Examples of the the word, proponent , in a Sentence Context
The word ( proponent ), is the 6313 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Members of humanity know this language. From 1942 to 1944 George Orwell was a, proponent ,of Basic English, but in 1945 he became critical of universal languages. Basic
- An American Dictionary of the English Language of 1828. Webster was a strong, proponent ,of spelling reform for reasons both philological and nationalistic. Many others
- In the early hours of March 13, 1965. Theory Organicism and nations Gini was a, proponent ,of organicism and saw nations as organic in nature. Gini shared the view held
- How and why individuals differ behaviorally from one another. He is a major, proponent ,of the hereditarian position in the nature versus nurture debate, the position
- Theory and scientists cite Diabetics as an example of a pseudoscience. One, proponent ,of Diabetics is Frederick L. Schumann, professor of political science at
- His manuscript, The Age of Reason: According to David Morgan, Franklin was a, proponent ,of religion in general. He prayed to" Powerful Goodness" and referred to God
- In the functional analysis, a branch of mathematical analysis. History An early, proponent ,of chaos theory was Henri Poincaré. In the 1880s,while studying the three-body
- Entities, which are just as real as any mundane object. Plato was the starkest, proponent ,of the realist thesis of universal concepts. By his view, concepts (and ideas
- IMO) and the State. Upon his release, Maček continued to be a vocal, proponent ,of greater federalization of Yugoslavia, which eventually resulted in the
- Had become household guests. Both men were followers of Jean Guilbert, proponent ,of a splinter group from the main body of Catholic teaching known as Jansenism.
- Different types of aircraft. Following World War II, Goldwater was a leading, proponent ,of creating the United States Air Force Academy, and later served on the
- Been adopted into Aramaic by the second century BC" Even John Golding,a, proponent ,of the late date, admits " the Greek words hardly necessitate a very late date.
- Embrace of" egoism" Tucker abandoned natural rights doctrine and became a, proponent ,of what is known as" Egoism. " This led to a split in American Individualism
- Voluntary sexual encounter between consenting adults. He was also a consistent, proponent ,of polyamory. In the United States" free thought was a basically anti-christian
- Han FEI, one of the most notable theoreticians of Legalism * Li Si, major, proponent , and practitioner of Legalism * Hooking, The 6th Buddhist patriarch of the Chan
- Been made a member of the Academic Franchise in 1746. He was a deist, a strong, proponent ,of religious freedom, and a critic of what he saw to be tyrannical governments.
- Jazz, and world music pioneer, famous for his work with Ornate Coleman; also a, proponent ,of the pocket trumpet. *Herbert Lincoln Clarke, one of the finest cornet
- Bottom-up design Ralph Kimball, a well-known author on data warehousing, is a, proponent ,of an approach to data warehouse design which he describes as bottom-up. In the
- Fortifications! Other controversies Flat Earth wager In 1870,a Flat-Earth, proponent ,named John Hamden offered a £500 wager (equivalent to about £ in present day
- Picking, frailing) are explored by Mired Patel. Eddie Peabody was the greatest, proponent ,of the plectrum banjo in the early to mid twentieth century. Johnny Bear, Bill
- And Paralipomena and Manuscript Remains, Schopenhauer described himself as a, proponent ,of limited government. What was essential, he thought, was that the state
- Musical and dramatic elements; Gebrauchsmusik Though Kurt Weill was not a vocal, proponent ,of the Gebrauchsmusik movement in Germany, many of his works, including the
- Scott Van stone, Canada,founder of Vertical and elliptic curve cryptography, proponent , To develop the flavor. After fermentation, the beans are dried, then cleaned
- Dialogue with the Canon Criticism school of the last 30 years. An active, proponent ,of all of these concerns is Albert M. Walters. Walters is himself a philosopher
- States of America's involvement in the Vietnam War, and was an outspoken, proponent ,of nuclear disarmament. One of his last acts was to issue a statement which
- Or single singer. J. S. Bach's son Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was a great, proponent ,of the instrument, and most of his German contemporaries regarded it as a
- Forced by the landslide by-election win of Daniel O'Connell, an Irish Catholic, proponent ,of emancipation, who was elected despite not being legally allowed to sit in
- Are in fact truly dead by any scientifically rigorous criteria. ” Cryonics, proponent ,Thomas Donaldson has argued that“ death” based on cardiac arrest or
- Discussing the medical nature of alcoholism, nonetheless AA is regarded as a, proponent ,and popularizer of the disease theory of alcoholism. The American Psychiatric
- Notes Benjamin Rickets on Tucker (April 17, 1854 – June 22, 1939) was a, proponent ,of American individualist anarchism (which he called" terrified
- Are light and whirling, pervading all other materials. Democritus was the main, proponent ,of this view. Using analogies from our sense experiences, he gave a picture or
- Of the ordered society of earlier times, Confucius is often considered a great, proponent ,of conservatism, but a closer look at what he proposes often shows that he used
- Father, was a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt. Instant was a, proponent ,of the philosophy of Christian Wolff and of the Enlightenment, and he
- Of natural selection, some people consider him as evolution's most ancient, proponent , The theory of an aquatic descent of man was re-conceived centuries later as
- In China, India,Iran, the Near East, and Ancient Greece. He was an early, proponent ,of science and tried to observe and explain different aspects of the universe
- Just over two years after receiving the award. Although often cited as a, proponent ,of existentialism, the philosophy with which Camus was associated during his
- To realism, teacher of Han FEI and Li Si ** Wang Ranging, most influential, proponent ,of Xingu or" state of mind. " * Shang Yang, Legalist founder and pivotal Qin
- In India on sustainable practices and Lady Eve Balfour who was a huge, proponent ,of composting. Composting was imported to America by various followers of these
- In that country's 1994 free and fair elections. Costa Rica has been a strong, proponent ,of regional arms-limitation agreements. Former President Miguel Ángel Rodríguez
- Is Leibniz optimism (sometimes called Panglossianism after its fictional, proponent ,), which Voltaire ridicules with descriptions of seemingly endless calamity.
- Learning, pattern analysis, artificial intelligence D * Christopher J. Date –, proponent ,of database relational model * Peter J. Denying – identified the use of an
- Co-produced the highly popular thirteen-part PBS television series. Sagan was a, proponent ,of the search for extraterrestrial life. He urged the scientific community to
- Most controversial was his openness about homosexuality. Ginsberg was an early, proponent ,of freedom for gay people. In 1943,he discovered within himself" mountains of
- Germany's military reforms of the 1920s,Heinz Sumerian emerged as a strong, proponent ,of mechanized forces. Within the Inspectorate of Transport Troops, Guderian and
- Well as scientific decision. Indeed, Robert Spitzer, a past editor and leading, proponent ,of scientific impartiality in the DSM, conceded that a significant reason that
- And ideologue who wrote The Scientific Basis of Fascism in 1927. Gini was a, proponent ,of the concept of organicism and applied it to nations. Life Gini was born on
- Antisemitic pronouncements still occur, however. John Hague, a leading, proponent ,of" Christian Zionism," reiterated a view—the popularity of which is very
- Networked computers, and precursors to GUIs. He is a committed, vocal, proponent , of the development and use of computers and networks to help cope with the
- Science do not meet those criteria. Duane Gish, a prominent creation science, proponent , has similarly claimed," We do not know how the Creator created, what
- Presumably under better management) rather than being dismantled, and,as a, proponent ,of a chapter 11 plan is required to demonstrate as a precursor to plan
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