Examples of the the word, anytime , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anytime ), is the 6326 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A player undertaking to hold the bank must play out one hand, but may retire at, anytime ,afterwards. On retiring, he is bound to state the amount with which he retires.
  2. Firm offer rule Under common law, an offer to purchase can be revoked at, anytime ,before acceptance. However, dealing between merchants, an offer can be made
  3. Our new strategic plan emphasizes the importance of providing access to records, anytime , anywhere. This is one of many initiatives that we are launching to make our
  4. Later worlds as his or her party climbs the Tower. Players can save their game, anytime ,and anywhere when not in combat to a save slot for later play. Players can
  5. S account membership, but are unable to instantly update the security groups, anytime ,the directory changes, as occurs in competing directories where security is
  6. Refer to the object and hold good of it necessarily universally for anyone at, anytime , not just the perceiving subject in its current condition. What else is
  7. Storms occur at times during summer from the shaman wind. Dust storms can occur, anytime ,of year but occur mostly during summer, and less frequently during autumn.
  8. My father's rich, you bet. '" * Author Harlan Ellison has stated that, anytime ,a fan or interviewer asks him the question" Where do you get your ideas? " He
  9. And also makes the patient aware that the treatment may be revoked at, anytime ,during a course of ECT. Using the consent form developed and enacted by the
  10. She finds him attractive and wants him to know that she is available to him, anytime , Mr. Robinson arrives home but neither sees nor suspects anything. A few days
  11. Of the incorporated municipality. A municipality may apply for city status, anytime ,after its population surpasses 10,000. This status is not automatically
  12. To a generation of Canadians. " Canadian youngsters who were in grade seven, anytime ,between the mid-1930s and the 1950s were probably exposed to ... 'A Vagabond
  13. Said," We need Israeli expertise, so I don’t see a change in our policy, anytime ,soon. " In January 2010,the President of the Federated States of Micronesia
  14. Christian world to know that any atheist, agnostic,unbeliever, can question me, anytime ,as to my belief in God, and I will answer him. " Stewart objected, demanding to
  15. Republicans also used the slogan" Vote for Taft now, you can vote for Bryan, anytime ," a sarcastic reference to Bryan's two failed previous presidential campaigns
  16. That if he ever needs a Chief of the Boat, he would gladly go to sea with him, anytime , Tank reports Trigger's death while carrying out his order, but U-571 has
  17. About four to eight weeks before spring (Lichen). The exact date can fall, anytime ,between 21 January and 21 February (inclusive) of the Gregorian Calendar.
  18. Products designed to maximize the convenience and ease of watching TV, anytime ,and anywhere. Key components of TV Everywhere ™ include the TV Everywhere
  19. As a result, Goodman Goes Playboy can now be reprinted by anyone, anywhere,at, anytime , since it is no longer copyrighted by anyone. Despite the above legal wrangling
  20. He/she takes birth in a very noble clan on earth. He is not devoid of any food, anytime , 5 Debts Hindu scriptures say that every human being is born in to Five
  21. Said," We need Israeli expertise, so I don't see a change in our policy, anytime ,soon. " United States: For more, see Micronesia-United States relations. The
  22. To milk or water, and sugar. Horchata is drunk year round and can be drunk, anytime ,of day. It mostly is accompanied by a plate of popular or fried yucca. Horchata
  23. To worse weather. It needs to be noted that being wind bound can happen at, anytime , Due to the proximity to the Arctic Circle and the associated cold, any
  24. To documents stored on the server or in their individual user directories, anytime , from anywhere, via a web browser. A web-based file manager can serve as an
  25. Roasted on hot embers, which made bread-making easier, as it could now be made, anytime ,fire was created. Baking flourished in the Roman Empire. In about 300 BC, the
  26. The: Bounty we share.: We have rushed to help other: Nations ... anything ..., anytime ,...: Anywhere.: War is just not our nature ... we: Won't start, but we will
  27. The renaming. The long process involved made it unlikely the name would change, anytime ,soon, if ever, even assuming the Minister had approved the change in early
  28. Share that world within the text. Individuals engage in the rhetorical process, anytime ,they speak or produce meaning. Even in the field of science, the practices of
  29. Direction of comic book adaptations. Later, Miller told Snyder:“ You can do it, anytime ,you want to, Zack. ” Batman film franchise producer Michael Usman also
  30. Engaged but always kept out of range from the stern guns of the ship, anytime ,Fantasia Trinidad bore down on the English frigate. Terpsichore nonetheless
  31. From Mercury Nashville told Country Weekly that no new album would be coming ", anytime ,soon ". In June 2009,Twain released a letter to her fans explaining the delays
  32. Bowl that capitalized on the Bengals' doing a long-run coverage on Wilson, anytime ,he ran a pass route over 20 yards; Wilson simply ran 25 yards straight out and
  33. Can access data held in any database the organization wants to make available, anytime ,and - subject to security provisions - from anywhere within the company
  34. Area so that the fighter can attack with straight kicks or knees to the body at, anytime ,during the round. Focus mitts are specific to training a fighter’s hand speed
  35. 2005 editions of WRTH, the World Radio and Television Handbook and can change, anytime , Televisions: 6.9 million (1997) Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 11 (
  36. Bottom is made up of small gravel or rubble. These hot spots hold trout almost, anytime , if there is sufficient cover. * Pools are smoother and look darker than the
  37. Were picked at random, one of three special Whammy animations would appear, anytime ,a contestant was eliminated from the game beginning in the second season. One
  38. That can be measured. Rain, which can be observed, or seen anywhere and, anytime ,was one of the first ones to be measured historically. Also, two other
  39. Can return the Power Gem that contains the" Power Primordial" to himself at, anytime , Titania smashed him with a giant rock mass, believing that he would be kept
  40. Of Hyderabad remains fairly moderate, and you can visit the Hyderabad city, anytime ,in the year but the best season to visit Hyderabad is between October–February.
  41. Requires no preparation of any kind, and so it can be performed impromptu -, anytime , anywhere. Although variations have been made to improve the illusion of
  42. Experience. Independent Study and Online programs offer education anywhere, anytime , A wide variety of undergraduate (over 40) and graduate degrees (MPA, MBA
  43. Asks that a Chaplain be assigned to the station, reasoning," We may need one, anytime , "" Gentlemen, Be Seated! " Is a science fiction short story by Robert A.
  44. Once at midday, and once in the evening; and the shortest can be recited, anytime ,between noon and sunset. Baha'is also read from and meditate on the scriptures
  45. This could mean that the bidder is asking for meld from their partner (, anytime ,a player bids 10 more than the player before them). A bid raise of 20 or more
  46. The film so that it would no longer pre-empt 60 Minutes. Another exception is, anytime ,CBS airs the Super Bowl or since 2003,alternating years when the AFC
  47. By an employee to indicate they are financially independent and can avoid work, anytime ,they wish. The company is also known for its hiring process, mimicked in other
  48. His private life, he was considered" exceedingly shy ", and would show agony, anytime ,he was recognized while out shopping or dining. He enjoyed reading and going
  49. Is an affair for metrology labs. A micrometer can be calibrated on-site, anytime , at least in the most basic and important way (if not comprehensively),by
  50. Figure 165) the depicted net benefits are averaged for people turning age 65, anytime , during the years 2005 through 2045. (In other words, the disparities shown are

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