Examples of the the word, junk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( junk ), is the 6311 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Governs the behavior of humans as powerfully as that of animals. She explained, junk ,food as an exaggerated stimulus to cravings for salt, sugar,and fats, and she
  2. Many cruisers of different sorts, calling them 'a miser's hoard of useless, junk ,' that any modern cruiser would sweep from the seas. Battlecruisers The growing
  3. Large parts of the DNA do not serve any obvious purpose. This so-called, junk ,DNA may, however,contain unrecognized functional elements. Bioinformatics
  4. Results in the development of organic transistors: 'As far as understanding, junk ,science is concerned, the important aspect is that both Bell Laboratories and
  5. Center. It is the role of political interests which distinguishes debate over, junk ,science from discussions of pseudoscience and controversial science. History
  6. For their 1993 study about the cancer risks of passive smoking, calling it ", junk ,science ". Singer told CBC's The Fifth Estate in 2006 that he stood by the
  7. Museum used to have two sailing vessels (which were based on the ancient ", junk ," form but were remodeled) serving for touring trips between the inner and
  8. In the Crown of the Continent (Flathead) Ecosystem, Pedynowski noted that, junk ,science can undermine the credibility of science over a much broader scale
  9. Reveal the fast-talking salesman standing behind the counter surrounded by the, junk ,he was trying to sell. The character was a clown ... with red cheeks and wild
  10. Referred to as botnets and are very commonly used by spam senders for sending, junk ,email or to cloak their website's address. Spammers are therefore thought to
  11. To the only time in his life when he was truly happy. The sled, thought to be, junk , is burned and destroyed in a basement furnace by Xanadu's departing staff.
  12. Also worked for a Lithuanian-Jewish immigrant family, the Aronofsky, who had a, junk ,hauling business and gave him odd jobs. They took him in and treated him as
  13. Which has led to the state bonds of three eurozone states to be downgraded to ", junk ," status, and the creation of the European Financial Stability Facility.
  14. Supreme Court of the United States Justice John Paul Stevens,'An example of ", junk ,science" that should be excluded under the Dauber standard as too unreliable
  15. Way Detroit changes tail fins, every year had a new one, and last year's was, junk ,". There were several club names during that period, before finally settling on
  16. The dissemination of valid environmental scientific knowledge and discourage, junk ,science: 'The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports offer an
  17. Eliminate toxins and fat. Heavily processed and fried foods as well as sweets, junk ,foods, and alcohol should also be avoided in a healthy diet. Also, a topic of
  18. Noted: 'The use of such invalid scientific evidence (commonly referred to as ", junk ,science" ) has resulted in findings of causation which simply cannot be
  19. Science Initiative, a national network of scientists committed to debunking, junk ,science through media outreach, lobbying,and developing joint strategies to
  20. Is. Audio samples Costume jewelry (also called trinkets, fashion jewelry, junk ,jewelry, fake jewelry, or gallery) is jewelry manufactured as ornamentation
  21. Have launched multi-million-dollar campaigns to position certain theories as ", junk ,science" in the popular mind, often failing to employ the scientific method
  22. Back from the rhetoric,'But how things are labeled does not make a science, junk ,science. ' In its place, he offers,'So where is the junk science? The answer
  23. He criticized the evidence regarding the hazards of second-hand smoke as ", junk ,science ". Following the publication of this article the Cato Institute, which
  24. With a cheeseburger and a cola, explaining that when he's surrounded by, junk ,culture and junk food, consuming them adds balance. On his website, Brooks
  25. A proponent of anthropogenic global warming theory) used the phrase 'noisy, junk ,science' in reference to the alternative theory of global warming due to solar
  26. Emerged in the first few decades of the 20th century, which mainly consisted of, junk ,building, factories for matches, firecrackers and incense. Modern industries
  27. Blacks rather than whites. A favorite target of gun control is so-called ", junk ,guns," which are generally cheaper and therefore more accessible to the poor.
  28. In the public mind about scientific data through the use of terms such as ", junk ,science ". Since the U. S. Supreme Court ruling in Dauber v. Merrill Dow
  29. And a cola, explaining that when he's surrounded by junk culture and, junk ,food, consuming them adds balance. On his website, Brooks states that his
  30. Containers. The Karen gun, Zabbaleen, the rag and bone man, waste picker, junk ,man or bin poker are people who make their living by sorting and trading trash.
  31. You are in the To: or Cc: list. * Precedence: commonly with values" bulk ",", junk ,", or " list "; used to indicate that automated" vacation" or" out of office
  32. Moved into the apartment, and the excess furniture, as well as all superfluous, junk , is moved into Gregor's room so that he barely has room to move. He also stops
  33. Honda lamented years later in the Tokyo Journal," They called it grotesque, junk , and said it looked like something you'd spit up. I felt sorry for my crew
  34. Method themselves. For example, the tobacco industry has used the term ", junk ,science" to describe research demonstrating the harmful effects of smoking and
  35. Of spam and worm programs results in users receiving a constant drizzle of, junk ,email, which reduces the usefulness of email as a practical tool. A number of
  36. Research. In his 2006 book Junk Science, Dan Again emphasized two main causes of, junk ,science: fraud, and ignorance. In the first case, Agin discussed falsified
  37. Discussions of pseudoscience and controversial science. History The phrase ", junk ,science" appears to have been in use prior to 1985. A 1985 United States
  38. Gaylord Certain as the owner of a small store/flea market attempting to sell, junk , The skit would start with a hand-held camera zooming up to the front door and
  39. Diplomatic mission to the Kingdom of Siam (Thailand),travelling in a Chinese, junk ,returning home. He was one of the former Portuguese arrested in Malacca, having
  40. Not make a science junk science. ' In its place, he offers,'So where is the, junk ,science? The answer is that it's in the hiding of what you need to know. ' Use
  41. Corporate PR John Stabber and Sheldon Hampton of PR Watch argue that the term ", junk ,science" has come to be used to deride scientific findings that stand in the
  42. This plus the lack of a physical explanation for any effects are hallmarks of, junk ,science. ' As the subtitle of Huber's book, Junk Science in the Courtroom
  43. Issued by Non called The 10 Worst Registrars in terms of spam advertised, junk ,product sites and compliance failure. The mention of the word spam in the title
  44. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports offer an antidote to, junk ,science by articulating the current consensus on the prospects for climate
  45. Others in the scientific community have concurred, and some have called it, junk ,science. For a theory to qualify as scientific, it is expected to be:
  46. Corporate defendants are" increasingly emboldened" to accuse adversaries of ", junk ,science ". Use by scientists In 1995,the Union of Concerned Scientists
  47. Back to Kozhikode, from where he returned to the Maldives and boarded a Chinese, junk , still intending to reach China and take up his ambassadorial post. He reached
  48. Brooks states that his potential followers must first prepare by combining the, junk ,food diet with the meditative incantation of five magic" fifth-dimensional "
  49. They returned to the ships. As the sultan did not respond, they prepared a, junk ,offered by Chinese merchants, filling it with men, artillery,sandbags.
  50. Although most individuals would agree that sound science is preferable to, junk ,science, fewer recognize what makes a scientific study 'good' or 'bad '. " The

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