predecessor , Æthelwold of Winchester. And undertook never to raid or fight the English
  21. C. E.). Amass then married Chedebnitjerbone II, one of the daughters of his, predecessor ,Aries, in order to legitimize his kingship. Some information is known about
  22. Allen is fighting. It was German champion in team wrestling in 2010,and its, predecessor , the KSV Germania Allen disbanded in 2005,was German champion for eight times
  23. Contained an improved fuse (Target Detection Device) compared to its, predecessor , The AIM-120C-7 development began in 1998 and included improvements in homing
  24. Alfred built at Beverley, expanding on the building projects begun by his, predecessor ,Cohesive, as well as repairing and expanding other churches in his diocese. He
  25. By the director Stephen Joseph at the Library Theatre, Scarborough,the, predecessor ,to the modern Stephen Joseph Theatre. In this play, Ayckbourn himself played
  26. And 1950s,Sharon seemed to be personally devoted to the ideals of Masai,the, predecessor ,of the modern Labor Party. However, after retiring from military service, he
  27. Was likely born in the west of England, and could be related to Lying, his, predecessor , as bishop of Worcester. His family, from Devonshire, may have been well-to-do.
  28. A scepter, wearing a diadem, or wearing the golden crown and purple toga of his, predecessor ,Julius Caesar. If he refused to symbolize his power by donning and bearing
  29. For over 700 years. By the 5th century AD, Rome was in decline; the Roman, predecessor ,town of Alicante, known as Quantum (Latin),was more or less under the
  30. AWOL merge to become the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFOs), predecessor , of the United Farm Workers. *1968 – Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogotá, Colombia.
  31. He showed some reticence towards Albuquerque, a close friend of his dreaded, predecessor ,John II, and seventeen years his senior. Eight years later, on April 6 of 1503
  32. Cup twice, the 1991–92 UEFA Cup, as well as the Karl Rap pan Cup,a, predecessor ,of the UEFA Interest Cup in 1962. Ajax plays at the Amsterdam Arena, which
  33. Votes have been certified by the auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (and its, predecessor ,Price Waterhouse) for the past 73 annual awards ceremonies. All AMPS members
  34. Between resistance groups, due to political and ethnic divisions. It was the, predecessor ,of what could have become a unified Islamic Afghan army. Relations with the
  35. This, neither the A1200 nor the A600 replicated the commercial success of its, predecessor ,as, by this time, the market was definitively shifting from the home computer
  36. Dynasty, Senusret I laid massive foundations of stone over the pavement of his, predecessor , A great teens was laid out enclosing a much larger area and the new temple
  37. In the late 1970s,microprocessors such as the Intel 8008 (the direct, predecessor ,of the 8080,and then the 8086 used in early PCs) could perform a small number
  38. In Alexandria occurred under questionable circumstances. Upon the death of his, predecessor ,Alexander in 328,more than fifty bishops gathered to choose a new leader to
  39. Been discovered. He may have acted as suffragan, or subordinate bishop, to his, predecessor ,Lying before formally assuming the bishopric, as from about 1043 Alfred
  40. Form) are one and the same thing. Universals and particulars Aristotle's, predecessor , Plato, argued that all things have a universal form, which could be either a
  41. British Airways uses a Speed bird call-sign, named after the logo of its, predecessor , BOAT, while Sky Europe used Relax. Airline personnel The various types of
  42. Successor is the left-most child of its right subtree, and a node's in-order, predecessor ,is the right-most child of its left subtree. In either case, this node will
  43. Communicate with one another on different floors. Architecture Casa Milà was a, predecessor ,of some buildings with a similar biomorphic appearance: * the 1921 Einstein
  44. He took power as Platoon in the year 7 Rabbit (1486),after the death of his, predecessor ,IOC. Perhaps the greatest known military leader of Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica
  45. In both black and white. The new version was visually different from its, predecessor ,in that it eliminated the flat silver back, and large antenna square for a
  46. Her descent from Augustus, upbraiding Tiberius for persecuting the blood of his, predecessor ,; Tacitus, in writing of the occasion, believed this behavior to be part of a
  47. College at Tempe, a tenure that would last for nearly 28 years. Like his, predecessor , Damage oversaw the construction of a number of buildings on the Tempe campus.
  48. Was a distinct departure from the flowing asymmetrical organic curves of its, predecessor ,style art Noumea; it embraced influences from many styles of the
  49. Ray's successor, James J. Morgan, had less than a year in which to tackle his, predecessor ,'s problems, he began a massive restructuring of the company and worked with
  50. Long been mounted on trucks, and these were quite common during World War I. A, predecessor ,of the WW2 German" 88" anti-aircraft gun, the WWI German 77 mm anti-aircraft

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