Examples of the the word, catholics , in a Sentence Context

The word ( catholics ), is the 6316 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2004 and finished in the autumn of 2006. The church paid ¥3 million and local, catholics , donated about ¥2 million for the ¥26 million project, while the rest was
  2. Located in Eastern and Northern Germany a low percentage of the population are, catholics , typically well below 10 %. In Western Germany but especially Southern Germany
  3. Himself, he disapproved of the countries discrimination and intolerance of, catholics , He accepted the offer and was made a Lieutenant-Colonel. He was promoted to
  4. German Reformed Church. Kevin and Chaff had called themselves“ evangelical, catholics ,” a term which has come to be used rarely, if at all, among the Reformed
  5. 71,784 square kilometers with a population of 23,995 of which 93 per cent are, catholics , There were 54 persons per square kilometer in Battles when the national
  6. Statement often excavated in moments of excitement or displeasure by religious, catholics , in Spain, Portugal and Spanish/Portuguese-speaking countries like Puerto Rico
  7. In 1884,a political novel on the educational struggle between Belgian, catholics , and liberals. As from 1886 he went his own way, and produced his best work, of
  8. To Roman Catholics, the ICM used the building with the aim of converting, catholics , to Protestantism, after 25 years without much success he sold it in 1882 under
  9. City, stand diversity of historic buildings both civil and religious, not just, catholics , but also Jews, like the district that served this minority, which commemorates
  10. Networks and its ability to block government penetration. The state demanded, catholics , to give their full allegiance to the state, superseding allegiance to the Pope;
  11. On keyboards and Tony Buck on drums. In 1991, he formed his own group,The, catholics , He has performed solo improvisation concerts on double bass. Swanton has
  12. And Maria were also in favor of Catholic Emancipation, enfranchisement for, catholics , without property restrictions (although he admitted it was against his own
  13. Apostat named M. Io. Hamilton a pamphlet criticizing John Hamilton and other, catholics , in Scotland, who he claimed had driven him from that country. In response two
  14. Accurate exposition of Roman catholic principles, and still less the faith of, catholics ,". Butler claimed that John Joseph Horny old had used Corker's work in his The
  15. Celebrated in the little chapel. In the beginning we had about 40 families of, catholics , who were faithful. At the end of that year the number of families increased to
  16. During the Lenten season or Holy Week. Passion is one of the culture of roman, catholics , that they are hurting themselves to forgive their sins. History The indigenous
  17. Roman Catholic diocese in Texas. It was founded on July 10, 1965. The number of, catholics , is 943,611 among the total population of 1,110,130 in 2006. The percentage of
  18. Who were converted into Catholicism. The faith in Christ is so high in the, catholics , of Patibandla and a good number of people dedicated themselves to the service
  19. Since the text was among those that" ... are to be avoided by, catholics ," according to Gelatin Decree, its dismissal may be due in part to this
  20. Policy. They converted especially the traditionally conservative Bacteria to, catholics , and did not demand them to abandon their traditions. This led to the Bacteria
  21. He was successful in reconciling secular with the Benedictines and other, catholics , the Jesuits were left out of the settlement, and Panzani's subsequent efforts
  22. JPG|A part of a commemorative plaque in memorial of, catholics , of Archdiocese of Berlin murdered during the war, in a script of St. Hedwig's
  23. Saints' effigy printed on them and throughout the entire state of Bahia where, catholics , and adepts of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candomble Candomblé religion offer
  24. Being Catholics (refer graph to the right) and in the diocese Nassau, catholics , make up 88 % of the population, all % relate to the status as of 31 Dec. 2008.
  25. Any realm to reform the same to the authority of the see of Rome, that then the, catholics , in that realm should be ready to assist and help them. And this was the meaning
  26. Negationnists, islamist, altermondialists, far right neo-Nazis, fundamentalist,Catholics, Extracts from this book or the whole book are published in PDF on these
  27. Croatian. 14.3 % spoke other languages. Religion Roman, catholics , made up 51.3 % of the Inner Start population in 2001,followed by 6.6 %
  28. A testament to parents meddling in their kids affairs and also to the fact that, catholics , and protestants argue like it is the 1930s. The numerous civic agencies such
  29. Stands as the largest parish in the archdiocese of Mumbai with more than 22,000,Catholics, Ranged Temple is dedicated to May Drug, Shri SAI Baba and other deities. It
  30. Friends. Loyalists in the area threatened to, : " dig up the graves of certain, catholics ," if the celebration continued. Actions by loyalists has been condemned by both
  31. And Calvinist ideas and there were several skirmishes between protestants and, catholics , with several" heretics" being burnt alive. The population had reached 3,500
  32. Drama, Bathgama & other castes people considered as low by the Gov to become, catholics , & Anglicans, The Siam Nikita as custodians of the Tooth Relic have always
  33. Of Binary speak the Malayo-Polynesian language Mumbai. The inhabitants include, catholics , protestants, and Muslims living side by side. File: Binary
  34. Of 7,312 sq km and has a population numbering 14,60,000 of which 84,900 are, catholics , and 51,000 are Christians from other denominations. The Paris Foreign Mission
  35. Left without besieging the village … Later, it served as a shelter for, catholics , who were fleeing from Gail lac because of the Wars of Religion. King Louis XIII
  36. The caste based discrimination made many Karate & Alabama people to become, catholics , & Anglicans, The Siam Nikita as custodians of the Tooth Relic have always
  37. Religious fanatic," Messenger from God ". Is liked by very religious, catholics , and has a strong backing from Religious fanatics. Cortland Lane Blake Austin
  38. Has its own history and various sights. Most of the inhabitants are Roman, catholics , The largest village of the municipality is Diekholzen with an administration
  39. And paid in silver as the accepted medium of exchange. * Public worship for, catholics , in the Netherlands is officially forbidden. * John Dee practices angel magic
  40. Liberal, and academical and also physician, moral and spiritual primarily to, catholics , for whose education the institution is established. The Secondary school is
  41. Neither German, nor Hungarian, so they can't take spiritual care of these, catholics , 15000 in number. Roman 1588: The First Jesuit Mission in Moldavia Written by
  42. Church, the attitudes of ex-seminarians in the United States and the role of, catholics , in rebel groups. It accused the church as acting on behalf of western
  43. Montreal on 5 September. Three-fourths of the population of the city were Roman, catholics , but the Church of England possessed twelve churches there besides the
  44. To my mind the explanation of this should be sought in the fact that we, being,Catholics, attended the church where the sweet sounds of organ music are not only
  45. Partners and their families and invoke the blessing of God on them. Goal, catholics , have also played an important role in Bollywood music. (See Goals in Hindi
  46. With financial support from Emperor Napoleon III and donations from French, catholics , bishop Philippe François Čeferin Guillemot, M. E. P. (明稽章),the first vicar
  47. Is 943,611 among the total population of 1,110,130 in 2006. The percentage of, catholics , is 85.0 %, the highest in the United States. Bishops Education Middle and
  48. Germany however there are dioceses with a majority of the population being, catholics , ( refer graph to the right) and in the diocese Nassau Catholics make up 88 %
  49. The goodness of sexual behavior, and often provides general principles by which, catholics , are able to evaluate the morality of specific actions. The Catholic Church
  50. And Vessel often appeared together in order to appeal to protestants and, catholics , at the same time. The party believed in détente and favored plebiscites. It

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