Examples of the the word, tragic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tragic ), is the 5536 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And also learned his secret identities as both Cl egg and the Scarecrow, was the, tragic ,victim when she dressed in the Scarecrow's disguise and was fatally wounded as
  2. Or more kindly -“ The final aim of all love intrigues, be they comic or, tragic , is really of more importance than all other ends in human life. What is all
  3. For a proper understanding of the conventions. Influence and legacy The, tragic ,dramatists, Sophocles and Euripides, died near the end of the Peloponnesian War
  4. Publications Marathon (; gen.: Ἀγάθωνος) (ca. 448–400 BC) was an Athenian, tragic ,poet whose works, up to the present moment, have been lost. He is best known
  5. Drastic change to the environment. A disaster can be extensively defined as any, tragic ,event with great loss stemming from events such as earthquakes, floods
  6. Old and new Covenant-breakers demonstrating increasing boldness, marked, tragic , decline in character and spiritual condition grandchildren ` Abdul'Baha. Their
  7. Me to Bette Davis in that I make smoking cool for kids. And I think it was a, tragic ,and truthful statement. And it made me feel, as you can imagine, just horrible.
  8. Island, that was the basis of the story. In addition, with the character of the, tragic ,prostitute, Nancy,Dickens" humanized" such women for the reading public;
  9. And Helen, to take as wives. Homer appears to know nothing of all these, tragic ,occurrences, and we learn from him only that, after the death of Theses
  10. From causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. While these statistics are, tragic , progress is being made. It was reported in 2006 that nearly 60 % of the
  11. Entered into war with the Ottoman Empire. His first military engagement was a, tragic ,one. During the battle of Record (Tutor) on 17 September 1620,his father
  12. Their freedom in this battle. Cast * Mel Gibson as William Wallace, the film's, tragic ,hero. When his father and brother are killed fighting English soldiers, he
  13. world's absurdity, at any point in time, anything can happen to anyone, and a, tragic ,event could plummet someone into direct confrontation with the Absurd. The
  14. Often concise and relying on imagery, rather than description, which can be, tragic , historical, romantic or comic. More recently scholars have pointed to the
  15. Especially is considered a culminating point of Monteverdi's work. It contains, tragic , romantic, and comedic scenes (a new development in opera),a more realistic
  16. Thackeray tells a jaunty, humorous tale, but Kubrick's telling is essentially, tragic , with many subtle humorous jabs toward 18th century society, such as how Barry
  17. Putsch was possible in the time of crisis, and country ended in bloody, tragic ,war. In the situation where Serb leaders, especially members of the Serbian
  18. Both in the main hall and in the lavish gardens depicting the heroic and, tragic ,scenes of the Trojan war. Other stories Some post-Homeric sources claim that in
  19. Was Joseph Beam, the first of the class to die in battle. In an example of, tragic ,irony, Behm was the only one who did not want to enter the war. Keynote is a
  20. By Wills, the band became the first superstars of the genre. Milton Brown's, tragic ,and untimely death in 1936 had cleared the way for the Playboys. Session
  21. Long-time drummer for the heavy metal band Manor * Generation of Columbuses, tragic ,generation of Poles born ca. 1920,who had to fight 20 years later Places In
  22. His pastoral work. His episcopate, however,is chiefly remembered owing to its, tragic ,close. During the insurrection of June 1848 the archbishop was led to believe
  23. Of a restored kingdom and usher in a messianic age. David is also viewed as a, tragic ,figure; his acquisition of Bathsheba, and the loss of his son are viewed as his
  24. The home of a wealthy old woman. The break-in starts as farce and ends in, tragic ,pathos, as Alex's attack kills the elderly woman. His escape is blocked by Dim
  25. Where Dionysus arrives at stage in a saffron tunic, the buskin boots of a, tragic ,actor and a lion skin cloak that usually characterized Heracles - an absurd
  26. By theme, but commonly identified types are the religious, supernatural, tragic , love ballads, historic,legendary and humorous. By the 18th century, they were
  27. Word from Arabic or Egyptian SDM O34: D46-G17-F21: D4,and is used by the Attic, tragic ,poets of the 5th century BC; later Greeks also used στἰβι still, as did Census
  28. Primarily via lower-class conditions),but they usually steered them to, tragic ,ends beyond their control. Novelists continue to be influenced by his books;
  29. Court of Antigens II Sonatas. Notwithstanding the distinction he enjoyed as a, tragic ,poet, he appears to have had greater merit as a writer of epic poems, elegies
  30. Events * A" black day" ( or week or month) usually refers to a sad or, tragic ,time. The Romans marked fast days with white stones and east days with
  31. Have participated in, consisted of three playwrights each presenting three, tragic ,plays followed by a shorter comedic satyr play. The Orestes is the only extant
  32. Greater part of his life at Alexandria, where he was reckoned one of the seven, tragic ,poets who constituted the Tragic Lead. He flourished about 280 BC, in the
  33. The tattered costumes of his disreputable characters (and yet Marathon, another, tragic , poet,is discovered in a later play, Thesmophoriazusae, to be living in
  34. Celebrated authors; *parody, employed by contemporary comic poets to ridicule, tragic ,poets; *'autobiographical' clues gleaned from his extant plays (a mere
  35. By her: see Theocritus' First Idyll. Actaeon in art *Aeschylus and other, tragic ,poets made use of the story, which was a favorite subject in ancient works of
  36. Contraception. Like many contemporary feminists, she saw abortion as a, tragic ,consequence of social conditions, and birth control as a positive alternative.
  37. With glossaries and appendices, because he believed bullfighting was" of great, tragic ,interest, being literally of life and death. " During the early 1930s Hemingway
  38. To sustain the heroic ideal. As Prince notes," Kurosawa’s is an essentially, tragic ,vision of life, and this sensibility ... impedes his efforts to realize a
  39. And Barrette" as the heraldic supporters of his coat of arms. ).: :The, tragic ,Robert Hunter song" Reuben and Cerise" mentions Pirouette twice, in symbolic
  40. So the truth of the Battle of Okinawa will be handed down correctly and a, tragic ,war will never happen again. " On September 29, 2007,about 110,000 people held
  41. Defect (Northeast considers injury or death caused by mental defect to be, tragic , rather than amusing, and routinely disqualifies such entries). After much
  42. In favor of the individual's quest for faith. He retained a sense of the, tragic , even absurd nature of the quest, symbolized by his enduring interest in
  43. Concludes Poetics with a discussion on which, if either, is superior: epic or, tragic ,mimesis. He suggests that because tragedy possesses all the attributes of an
  44. Event with a sensational storyline in which the residents had to deal with a, tragic ,accident and its aftermath. In the storyline, Nick Tinsley and Leanne Batters by
  45. May have led to the social isolation which made his life's later years so, tragic , Early employment Between 1859 and 1891,Pace was intermittently employed in
  46. By political parties. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York said it would be, tragic ,if people abstained or voted BNP at the local and European elections. The BNP
  47. Some of which are characteristic of romance, and yet he also became" the most, tragic ,of poets ", focusing on the inner lives and motives of his characters in a way
  48. And his sisters, Clodii from the Republican era include: * Claudius Aesop us,a, tragic ,actor in the 50s BC who may have been a freedman of one of the Clod ii Punch.
  49. Peter I and his murdered mistress Ines de Castro and with it the story of the, tragic ,liaison between Pedro and his ever-lasting love for Ines. Forced at an early
  50. We don't hate anyone, especially the mixed race children who are the most, tragic ,victims of enforced multi-racism, but that does not mean that we accept

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