Examples of the the word, recycle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recycle ), is the 6309 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Now has proponents in business: new ventures such as those to reuse and, recycle ,consumer electronics and other technical equipment are gaining popularity.
  2. Cars, trolly buses and electric bicycles can also use regenerative brakes to, recycle ,some of the vehicle's potential energy. Aside from landing gear brakes, most
  3. Recycling As electronic waste, CRTs are considered one of the hardest types to, recycle , CRTs have relatively high concentration of lead and phosphors (not phosphorus
  4. Geothermal power. The" Sony Take Back Recycling Program" allows consumers to, recycle ,the electronics products that they buy from Sony by taking them to cycle (
  5. Bacteria by the mining industry in bioleaching. Biotechnology is also used to, recycle , treat waste, clean up sites contaminated by industrial activities (
  6. Meet the legally binding target of a 20 % cut in emissions by 2010. By 2015,to, recycle ,or compost at least 33 % of household waste. Between 1998-99 and 1999–2000
  7. And tap into his love of crime fiction and the occult. Wood would often, recycle ,plots of his films for novels, write novelizations of his own screenplays, or
  8. A widespread revival during the Great Depression because it was a way to, recycle ,worn clothing into warm quilts. Even very small and worn pieces of material are
  9. Organelles with acidic and protease-filled interiors that can degrade and then, recycle ,exogenous proteins and aged or damaged organelles. This was shown in 1978 to be
  10. Become nutrients for the cell. Lysosomes also use their hydrolytic enzymes to, recycle ,the cell's obsolete organelles in a process called autophagy. The lysosome
  11. Time was actually a rest period to allow the mechanical printing mechanism to, recycle , Since modern computer equipment cannot easily generate 1.42 bits for the stop
  12. Behavior. For a variety of reasons, a person may value the environment and not, recycle ,a can on a particular day. Attitudes that are well remembered and central to
  13. In lab animals, showing that one or both of these chemicals cause the body to, recycle ,these neurotransmitters more slowly, resulting in the wakefulness and insomnia
  14. For 10,000 warheads) was recycle d into low-enriched-uranium. The goal is to, recycle ,500 tonnes by 2013. The decommissioning program of Russian nuclear warheads
  15. And detergents. In addition, Bulgaria remains the only EU member which does not, recycle ,municipal waste, although an electronic waste recycling plant was put in
  16. Material may then be further decomposed by detritivores, organisms which, recycle ,detritus, returning it to the environment for reuse in the food chain. Examples
  17. CHF 200–500. Switzerland also has internationally the most efficient system to, recycle ,old newspapers and cardboard materials. Publicly organized collection by
  18. DPIC (Direct Use of spent PWR fuel In CANDY) process under development can, recycle ,it even without reprocessing. The fuel is sintered in air (oxidized),then in
  19. The role of being the world's only organization to design, build,operate, and, recycle , nuclear-powered ships. On May 15, 2003 PSNS and IMF were consolidated into what
  20. For any U-235 produced by plutonium decay. One solution to this problem is to, recycle ,the plutonium and use it as a fuel e.g. in fast reactors. In pyrometallurgical
  21. Is for this reason that trade secret owners shred documents and do not simply, recycle ,them. A successful plaintiff is entitled to various forms of judicial relief
  22. Process. This also enables more catalogs to be shipped per load. IKEA stores, recycle ,waste, and many run on renewable energy, and energy-saving bulbs and sensors
  23. To move around during hibernation on occasion. Grizzly bears can" partially ", recycle ,their body wastes during this period. In some areas where food is plentiful
  24. Already accounted for the extra air that is no longer being used). Valves that, recycle ,the air will also shorten the time needed to re-spool the turbo after sudden
  25. Of up to two micrometers, to ensure the bricks remain connected. Lego's factories, recycle ,all but about 1 percent of their plastic waste from the manufacturing process
  26. Demands, adding features and improving effectiveness, and validation testing; #, recycle ,is the decommissioning and disposal phase and includes recovery and reuse of
  27. Coo, Modest Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov—thought about ways to, recycle ,the music he contributed. Of the eight numbers he had composed for Act 4 of
  28. Material may then be further decomposed by detritivores, organisms which, recycle ,detritus, returning it to the environment for reuse in the food chain. One of
  29. From seawater, and typically dumping carbon dioxide overboard, although they, recycle ,existing oxygen. Recycling of the carbon dioxide has been approached in the
  30. Pose no problem. Life support In space settlements, a life support system must, recycle ,or import all the nutrients without" crashing. " The closest terrestrial
  31. A high oxygenate activity, therefore,drains the sugars that are required to, recycle ,rivulose 5-bisphosphate and for the continuation of the Calvin-Benson cycle.
  32. This. The Cairo Cleaning and Beautification Agency was founded to collect and, recycle ,the waste; however, they also work with the Baleen (or Baleen),a
  33. Recycler has estimated that as many as one household in four will dispose of or, recycle ,a TV set in the next year. The digital television transition, migration to
  34. Water coverage for homes: 70 % of street covering *Network of liquid waste, recycle ,from homes: 55 % of street covering *Water access-points for fire related
  35. The Airbus company has set up a center in France to decommission and, recycle ,older aircraft. More than 200 airliners will finish active life each year, and
  36. Furnaces: # primary and secondary heat recovery with quench; # a dilution steam, recycle ,system between the furnaces and the quench system; # primary compression of the
  37. Western European countries adopted" greener" policies to cut back on oil use, recycle ,most of their nations' waste, and increase focus on water and energy
  38. Negative environmental effects. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), recycle , water by circulating it through filters to remove fish waste and food and then
  39. Pump The Rankine cycle and most practical steam engines have a water pump to, recycle ,or top up the boiler water, so that they may be run continuously. The water
  40. Nutrient cycling, as chemosynthetic organisms and anoxic geochemical pathways, recycle ,nutrients which can be up welled to the photic zone, enhancing productivity.
  41. Methods of permaculture. They can be used effectively to control erosion and, recycle ,and conserve water and nutrients by building them along contour lines on slopes
  42. Of Red Cedar were dwindling so that pencil manufacturers were forced to, recycle ,the wood from cedar fences and barns to maintain supply. Britain went as far as
  43. In 1990 the Navy authorized the Ship-Submarine Recycling Program (SRP) to, recycle ,nuclear-powered ships at PSNS. Approximately 25 % of the shipyard's workload
  44. Always treat the book with reverence, and are forbidden, for instance, to pulp, recycle , or simply discard worn-out copies of the text. Respect for the written text of
  45. Membrane compartments that internalize molecules from the plasma membrane and, recycle ,them back to the surface (early endoscopes and recycling endoscopes) or sort
  46. Reflux is a flow from the condenser back to the column, which generates a, recycle ,that allows a better separation with a given number of trays. Equilibrium
  47. Pumps were added to the tubing systems, and pre-heaters were developed to, recycle ,heat lost in the steam. Producers created reverse-osmosis machines to take a
  48. The surcharge paid at the time of purchase. This gives a financial incentive to, recycle ,as much as possible, since recycling is free. Illegal disposal of garbage is
  49. More can be shipped at once, and that products should be easy to dismantle and, recycle , Raw materials are used, and since wood and cotton are two of the most
  50. No greenhouse gases. Methane production, storage and adjacent combustion would, recycle ,all the reaction products, creating a cycle. Boron, silicon,and zinc have been

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