Examples of the the word, shepherd , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shepherd ), is the 6328 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Saga: In the Eyrbyggja Saga a shepherd is assaulted by a blue-black drug. The, shepherd ,'s neck is broken during the ensuing scuffle. The shepherd rises the next night
  2. When they became tired and hungry they stopped to dine. They saw a Georgian, shepherd ,and decided to ask him to feed them. First, Elijah went up to the shepherd and
  3. Groupname. Before Persephone was abducted by Hades, an event witnessed by the, shepherd ,Humorous and the swineherd Tubules (they saw a girl being carried of into the
  4. Featured in Quentin Tarantino's film Kill Bill Vol. 1. The melody" The lonely, shepherd ," was written by James Last and first released on his album" Memories from
  5. A long stick to vault over an open area. This sport possibly evolved from the, shepherd ,'s need to occasionally get over an open area in the hills as they were tending
  6. Although his housekeeper, who has a more realistic view of the hard life of a, shepherd , urges him to stay home and tend to his own affairs. Soon after, he retires to
  7. The end that, according to the Gospel, there may be only one fold and only one, shepherd , *Canon 5: Proclamation of the papal primacy recognized by all antiquity. After
  8. By right of blood and inheritance, not as a conqueror but as the true, shepherd ,of Christ's flock to cherish and comfort them. Oxford fears were ill-founded
  9. Draugr. The shepherd 's neck is broken during the ensuing scuffle. The, shepherd ,rises the next night as a drug. In more recent folklore
  10. Due to the intercession of his mother, Leto. During this time he served as, shepherd ,for King Admetus of Pherae in Thessaly. Admetus treated Apollo well, and,in
  11. Same used in Eccles 12:11,and it is unique to these three passages. So the one, shepherd ,is bound up with Nathan’s prophecy of the Davidic covenant of 2 Sam 7.
  12. Authority of God and his Messiah are borrowed for the book of Ecclesiastes. The, shepherd ,is also identified with the Messiah by Person. He shows that in the Hellenistic
  13. Shepherds" ( i.e., the false prophets),the promise of peace and of the real, shepherd ,(after 597),and warnings against false prophets and godless priests (
  14. Gives Ishtar of her mistreatment of her serial lovers: You loved the herdsman, shepherd ,and chief shepherd Who was always heaping up the glowing ashes for you, And
  15. In 1587,was Tambourine the Great, about the conqueror Timur, who rises from, shepherd ,to warrior. It is among the first English plays in blank verse, and,with
  16. First, Elijah went up to the shepherd and asked him for a sheep. After the, shepherd ,asked his identity Elijah said that, he was the one who sent him rain to get
  17. Shepherd and decided to ask him to feed them. First, Elijah went up to the, shepherd ,and asked him for a sheep. After the shepherd asked his identity Elijah said
  18. To be king, and leading them against the Philistines. David is described as a, shepherd ,boy arriving at the battlefield to aid his brothers, and is overheard by Saul
  19. Center of the circle. In other areas, the dance is done to launders and the, shepherd ,'s split, but the accordion had also made its appearance by the 19th century.
  20. David foreshadowed the life of Christ; Bethlehem is the birthplace of both; the, shepherd ,life of David points out Christ, the Good Shepherd; the five stones chosen to
  21. Reference here is the“ one shepherd ” of verse 11. Most have interpreted the, shepherd ,as God. This lends credence to the entire book, which is the aim of the
  22. The messianic figure (12:9). The major messianic reference here is the“ one, shepherd ,” of verse 11. Most have interpreted the shepherd as God. This lends credence
  23. Text: Vanderbilt bar: cats from: 1948 till: 1952 color: CMC text: Cases bar:, shepherd ,from: 1946 till: 1948 color: ACM bar: shepherd from: 1952 till: 1956 color:
  24. 1st Assault Section,602nd Commando Company) found itself trapped in a small, shepherd ,'s house at Top Male. The Argentine commandos fired from windows and doorways
  25. Record company. An agreement was made that Philips could release" The lonely, shepherd ," as a single (45 rpm) on the Philips label. Criticism Although Zambia is
  26. In chapters 34 and 37,Ezekiel describes the Davidic Messiah as the“ one, shepherd ,”: this wording is the same used in Eccles 12:11,and it is unique to these
  27. In the large-scale use of animals for food/fiber and as beasts of burden. The, shepherd ,joined the farmer as an essential provider for sedentary and seminomadic
  28. Cosmos ". This can be seen in the description of the Lord ordering" Strike the, shepherd ,so that the sheep may be scattered" ( Zechariah 13:7),implying that not only
  29. Neville bar: fuller bar: Russell bar: Holcomb bar: Vanderbilt bar: cats bar:, shepherd ,bar: pate bar: shop bar: Greene bar: Chapman bar: Cushman bar: Wilson bar:
  30. Is presented by the example of Gunnar in Njál's saga: In the Eyrbyggja Saga a, shepherd ,is assaulted by a blue-black drug. The shepherd 's neck is broken during the
  31. Two pursuits; nor change from one class into another, as to turn farmer from, shepherd , or shepherd from artisan. It is only permitted to join the wise men out of any
  32. Thrown by Ajax, but Apollo arrives from Olympus and infuses strength into" the, shepherd ,of the people ", who orders a chariot attack, with Apollo clearing the way.
  33. The creation of a drug is not exactly clear, but in the Eyrbyggja saga,a, shepherd ,is killed by a drug and rises the next night as one himself. The drug is
  34. Blond" ), Fieraru (" smith" ), Croitoru (" tailor" )," Packard" ( ", shepherd ,"). Romanian family names remain the same regardless of the sex of the person.
  35. He was the one who sent him rain to get him a good profit from farming. The, shepherd ,became angry at him and told him that he was the one who also sent
  36. Of course, ferries himself as well. The highest level is that of the, shepherd , who makes sure that all his sheep arrive safely ahead of him and places their
  37. There people looking for us coming here to spy ... Suddenly I saw there was a, shepherd ,herding his sheep to the direction of the place under the rock wanting to shade
  38. Mistreatment of her serial lovers: You loved the herdsman, shepherd and chief, shepherd ,Who was always heaping up the glowing ashes for you, And cooked ewe-lambs for
  39. During the 19th century. The earliest written reference to crochet refers to, shepherd ,'s knitting from The Memoirs of a Highland Lady by Elizabeth Grant (1797–1830
  40. Canzonetta # SU, Su, Su, pastorelli mezzos (Come, come,come, charming, shepherd , lads ) Anonymous Antonietta # IL Ball Dell ingrate (Entrance and Final
  41. To become popular, including many new secular pastorals (pastoral, or, shepherd , 's songs),they were not written down originally, but rather taught among
  42. Humility and the abandonment of luxury, and the short time he spent as a, shepherd ,was important to the formation of this view. Toward the end of his life he
  43. Was building, and events such as the Gulf War in Kuwait were beginning to, shepherd ,issues of globalization and transnational trade on to national government
  44. His plan to retire to the countryside and live the pastoral existence of, shepherd , although his housekeeper, who has a more realistic view of the hard life of a
  45. Bring them also, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one flock, one, shepherd , ” Though a number of early Christian and medieval commentators understood this
  46. U is by my. In U hand is EK valid. Translation dependent: # The Lord is my, shepherd ,I shall not be in want. # He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me
  47. Nor change from one class into another, as to turn farmer from shepherd , or, shepherd , from artisan. It is only permitted to join the wise men out of any class; for
  48. Color: CMC text: Cases bar: shepherd from: 1946 till: 1948 color: ACM bar:, shepherd ,from: 1952 till: 1956 color: CMC text: Shepard bar: pate from: 1954 till: 1956
  49. By Person. He shows that in the Hellenistic time of Ecclesiastes the“ one, shepherd ,” was a common messianic trope which is based on the Book of Ezekiel. In
  50. And sworn to chastity and Diana's assault on Sylvia's affections for the, shepherd ,Mynas. In literature In" The Knight's Tale" in Geoffrey Chaucer's The

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