Examples of the the word, confer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( confer ), is the 6310 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Church also officially announced its opposition to political measures that ", confer ,legal status on any other sexual relationship" than a" man and a woman
- Well. Instead of gaining prestige from numbers, double entry bookkeeping helped, confer ,cultural authority on numbers. Double entry accounting means that each
- See 'extra-motor change in MND' below). It is thought that SOD1 mutations, confer ,a toxic gain, rather than a loss, of function to the enzyme. SOD1 mutations may
- S account in Either/Or, making choices without allowing one's values to, confer ,differing values to the alternatives, is,in fact, choosing not to make a
- Higher claims, until we find them in AD 1489 permitted by Innocent IV to, confer ,both the subdiaconate and diagonal. Of course, they always and everywhere had
- Apertures of or larger) that have fainter light grasp do not necessarily, confer ,an advantage in terms of viewing comets. The opportunity to view spectacular
- Were, as we have seen, permitted by the second Nicene council, AD 787,to, confer ,the tonsure and admit to the order of reader; but gradually abbots, in the West
- Chromosomal-mediated APC β-lactamases represent a new threat, since they, confer ,resistance to 7-alpha-methoxy-cephalosporins (cephalexins) such as cenobitic
- 2:122). However, Muslim scholars point out that this does status did not, confer ,upon Israelites any racial superiority, and was only valid so long as the
- Cairo Conference in November 1943,and then went to the Tehran Conference to, confer ,with Churchill and Stalin. While Churchill warned of potential domination by a
- Papacy to confirm the rule of the order, which he had himself composed, and to, confer ,on the society a variety of special graces and privileges. In the only creation
- Grand master is the highest title a chess player can attain. Before FIDE will, confer ,the title on a player, the player must have an ELO chess rating (see below)
- Express plasmid-encoded β-lactamases (e.g.,TEM-1,TEM-2,and SHV-1). Which, confer ,resistance to penicillin but not to expanded-spectrum cephalosporins. In the
- Social Union politicians Publicly and privately held for-profit corporations, confer ,corporate titles or business titles on company officials as a means of
- But their major superior under canon law, and has the additional authority to, confer ,the ministries of acolyte and lector (formerly, he could confer the minor
- Magician, brought out of retirement by his son's rebellion, left for Gaul to, confer ,with Constantine in late 307. He offered to marry his daughter Faust to
- Standards, he thought me worthy of the highest initiation in his power to, confer ,; special powers were obtained in view of my limited sojourn, and I was pushed
- In many cases extremely difficult to attain. The stamina to excel is likely to, confer ,celebrity status in itself. For instance, careers in the sports and
- On the target of the message. Between parties, communication includes acts that, confer ,knowledge and experiences, give advice and commands, and ask questions. These
- To molecular class D and functional group 2d. The OpenType beta-lactamases, confer ,resistance to ampicillin and cephalexin and are characterized by their high
- Defended his decision by claiming that merely to hold the lines at Gollum would, confer ,upon the British a distinct advantage, in that they could more easily outflank
- Across the network. Shadow groups In Microsoft's Active Directory, OUs do not, confer ,access permissions, and objects placed within Out are not automatically
- Of antibiotic resistance is genetic mutation in bacteria. However, genes that, confer ,resistance can be transferred between bacteria in a horizontal fashion by
- 1930: Emperor Showa's second brother, Prince Takamatsu, traveled to Madrid to, confer ,the Great Collar of the Chrysanthemum on King Alfonso. This honor was intended
- Or movement buff. Bards can weave the effects of up to four songs at once to, confer ,the greatest advantage to their group. Bards themselves often do not receive
- Willing subordination of the individual to the group. Religious practices, confer ,biological advantages. The sociological view is that all animal social
- Are given by the laying on of hands—provide counsel and advice and, confer ,spiritual blessings upon the recipient. Evangelist's blessings may or may not
- First students came to be graduated, these " colleges" assumed the right to, confer ,degrees upon them, usually with authority—for example, The College of William &
- Repeal the policy might be delayed until 2010,because Obama" first wants to, confer ,with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his new political appointees at the Pentagon
- And ceftazidime, as well as the oxyimino-monobactam aztreonam. Thus, SBS, confer ,resistance to these antibiotics and related oxyimino-beta lac tams. In typical
- Known by a few other names before 1861 when the college was fully authorized to, confer ,four-year degrees on both men and women. The first classes were held in Albion
- Authority to confer the ministries of acolyte and lector (formerly, he could, confer ,the minor orders, which are not sacraments, that these ministries have replaced
- Church ", though they never trace a historical line of succession or attempt to, confer , like Paul, with those who were" apostles" before them. The founders or
- Base metals into gold or silver, and also act as an elixir of life that would, confer ,youth and immortality upon its user. Alchemy can be viewed as a prescience, a
- Educational institutions, partnerships,and sole proprietorship also, confer ,corporate titles. The highest level executives are usually called" C-level "
- S baptism is to be referred to the bishop, so that he can decide whether to, confer ,the baptism himself. If no ordinary minister is available, a catechist or some
- To one or more of the existing members of the OX beta-lactamase family. Some, confer ,resistance predominantly to ceftazidime, but OXA-17 confer s greater resistance
- Of William & Mary has a Royal Charter from the British monarchy allowing it to, confer ,degrees while Dartmouth College has a charter permitting it to award degrees "
- Irrespective of that person's religion) who has the requisite intention may, confer ,the baptism By" a case of necessity" is meant imminent danger of death
- Issues directly and clearly holding: No agreement with a foreign nation can, confer ,power on the Congress, or on any other branch of Government, which is free from
- On the days of the Saints John, and conduct Masonic funerals, but not to, confer ,degrees, nor to do other Masonic work. In 1784,these individuals applied for
- This new brotherhood supplant Onesimus's servitude or does the brotherhood, confer ,only a spiritual equality between Onesies and Philemon, while the temporal
- Ceremony installs the new abbot into a position of legal authority, it does not, confer ,further sacramental authority. Once he has received this blessing, the abbot
- States would agree to a treaty. Adams stated it was necessary for the States to, confer ,the power of passing navigation laws to Congress, or that the States themselves
- At other times, over a two-year period or longer. Differential diagnoses To, confer ,major depressive disorder as the most likely diagnosis, other potential
- Mutations and the clinical syndrome associated with them. Familial MND may also, confer ,a higher risk of developing cognitive changes such as frontotemporal dementia
- To compel them. Parliaments allowed representatives of the gentry to meet, confer ,and send policy-proposals to the monarch in the form of Bills. These
- To Grant's headquarters at City Point, Virginia. This allowed the president to, confer ,in person with Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman about the hostilities, as
- Summoned the British bishops to a meeting. These guests retired early to, confer ,with their people, they refused to recognize him as archbishop. Also, there
- Haplogroup D allele is thought to be positively selected in populations and to, confer ,some substantial advantage that has caused its frequency to rapidly increase.
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