Examples of the the word, guru , in a Sentence Context
The word ( guru ), is the 6319 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Sannyasi. This training is by submission to, service to, and friendship to the, guru , (SB 7.12.1) In terms of varnasrama principles, the highest standard of
- S Chiller Theatre, film director and writer Rusty Cardiff and makeup effects, guru ,Tom Saving. Today, the genre continues through the PARSEC writers organization
- Turn over one quarter of the nation's land to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, an Indian, guru ,who promised that he would use it for a network of utopian agricultural
- Bridge (along with Jeremy Allison and Volker Lender) has been called a ", guru ,in its traditional Indian meaning" by IT writer, Sam Varese. Apple soft BASIC
- The goal of the game being to stay still the longest. If the player moved, a ", guru ,meditation" error resulted A similar game is the final unlockable balance
- Religious backgrounds. The text was decreed by Guru Go bind Singh Hi, the tenth, guru , as the final guru of the Sikh religion. Sikhi's traditions and teachings are
- Help those wanting to become Hindus by such reconversions. American-born Hindu, guru , Sat guru Siva ya Subramuniyaswami wrote a book entitled How to Become a Hindu -
- Duarte, Salvadoran politician (d. 1990) *1926 – Satya SAI Baba, Indian, guru , and philosopher (d. 2011) *1927 – Guy Davenport, American author and scholar
- Mother of Just (Antares). * It is taught by a disciple of New Age, guru ,Jose Arguello on Arguello’ website that 3,000,000 years ago beings from
- John Mitchell, British writer (b. 1933) *2011 – Satya SAI Baba, Indian, guru , spiritual figure (b. 1926) * 2011 – Marie-France Pinier, French actress (b.
- Bali's' Still Waiting ... (a sequel to Waiting ...) playing a pick-up artist, guru , Adam helped write an unproduced screenplay for a movie entitled Deaf Frat Guy:
- An evolutionary process—an integral function of the universe. " He had become a, guru ,of the design, architecture,and 'alternative' communities, such as Drop City
- But Stoic gloom of those pulverized by circumstances. " He also played a, guru ,in the sex farce Candy (1968). Burn! (1969),which Brando would later claim
- He accepted a private plane provided by Murdoch's son-in-law, public relations, guru ,Matthew Freud; Cameron has not revealed his talks with Murdoch. The gift of
- Musician (Eric Tentacles) *1962 – Susannah Constantine, British fashion, guru ,*1964 – Kerry King, American musician (Slayer) *1965 – Mike Gordon, American
- Named Surabaya. The prince is trained in all the arts and sciences by a, guru ,at Maxilla. One-day Surabaya was seized by a man-eating deceit. The prince
- Upon Zimmer as a mentor. Zimmer taught Campbell that myth (rather than a, guru ,or spiritual guide) could serve in the role of a personal mentor, in that its
- Investigative journalist (b. 1945) *2008 – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Indian, guru , founder of Transcendental Meditation (b. c. 1917) *2010 – Brendan Burke, Gay
- Col burn, British publisher (b.? ) *1886 – Sri Ramakrishna, Bengali saint, guru ,of Swami Vivekananda (b. 1836) *1888 – John Pemberton, American druggist and
- The text was decreed by Guru Go bind Singh Hi, the tenth guru , as the final, guru ,of the Sikh religion. Sikhi's traditions and teachings are associated with the
- Buddhism's tradition emphasizes an instructive and devotional relationship to a, guru ,; this may involve devotional practices known as guru yoga which are congruent
- Which he has performed in a tour of the United States, is a self-help, guru ,in a similar mold to Bob Patterson. It was announced in July 2010 that
- Then a collection of links. Humorist Dave Barry gives accolades to Pournelle's, guru ,column in Byte magazine in Dave Barry in Cyberspace. Politics In a 1997 article
- Same error box as the Commodore Amiga Guru meditation error, except the Winamp, guru ,meditation error does not have a flashing red border, but a solid red border. A
- Relationship to a guru ; this may involve devotional practices known as, guru ,yoga which are congruent with prayer. It also appears that Tibetan Buddhism
- Musician, revolutionary (d. 1870) *1836 – Sri Ramakrishna, Indian Bengali, guru ,of Swami Vivekananda (d. 1886) *1838 – Ernst Mach, Austrian physicist (d.
- Pilot, Canadian ice hockey player * 1931 – Bhagavan Three Rajneesh, Indian, guru , ( d. 1990) *1932 – Enrique Bermúdez, Nicaraguan Contra leader (d. 1991)
- Affect all three primitive material imbalances of the body. " Catalan, guru ,sheet am CIA raktapittakaphapaham | Sandbar cchedanam Russian ashram
- People use swords, sticks,or daggers. Historians believe that the sixth Sikh, guru ,started the art of Data after the martyrdom of fifth guru , Guru Aryan Dev.
- 1st round selection in the 2010 NFL Draft. On February 1,2010,offensive, guru ,Mike Marty was hired by the Chicago Bears as their offensive coordinator. On
- Was assassinated. Indira was known for her closeness with her personal yoga, guru , Dhirendra Brahmachari, who not only helped her in making certain decisions but
- Kyushu Mira was blinded, and the Sikh Guru Aryan (the religious fifth, guru ,) tortured for five days until he had disappeared while taking a bath in a
- Viscount, Duchess of Milan (d. 1468) *1504 – Guru An gad Dev, second Sikh, guru ,(d. 1552) *1536 – Ashikaga Yoshiteru, Japanese shogun (d. 1565) *1576 –
- Yoga and Tantra propose that Kundalini energy can be" awakened" by a, guru ,(teacher),but body and spirit must be prepared by yogic austerities such as
- Tibetan word" lama" corresponds precisely to the better known Sanskrit word ", guru ,". In religious terms, the Dalai Lama is believed by his devotees to be the
- Along with machines, materials and money. According to the management, guru ,Peter Trucker (1909–2005),the basic task of a management is twofold:
- Den Siegen Taken, Stockhausen had read a biography by Satire about the Bengali, guru ,Sri Aurobindo (Guerrero 2009),and subsequently he also read many of the
- Musician (Van her RAAF Generator) * 1948 – Hridayananda data Goswami, ISKCON, guru ,* 1948 – Bernard-Henri Lévy, French public intellectual * 1948 – William Daniel
- Kevin Brown, American baseball player * 1965 – Diana Tom, American fitness, guru ,and model * 1965 – Kevin Williamson, American screenwriter *1969 – DES Coleman
- That the sixth Sikh guru started the art of Data after the martyrdom of fifth, guru , Guru Aryan Dev. Wherever there is a large Punjabi Sikh population, there will
- Ultimately descended from Brahma, Gurmukhi was standardized by the second Sikh, guru , Guru An gad Dev Hi, in the 16th century. The whole of the Sri Guru Grant Sahib
- Where a person would sit cross-legged on the joy board, resembling an Indian, guru , The player was supposed to remain perfectly still with the goal of the game
- Jean Racine, French dramatist (d. 1699) *1666 – Guru Go bind Singh, Sikh, guru , ( d. 1708) *1690 – Making Pamela, King of Manipur (d. 1751) *1694 –
- The Sikh religion. In the late 17th century, Guru Go bind Singh Hi (the tenth, guru ,in Sikhism),was in war with the Mogul rulers to protect the people of
- And chanting of Vedic Mantras, are still observed by the masses. Famous yoga, guru ,Swami Raided is from Mahendragarh in Haryana. Seasonal and religious festivals
- Of the disciple. And according to the Jainism perspective, neither a god nor a, guru ,have any role in a person's karma—the individual is considered to be the sole
- To cloud the mind and over-stimulate the senses. To be initiated under a, guru , one must have had no caffeine (along with alcohol, nicotine and other drugs)
- Idealism. Paul Brenton, a British philosopher, mystic,traveler, and, guru , taught a type of idealism called" mentalist ", similar to that of Bishop
- Word) to emphasize the totality of the revelation. Nanak designated the word, guru ,(meaning teacher) as the voice of God and the source and guide for knowledge
- Lingers and worshiped Lord Shiva to get back his Texas. Shankaracharya's, guru ,had told Shankaracharya that Patanjali was reincarnated as Dorinda Bhagavatpada
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