Examples of the the word, passionate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( passionate ), is the 6317 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For espousing full Afghan independence, and for other reforms. Tarzi's, passionate ,Afghan nationalism influenced a future generation of Asian reformers. The
  2. Series called Leagues Apart, which saw him investigate the biggest and most, passionate ,football rivalries in a number of European countries. Included were Roma vs
  3. A controversial subject. Proponents and opponents of censorship are often very, passionate ,about their individual views. Various national content rating organizations
  4. Understand something, it is never their fault but always his own. Hofstadter is, passionate ,about languages. He has studied many of them, and speaks them to varying
  5. Young people who, nourished by the reading of Cicero at school, had become, passionate ,enthusiasts for liberty ". Likewise, no other antique personality has inspired
  6. The plain, rational language of the political treatise with the poetic, passionate ,language of sensibility in order to demonstrate that one can combine
  7. 20th century. The (Mississippi) Delta blues was a roots sparse style with, passionate ,vocals accompanied by slide guitar. The little-recorded Robert Johnson combined
  8. As a matter of personal choice, not intended for government intervention. As a, passionate ,defender of personal liberty, he saw the religious right's views as an
  9. In her German teacher, who loaned her books and even took her to an opera. A, passionate ,student, Goldman passed the exam for admission into a gymnasium, but her
  10. Brother of his former teacher),organist of St William church, who was also a, passionate ,admirer of J. S. Bach's music. Schweitzer absolved the one-year compulsory
  11. Of El Cid),died in 1103 and 1104 respectively. Matrimonial conflicts A, passionate ,fighting-man (he fought twenty-nine battles against Christian or Moor),he
  12. Another issue that Goldman frequently addressed was criminal justice. She was a, passionate ,critic of the prison system and viewed crime as a natural outgrowth of an
  13. His life, he was part-owner of baseball's Pittsburgh Pirates. Although he was, passionate ,about his team, he was too nervous to watch the deciding Game 7 of the 1960
  14. And they lived in the manner of Amazons. They were robust of body with strong, passionate ,hearts and great virtue. The island itself is one of the wildest in the world
  15. As a denomination, but they were formed into a lasting structure through a, passionate ,follower of his interpretation of the Bible, Robert Roberts. At the age of 10
  16. Second husband, after her death, tell that her union with Henry Miller was very, passionate ,and physical, and that she believed that it was his child that she aborted in
  17. Wilson, Gore Vidal, James Age, James Leo Healthy, and Lawrence Darrell. Her, passionate ,love affair and friendship with Miller strongly influenced her both as a woman
  18. That EST's were not directly patentable. Human Genome Project Center was, passionate ,about the power of genomics to radically transform healthcare. Center believed
  19. Daughter, a prince of Byzantium and a princess of Rebind (Trayvon) in a, passionate ,and incredible love story. A cycle of paintings in Schloss Ehrenberg, near Graz
  20. Public gatherings, demonstrations,and publication of art/literary journals;, passionate ,coverage of art, politics,and culture were topics often discussed in a variety
  21. Richard Wagner et Tannhauser à Paris ". Baudelaire's reaction to music was, passionate ,and psychological. " Music engulfs (possesses) me like the sea ". Baudelaire
  22. Of jewelry and finery. Eros visited her every night in the cave, and they made, passionate ,love; he demanded only that she never light any lamps because he did not want
  23. Effects of the war. Before the War, Paul was a creative, sensitive,and, passionate ,person, writing poems and having a clear love for his family. But as the war
  24. Certainty of religious truths was not only impossible, but would eliminate the, passionate ,life required of a Christian who must make a leap of faith to believe in the
  25. Fell in love with a fellow monk, Servatius Rogers, and wrote a series of, passionate ,letters in which he called Rogers" half my soul ". He wrote," I have wooed
  26. Alfie Kohn has been an outspoken critic of the No Child Left Behind Act and a, passionate ,defender of the progressive tradition. Taxpayer revolts, leading to cuts in
  27. Up her driving work ethic,“ I can say this: When I attempt anything, I have a, passionate ,determination to overcome every obstacle… And I do my own work with a refusal to
  28. A young Scot named Moira Across with a mind that would match his own. Their, passionate ,discussions on genetic mutation gave way to an equally passionate romance. They
  29. In 1109 to the ambitious Queen Errata of León, widow of Raymond of Burgundy,a, passionate ,woman unsuited for a subordinate role. The marriage had been arranged by her
  30. In a Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination. Sports Cricket enjoys a, passionate ,following in Bangladesh, and it is the most popular sport followed by football (
  31. Obtained the leaving certificate (the Abitur) six years later. He had become, passionate ,about the study of chemistry, matriculating at the University of Göttingen in
  32. About the definition of art are rarely the heart of the problem. Rather," the, passionate ,concerns and interests that humans vest in their social life" are" so much a
  33. Member of the ACLU" and used that as evidence that Davis was" a strong, passionate ,liberal" and" out of the mainstream. " The phrase subsequently was used by
  34. He stated in a letter to her that," There was in my childhood a period of, passionate ,love for you ". Baudelaire regularly implored his mother for money throughout
  35. To the mind…a high sense of honor, a disdain of death in a good cause, and a, passionate ,devotion to the welfare of one’s country ”, thus concurring with Cicero that: “
  36. Are not soon mute, however tuneful: there is no name, with whatever emphasis of, passionate ,love repeated, of which the echo is not faint at last. Joachim du Belly
  37. Bach and influenced the Organ reform movement (Orgelbewegung). Schweitzer's, passionate ,quest was to discover a universal ethical philosophy, anchored in a universal
  38. Nature Mandelbrot has been called a visionary and a maverick. His informal and, passionate ,style of writing and his emphasis on visual and geometric intuition (supported
  39. Has asserted that:" Without centuries of Christian antisemitism,Hitler's, passionate ,hatred would never have been so fervently echoed ... because for centuries
  40. Faultless. He was impetuous and even head-strong, for by nature he was eager, passionate , and dauntless. These qualities were both the source of his power and the cause
  41. All, excluding both" inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and, passionate , attachments for others "," steering clear of permanent alliances with any
  42. And teacher of many noted euphonium artist. Falcon advanced an operatic, passionate ,baritone style and is the namesake of the Leonard Falcon International Tuba
  43. Artist, an undisputed prototype of the classic artist, whose impetuous, passionate ,and rebellious nature, as well as his defiance of formal aesthetic and social
  44. NGOs throughout Brazil produce documents containing both useful information and, passionate ,criticisms. Among the Brazilian environmental NGOs, the most visible are SOS
  45. Of dance-rhythms, and its perfect symmetry, and the quintet, more lyrical and, passionate , are as perfect examples of chamber music as the great oratorios were of their
  46. Confused the two, but both were used in prehistoric times. The Romans were, passionate ,gamblers, especially at the peak of the Roman Empire, and dicing was common
  47. The model of a perfect dandy, until an obsessive love-pursuit unravels him in, passionate ,and murderous jealousy. Charles Baudelaire, in the latter," metaphysical "
  48. Of the purge, and its greatest beneficiary. Galleries, even more devoted and, passionate ,than Diocletian, saw political advantage in the politics of persecution. He was
  49. Own. Their passionate discussions on genetic mutation gave way to an equally, passionate ,romance. They planned to be married, but after finishing his work at Oxford
  50. In 1921,after a lengthy period of separation. During this period, Russell had, passionate ,(and often simultaneous) affairs with a number of women, including Lady

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