Examples of the the word, umpire , in a Sentence Context

The word ( umpire ), is the 12696 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A player above the knee may on some occasions not be penalized, this is in the, umpire ,'s discretion. A jab tackle for example, might accidentally lift the ball above
  2. Beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore.:" Kill him! Kill the, umpire , " Shouted someone on the stand;: And it's likely they'd a-killed him had not
  3. Out and nullifying the run scored. Every brought this to the attention of the, umpire ,that day, Hank O'Day, who after some deliberation called the runner out.
  4. Had a perfect game going with 2 outs in the top of the ninth when first base, umpire ,Jim Joyce made a controversial call, ruling Jason Donald safe at first when
  5. The president of the bench in the inquisitorial system is not merely an, umpire ,and is entitled to directly interview the witnesses or express comments during
  6. Or arbitration tribunal. (In modern French,"" usually means referee or, umpire , ) In the sense used here it is first defined in 1704 by Mathieu de la Port in
  7. More umpire s, who make rulings on the outcome of each play. At a minimum, one, umpire , will stand behind the catcher, to have a good view of the strike zone, and call
  8. Pitcher, and once more the spheroid flew;: But Casey still ignored it, and the, umpire ,said," Strike two. ":" Fraud! " Cried the maddened thousands, and echo
  9. Series, the Orioles fell to the Yankees 4–1 in an ALCS infamous for right field, umpire ,Rich Garcia's failure to call fan interference, when Yankee fan Jeffrey Maier
  10. 5) a fair ball that has not been touched by a fielder touches a runner or an, umpire , unless a runner is called out for having been touched by an Infield Fly, in
  11. Officiated by umpire s. Australian football begins after the first siren,the, umpire ,bounces the ball on the ground (or throws it into the air if the condition of
  12. Beyond the oval boundary line around the edge of the field),a boundary, umpire ,will stand with his back to the infield and return the ball into play with a
  13. In retaliation for this act. The plunking generally end there because of, umpire ,warnings, but in some cases things can get out of hand, and sometimes they lead
  14. Of the Ithaca, to a trial of skill. Tools, the mountain-god, was chosen to, umpire , Pan blew on his pipes, and with his rustic melody gave great satisfaction to
  15. Mountain Division trainer (b. 1914) *1996 – John Cherry, American baseball, umpire ,(b. 1944) *1997 – Norman Carr, British conservationist (b. 1912) * 1998 –
  16. A pitcher in baseball statistics when a batter receives four pitches that the, umpire ,calls balls. It is better known as a walk. The base on balls is defined in
  17. A behind with one hand, and then confirms the signal with the other goal, umpire ,by waving flags above his head. The team that has scored the most points at the
  18. Holliday's winning run came off of a controversial slide in which home plate, umpire ,Tim McClelland called Holiday safe, despite replays showing Holiday may have
  19. Express a wish for bodily resurrection, only for someone to intervene as an ", umpire ,", a " vindicator ", a " go'El ", on his behalf as an impartial judge between
  20. Sierpinski headed back to the dugout but ran to first base upon realizing that, umpire ,Doug Endings had ruled that Angels catcher Josh Paul (a former White Sox
  21. A free kick against any player who deliberately rushes a behind. The goal, umpire ,signals a goal with two hands raised at elbow height, a behind with one hand
  22. As the receiver plays it: these unofficial variations are often based on the, umpire ,'s perception of the skill of the players i.e. on the level of the game, in
  23. And his general contractor),and an experienced arbitrator. Umpire The, umpire ,is a third party chosen either by the method of the arbitral parties or by a
  24. But five days later, he was ejected from a game for throwing dirt on an, umpire , and then climbed into the stands to confront a heckler; Ruth was subsequently
  25. Aaron Miles, American baseball player * 1976 – Todd Titchener, American baseball, umpire ,*1977 – Dave Slicker, Scottish drummer (Dragon force) * 1978 – Jerome
  26. Down 4-2 in the seventh with two outs and two runners on base, the home plate, umpire ,ruled that Jermaine Dye had been hit by a pitch, while the Actors argued (and
  27. 1940 – Mervin Kitchen, Former Somerset cricketer and cricket international, umpire ,* 1940 – Ram Levy, Israeli screenwriter and director *1941 – Étienne Roda-Gil
  28. Was a catch, but Brahman stood his ground, believing it to be a bump ball. The, umpire ,ruled in the Australian captain's favor, and he appeared to regain his fluency
  29. Were not certain if the fielder stepped on the ropes and Dhoti stayed for the, umpire ,'s verdict. While the replays were inconclusive, the captain of the West Indies
  30. Berth. Palomar set off a firestorm in September when he spat into home plate, umpire ,John Hirschbeck's face during an argument in Toronto. He was later suspended
  31. Height, could be considered to be dangerous or reckless play in the view of the, umpire , especially when safer alternatives are open to the striker of the ball. A ball
  32. And Arizona Cardinals; a University of Northern Iowa alumnus * Don Derringer –, umpire ,that made a controversial call in the 1985 World Series *Terry Stoats – former
  33. Albert Belle's bat, presuming that it was corked. They put it in the, umpire ,'s room at Mickey Park. However, Indians pitcher Jason Grisly climbed
  34. Oneida, Japanese singer (d. 1986) * 1967 – Bill Were, American baseball, umpire ,*1968 – Paul Colman, Australian guitarist (Newsboys) * 1968 – Casper
  35. Positions are left fielder, center fielder, and right fielder. A neutral, umpire ,sets up behind the catcher. Play starts with a batter standing at home plate
  36. At a batter intentionally is illegal, and can be very dangerous. When an, umpire ,believes a pitcher has thrown at a batter intentionally, a warning is issued to
  37. Ball unheeded sped-:" That ain't my style," said Casey. " Strike one," the, umpire ,said.::: Taking the first or even the second strike without swinging is not
  38. It (in other words he must be able to touch the ball with his stick). On the, umpire ,'s whistle, the striker may push or flick the ball at the goal and goalkeeper
  39. Identical situation had been brought to the umpire s' attention by Every; the, umpire ,that day was the same Hank O'Day. While the winning run was allowed to stand on
  40. First started upon the creation of the AL Central in 1994. On July 15, 1994 an, umpire ,confiscated Albert Belle's bat, presuming that it was corked. They put it in
  41. From close range but at such low velocity as not to be, in the opinion of the, umpire , dangerous play. In the same way a high velocity hit at very close range into
  42. Or right. Apart from free kicks or when the ball is in the possession of an, umpire ,for a ball up or throw in, the ball is always in dispute and any player from
  43. Are defenders. The match is officiated by two field umpire s. Traditionally each, umpire ,generally controls half of the field, divided roughly diagonally. These umpire s
  44. It or it contacts the ground. ) Crucial to determining balls and strikes is the, umpire ,'s judgment whether a pitch has passed through the strike zone, a
  45. Occur in 1980 with new recruit Phil Carmen making headlines for headbutting an, umpire , The tribunal suspended him for sixteen weeks, and although most people thought
  46. In high school or college baseball, the manager may simply request to the plate, umpire ,to let the batter go to first instead of having the pitcher waste four outside
  47. The regulations and other functions—such as player discipline and, umpire ,supervision—they had administered separately were consolidated under the rubric
  48. The Messiah to become Incarnate. In verse 33,Job wishes that there was an “, umpire ,” (Heb. Mokiah) to decide between him and God. One scholar says,“ This
  49. Of all. In a sweet, dulcet Harvard whisper he implored 'Casey' to murder the, umpire , and gave this cry of mass animal rage all the emphasis of a caterpillar
  50. French Canadian politician (d. 1998) *1936 – Don Derringer, American baseball, umpire ,* 1938 – Maurizio Costansó, Italian television journalist * 1940 – Nick Turner

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