Examples of the the word, crowded , in a Sentence Context
The word ( crowded ), is the 6323 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Good at defending against shooting, their ability to navigate quickly through, crowded ,areas of the court and steal the ball by reaching low are strengths. Variations
- Shape of the classic number ten formation, he needed to be employed in a, crowded ,midfield in order to play at his best. The managers at Union Magdalena and
- The whole army is crossing the Danube at Laying … The plain of Dillinger is, crowded ,with troops … Everything, milord, consists in speed and that you put yourself
- Veterans, the authority of the many honors granted by the Senate, Due to the, crowded ,nature of Rome at the time, Octavius was taken to his father's home village at
- Clean water supply, more efficient removal of raw sewage and reduction in, crowded ,and unsanitary living conditions. Today Environmental health is more related to
- Huts were still being erected, and initially the entire" shooting party" was, crowded ,into the mansion, its stables and cottages. These were too small, so Elmer's
- Travelling to most points on the island. These small buses can at times be, crowded , as passengers are generally never turned down, regardless of the number.
- Surroundings, Neumarkt square, Heumarkt and all bars and pubs in the city are, crowded ,with people in costumes dancing and drinking on the streets. Hundreds of
- Behind them. Mérode-Westerloo attempted to extricate some French infantry, crowded ,in Blenheim, but Clérambault ordered the troops back into the village. The
- NASCAR, adorned with a marble structure called Radar. Ajmer is an ancient, crowded ,city with modern developments in the outskirts. Social Groups According to
- To the exhilaration of the slaves when the Union Army came through, the Negroes, crowded ,the roadsides to watch the passing army. They were 'all frantic with joy, some
- The Shada-danta Jataka, with the Buddha in his elephant incarnation. This is a, crowded ,scene, but each figure is clearly distinguished from the other. The whole crowd
- However, few people sit in the middle seat on these trains because they feel, crowded ,and uncomfortable. It is said one industrial designer for one of New York City
- The surrender of the grounded Pennant and Tirolean. The Pennant, its decks, crowded ,with 1,600 survivors from other French vessels, surrendered as the British
- A native of India and a vigorous, hardy annual with dark purplish flowers, crowded ,in handsome drooping spikes. Another Indian annual, A. Hypochondriacus (prince
- All — the diesel started. Up to that moment, the people shut up in those four, crowded ,chambers were still alive, four times 750 persons, in four times 45 cubic
- Ball deliberately is a violation). Thus, players often use the bounce pass in, crowded ,moments, or to pass around a defender. The overhead pass is used to pass the
- The Yankees at the Polo Grounds in New York. Shortstop Ray Chapman, who often, crowded ,the plate, was batting against Carl Mays, who had an unusual underhand delivery
- A crown of long thin leaves. The spike-like inflorescence is erect and densely, crowded ,with small flowers. The fruit is a capsule. Plants are adapted to bush fires
- Respects, this incomplete classification is better than that of Linnaeus, who, crowded , the invertebrate together into two groups, Insecta and Verses (worms). For
- Individuals to compete more heavily for fewer available resources. Under, crowded ,conditions the population experiences density-dependent forces of natural
- Natural selection, which is called r-selection. As the population becomes more, crowded , it approaches the island's carrying capacity, thus forcing individuals to
- That evening, as Lara neared the all-time batting record, a huge surge of fans, crowded ,to enter the grounds. Lara also holds the record for the highest individual
- Release from prison was a worldwide media event, as reporters and photographers, crowded ,both the street outside Spandau and the lobby of the Berlin hotel where Speer
- Their three fights. Joe Louis, after retirement, admitted that he hated being, crowded , and that swarmers like untied/undefeated champ Rocky Marciano would have
- In Rio, the Corcovado railway, access roads, and statue platform are commonly, crowded , Attractions The most popular attraction of Corcovado mountain is the statue
- To its new headquarters in 6 October City, a small city away from Cairo's, crowded ,districts. On October 2008,the Egyptian Rugby Federation was officially formed
- Improves resistance to radio frequency interference by avoiding the use of, crowded ,frequencies in the hopping sequence. *Higher transmission speeds in practice
- Its origins, about a third of the European population had already perished. In, crowded ,cities, it was not uncommon for as much as 50 percent of the population to die.
- Position and nullifying the French numerical superiority. " The men were so, crowded ,in upon one another ", wrote Mérode-Westerloo," that they couldn’t even fire –
- Into depression, from which he was unable to recover. The Finch Vigil became, crowded ,with guests and tourists, as Hemingway, beginning to become unhappy with life
- Injure anyone he encounters. Amok typically takes place in a well populated or, crowded ,area. Amok episodes of this kind normally end with the attacker being killed by
- The New Town was an 18th century solution to the problem of an increasingly, crowded ,Old Town. The city had remained incredibly compact, confined to the ridge
- To advertise more aggressively. DEC was simply not prepared to sell into a, crowded ,Unix market however, and the low end PC-servers running NT (based on Intel
- And other light fare (options change based on time of day),as well as a less, crowded , more comfortable lounge space. Additionally, complimentary Lenovo computer
- Halakic themes. As Abbey delivered popular sermons, the masses naturally, crowded ,to hear him, and deserted the salafist. At this apparent slight, R. Hiya
- Go to this temple as a ritual just before marriage. It is one of the most, crowded ,temples of Andhra Pradesh. Srisailam temple in Kernel district is a very
- Density figures conceal a great disparity between the republic's most, crowded ,island, Nzwani, which had a density of 470 persons per square kilometer in 1991
- Jackson's guards could not keep them out of the White House, which became so, crowded ,with people that dishes and decorative pieces inside were eventually broken.
- Is important. Natives of Want have settled in significant numbers on less, crowded ,Mali, causing some social tensions, and many Want also migrate to More. In
- Only and delays or cancellations of service are common. Conditions can be very, crowded ,without any space to sit on deck, and it is advisable to pre-book a cabin for
- Doubts if his innocence will ever be established. He makes his escape in the, crowded ,courthouse corridor. Tisdale gets a lift from Erica Burgoyne (Nova William)
- The Athenian citizenry. The day's program at the City Dionysian for example was, crowded , with three tragedies and a 'satyr' play ahead of the comedy, and it is
- Much to raise the Museum's reputation; but Montage House became increasingly, crowded ,and decrepit, and it was apparent that it would be unable to cope with further
- When we ventured into a restaurant or a shopping center downtown, people, crowded , around,saying that they were praying for us. Warren Christopher was given at
- Street and South Elmwood Avenue. The area is home to high-energy dance clubs, crowded ,bars, trendy coffeehouses, and restaurants. Allentown, where bars are as
- Half, having grown haphazardly over the centuries, is dominated by small lanes, crowded ,tenements, and Islamic architecture. Northern and extreme eastern parts of
- Part, is well known for its string of small shops and markets, as well as its, crowded ,flea market and taverns specializing in Bourbaki. Another district notably
- مترو) ", is a fast and efficient way of getting around Cairo. It can get very, crowded ,during rush hour. Two train cars (the fourth and fifth ones) are reserved for
- Regularly from year to year, as otherwise the world would long ago have been, crowded ,with those that breed most quickly. Vaguely thinking over the enormous and
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