Examples of the the word, bureaucracy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bureaucracy ), is the 6314 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Currently account for 25 % of GDP, largely because of the oversized government, bureaucracy ,and high transportation costs arising from the country's landlocked position.
  2. Schools incentives to improve and greater accountability than any political, bureaucracy ,via voluntary dollar voting (for which public schools are immune). Proponents
  3. Enjoyed more independence during the 1920s. Soyuzkino consisted of an extended, bureaucracy ,of economic planners and policy specialists who were charged to formulate
  4. Normally present his fiction as an engagement with absurdity, a critique of, bureaucracy ,or a search for redemption, failing to account for the images of law and
  5. Charismatic leaders. He delved deeply into both the flaws and potentials of, bureaucracy ,and government. * Herbert was probably the first science fiction author to
  6. Into twelve districts with a Reserve Bank for each district. The job of this, bureaucracy ,is to maintain employment, keep prices stable, and keep interest rates low by
  7. Reuniting France and Germany has now become a negative symbol—of wasting money, bureaucracy ,and the insanity of the Brussels institutions ". The Green party has also noted
  8. That the FAO has become essentially irrelevant in combating hunger. A bloated, bureaucracy ,known for the mediocrity of its work and the inefficiency of its staff the FAO
  9. Spent years in open or subversive rebellion. Henry failed to create a proper, bureaucracy ,to replace his disobedient vassals. The magnates became increasingly
  10. For administrative law, establishing control mechanisms for overseeing the, bureaucracy ,and disciplinary committees for the Communist Party of China. However, many
  11. The same time, the country was tainted by rampant corruption in the governing, bureaucracy , In October 1998,Alien was reelected for a second term. Despite the much
  12. Post, he obeyed the viceroy of Peru and, through him, the King of Spain and his, bureaucracy , Responsible to the governor, town councils known as Cabrillo administered local
  13. Son, and especially Bleak House—whose vivid portrayal of the machinations and, bureaucracy ,of the legal system did much to enlighten the public, and was a vehicle
  14. To take off. " Dilbert portrays corporate culture as a Kafkaesque world of, bureaucracy ,for its own sake and office politics that stand in the way of productivity
  15. Initial success, it gradually undermined the relative effectiveness of imperial, bureaucracy ,by placing family connections over merit. Alexios' policy of integration of
  16. Or of more than six names, is legally possible, but it requires dealing with, bureaucracy , Parents or the person him/herself must explain the claims they have to bearing
  17. Include: *head of government—running the functions of the state, managing the, bureaucracy , and deciding how to enforce the law *foreign minister—overseeing state's
  18. g. Wagner becoming Wagoner, or Whaley becoming Really). With the increase in, bureaucracy , officially-recorded spellings tended to become the standard for a given family
  19. Justices of the peace to deal with minor offenses at local level. Alexander's, bureaucracy ,instituted an elaborate scheme of local self-government (Zest) for the
  20. The High Level Group of the European Union tasked with reducing European Union, bureaucracy , Outside politics Striker is a keen football fan, and he serves as Co-Chairman
  21. Theory Derived from Marx and Max Weber, Karl August Wittfogel argued that, bureaucracy ,arose to manage irrigation systems. Despotism was needed to force the people
  22. Tariffs. Among the legislators' goals were tackling the black market, reducing, bureaucracy , and pushing through trade liberalization measures. Amendments to Investment and
  23. And synchronization, and you wind up with a style of organization we call, bureaucracy , ” * Third Wave is the post-industrial society. Löffler would also add that
  24. Modernize his kingdom by forging a regular army and the first institutionalized, bureaucracy , Despite his distinctly authoritarian personality, Abdur Rahman called for a
  25. Was the supreme military commander and head of the government, who relied on a, bureaucracy ,of officials to manage his affairs. In charge of the administration was his
  26. Be called the“ Ground Medal ”. The idea eventually rose through the military, bureaucracy ,and gained supporters. General George C. Marshall, in a memorandum to President
  27. Process can be done by the employer or employee and may be part of the official, bureaucracy ,for confirming professional status and is dependent on individual bilateral
  28. After coming to power, Raúl Castro, Fidel Castro's brother, has ridiculed the, bureaucracy ,that shackles the agriculture sector. Cuban people even suffered from
  29. Others have tried to locate a Marxist influence in his satirization of, bureaucracy ,in pieces such as In the Penal Colony, The Trial and The Castle, Themes of
  30. Forms of standardization, and an increase in state and federal regulation and, bureaucracy , with a corresponding reduction of local control at the school board level. (
  31. Edicts in reply, reports of various kinds, and tax records. It was this same, bureaucracy ,that later prevented the Ming government from being able to adapt to changes in
  32. The Haitian Revolution in 1791,the rich urban families linked to the colonial, bureaucracy ,fled the island, while most of the rural haters (cattle ranchers) remained
  33. Until 1996),it remains the center of the permanent central government, bureaucracy ,and continues to serve as the capital for the surrounding Dar es Salaam Region.
  34. In Bohemia, for example, he designated Czech as an official language of the, bureaucracy ,and school system, thus breaking the German speakers' monopoly on office
  35. A plank laid across the third. They have a series of contretemps with British, bureaucracy ,and the artistic establishment, in which the trio generally represents the
  36. The" Grand Secretaries" ( 内阁) to assist with the immense paperwork of the, bureaucracy , including memorials (petitions and recommendations to the throne),imperial
  37. The state to benefit themselves or, alternatively,state leaders use the, bureaucracy ,to further their own self-interest. The lack of credible governance was
  38. Position between the Black and White definitions in South Africa. The apartheid, bureaucracy ,devised complex (and often arbitrary) criteria in the Population Registration
  39. Successful by organizing tremendous public resources within a vast, centralized, bureaucracy , under government direction. Apollo 11 broadcast data restoration project As
  40. Milk, and cheese to the temples, who would distribute these products to the, bureaucracy ,and priesthood. In good years, all would go well, but in bad years, wild winter
  41. May 16, 2009 to decide whether to cut down the government's unwieldy political, bureaucracy , 52.7 % of those eligible voted, and 93.8 % of votes were cast in approval of
  42. And assert Egyptian dominance. Motivating and organizing these activities was a, bureaucracy ,of elite scribes, religious leaders, and administrators under the control of a
  43. May 16, 2009 to decide whether to cut down the government's unwieldy political, bureaucracy , 52.7 % of those eligible voted, and 93.8 % of votes were cast in approval of
  44. At Comedian in 302. Diocletian argued that forbidding Christians from the, bureaucracy ,and military would be sufficient to appease the gods, but Galleries pushed for
  45. And public morals were rigidly enforced. According to Suetonius, the imperial, bureaucracy ,never ran more efficiently than under Domitian, whose exacting standards and
  46. Investments. This shall be achieved, among other measures, through reduced, bureaucracy , privatization, deregulation,through removal of subsidies, and reform of
  47. Like Somerset, he became quasi-king; the difference was that he managed the, bureaucracy ,on the pretence that Edward had assumed full sovereignty, whereas Somerset had
  48. System and the disappearance of the ancient Chinese nobility from the, bureaucracy ,constituted a modern society. As noted above, some world-systems analysts such
  49. Paris, and he uses all his ingenuity and resourcefulness to persuade the city, bureaucracy ,to allow him to leave. When this fails, he contacts smugglers, who agree to
  50. Of the surplus and exercises its will through the actions of a government or, bureaucracy , Morton Fried, a conflict theorist, and Elma Service, an integration theorist

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