Examples of the the word, fcc , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fcc ), is the 6327 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Precipitates. The phase is a solid solution with a face-centered crystal (, fcc , ) lattice and randomly distributed different species of atoms. By contrast, the
  2. Simple cubic (SC),body-centered cubic (BCC),and face-centered cubic (, fcc , also known as cubic close-packed or CCP),plus a number of other variants
  3. From berkelium),space group FMM and the lattice constant of 500 pm; this, fcc , structure is equivalent to the closest packing with the sequence ABC. Chemical
  4. Model or by lattice structure such as in the triangular, face-centered cubic (, fcc , ),hexagonal-close-packed, tetrahedron,pyrochlore and keynote lattices with
  5. The solid state. Mono-atomic gases have relatively simple face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) crystal structure, which can make interpretations of the site occupancy and
  6. Obvious as the closely packed layers are parallel to the planes of the, fcc , unit cell. There are four different orientations of the close-packed layers.
  7. With momentum resolution, magnon dispersion and full peak was explored in 8 ML, fcc , Co film on Cu (001) and 8 ML HCP Co on W (110),respectively. Those magnon
  8. Plasticity On the NATO scale the primary plastic deformation in simple, fcc , metals is reversible, as long as there is no material transport in form of
  9. Metallic orbital. The“ d-weight” calculates out to 0.5,0.7 and 0.9 for the, fcc , HCP and BCC structures respectively. The relationship between d-electrons and
  10. Density of granite,2.75 g/cm3. Solid xenon changes from face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) to hexagonal close packed (HCP) crystal phase under pressure and begins to
  11. Examples of BCC include iron, chromium,tungsten, and niobium. Examples of, fcc , include lead (for example in lead (II) nitrate),aluminum, copper,gold and
  12. Rather unstable in air. Out of solution, this structure decomposes into usual, fcc ,C60 in few minutes' time. At temperatures above solubility maximum the solvate
  13. Cubic structure with a lattice constant all=4.2696 Å. The Cu atoms arrange in a, fcc , sublattice, the O atoms in a BCC sublattice. The unit cell contains 4 Cu atoms
  14. Providence Health & Services. Transmitter network † KDSC is non-directional (, fcc , Gov). Coverage pattern is not circular due to mountains to the NE which block
  15. Not stable even when immersed in saturated solution and melts with formation of, fcc ,C60. Crystallization at temperatures above the solubility maximum results in
  16. A BCC lattice, the atomic packing factor is 0.680,and in FCC it is 0.740. The, fcc , value is the highest theoretically possible value for any lattice, although
  17. As it cools further its crystal structure changes to face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) at 1394 °C, when it is known as iron, or austenite. At 912 °C the crystal
  18. In the 1st,2nd and 3rd Reports and Orders by the FCC (publicly available at, fcc , Gov),are further detailed by the LNPA in order to ensure any provider can
  19. A face-centered cubic (FCC) structure called austenite when it is heated. The, fcc , structure is a close-packed structure, and the BCC structure is not, which
  20. Temperature it gradually converts back to berkelium). This phase has an, fcc , lattice (but slightly different from berkelium),space group FMM and the
  21. 42 minutes to arrive at King's Lynn, operating at an average of. Name ", fcc , /IN"> timetable"/> National Express East Anglia National Express East Anglia also
  22. Rock-salt crystal structure. It can be represented as a face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) lattice with a two-atom basis or as two interpenetrating faces centered cubic
  23. May be difficult to predict which form will be preferred from first principles., fcc , and HCP lattices There are two simple regular lattices that achieve this
  24. At temperatures above the solubility maximum results in formation of pure, fcc ,C60. Millimeter-sized crystals of C60 and C70 can be grown from solution both
  25. From a body-centered cubic (BCC) structure to a face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) structure called austenite when it is heated. The FCC structure is a
  26. Cubic (FCC) symmetry, space group FMM and lattice constant a = 489 pm. This, fcc , structure is equivalent to the closest packing with the sequence ABC. There is
  27. Off-peak times with trains every 30 minutes during peak hours. Name ", fcc , /IN"> timetable"/> Trains call at all stations and take 42 minutes to arrive at King
  28. DVRs and, to the extent possible, the Internet. ” name" fallows., fcc , ./NP"> gov"/> Veganism is the practice of eliminating the use of non-human animal
  29. Is an dimorphism c: X → C such that #there is a map FC: C → Y with f =, fcc , #for any dimorphism z: X → Z for which there is a map FM: Z → Y with f fuzz
  30. Low). Similarly, in a BCC lattice, the atomic packing factor is 0.680,and in, fcc , it is 0.740. The FCC value is the highest theoretically possible value for any
  31. Aq) → AGC (s) + NaNO3 (a) Structure and reactions The solid adopts the, fcc , NaCl structure, in which each Ag+ ion is surrounded by an octahedron of six
  32. Spheres of only one size. Most crystalline forms of metallic elements are HCP, fcc , or BCC (body-centered cubic). The coordination number of HCP and FCC is 12
  33. Properties Crystal structure AGF, AgCl, and Agar all have face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) rock-salt (NaCl) lattice structure with the following lattice parameters:
  34. 912 °C and up to 1400 °C iron undergoes a phase transition from BCC to the, fcc , configuration of iron, also called austenite. This is similarly soft and
  35. 5 GPA, α-Am transforms to the β modification, which has a face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) symmetry, space group FMM and lattice constant a = 489 pm. This FCC structure
  36. Shown at certain times that children watch television. Name" fallows., fcc , ./IN"> gov"/> In order to partially protect children from seeing inappropriate
  37. Of the close lattice match and the symmetry of the diamond (100) face is, fcc , More than a monolayer of iron can be grown because the critical thickness
  38. Achieve this highest average density. They are called face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) (also called cubic close packed) and hexagonal close-packed (HCP),based
  39. Atomic packing factor, is rare in nature, but is found in polonium. The BCC and, fcc , with their higher densities, are both quite common in nature. Examples of BCC
  40. Einsteinium metal with a 398 pm and c = 650 pm, which converted to the, fcc , phase upon heating to 300 °C. These processes may contribute to the relatively
  41. Hcp, fcc , or BCC (body-centered cubic). The coordination number of HCP and, fcc , is 12 and its atomic packing factor (APF) is the number mentioned above,0.74
  42. With different orientation to the ground. Positioning and spacing In both the, fcc , and HCP arrangements each sphere has twelve neighbors. For every sphere there
  43. When americium is heated at ambient pressure, at 770 °C it changes into an, fcc , phase which is different from team, and at 1075 °C it converts to a
  44. The way angle brackets denote a family of directions. For face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) and body-centered cubic (BCC) lattices, the primitive lattice vectors are
  45. Ferrites usually adopt a crystal motif consisting of cubic close-packed (, fcc , ) oxides (O2−) with A cation occupying one eighth of the tetrahedral holes
  46. Students as seniors (" CSC" ). In 1967,juniors became known as freshmen (", fcc ,"). Attendance dropped during the 1930s and '40s,but rose to maximum capacity
  47. Ccp) The unit cell of the CCP arrangement is the face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) unit cell. This is not immediately obvious as the closely packed layers are
  48. At ambient conditions, einsteinium is believed to have a face-centered cubic (, fcc , ) symmetry with the space group FMM and the lattice constant a 575 pm. However
  49. Arrangement of close-packed spheres. The coordination number of HCP and, fcc , is 12 and its atomic packing factor (APF) is the number mentioned above,0.74
  50. Point, and the second atom is located halfway between lattice points along the, fcc , unit cell edge. Thermal conductivity of pure NaCl as a function of temperature

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