Examples of the the word, nutritional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nutritional ), is the 5557 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Squalene. Amaranth remains an active area of scientific research for both human, nutritional ,needs and foraging applications. Over 100 scientific studies suggest a somewhat
  2. Powdered milk),produced by removing the water from milk *** High milk-fat &, nutritional ,products (for infant formulas) ** Condensed milk, milk which has been
  3. Limit the energy inputs and reduce carbon footprint. Maintaining or creating, nutritional ,value, texture and flavor is an important aspect of food preservation
  4. Very palatable, easy to cook, and its protein particularly well suited to human, nutritional ,needs, interest in grain amaranth (especially A. cruets and A.
  5. Also help control and prevent malnutrition through child-growth monitoring, nutritional ,surveys, and public education. Therapeutic feeding centers treat children with
  6. Help people track calorie consumption, calorie burning, weight loss goals, and, nutritional , balance. Medications Certain medications can be prescribed to assist in weight
  7. Reducing the risk of illness due to contaminated cooking implements. Effects on, nutritional ,content of food Proponents of Raw Fordism argue that cooking food increases the
  8. Gains will occur predominantly at the low end of the IQ distribution, where, nutritional , deprivation is probably most severe. A century ago, nutritional deficiencies
  9. Address issues such as sustainability, biological diversity, climate change, nutritional ,economics, population growth, water supply, and access to food. The right to
  10. And makes the surviving plants more susceptible to fungal infections. Increased, nutritional ,qualities Proteins in foods may be modified to increase their nutritional
  11. Refers to the incorporation of species from different trophic or, nutritional ,levels in the same system. This is one potential distinction from the age-old
  12. Symbol: Cal) The gram calorie, however,is a very small unit for use in, nutritional ,contexts. Instead, the kilocalorie (symbol: kcal) or large calorie is used.
  13. Shorn twice a year, unlike sheep, which are shorn only once. Angoras have high, nutritional ,requirements due to their rapid hair growth. A poor quality diet will curtail
  14. Which time they learn survival techniques, such as which foods have the highest, nutritional ,values and where to obtain them; how to hunt, fish,and defend themselves; and
  15. Risk of stroke (see the corresponding article). Most people can obtain their, nutritional ,needs from their diet. In any event, a multivitamin taken once a day will
  16. The poverty line – defined as twice the cost of satisfying a person's minimal, nutritional ,needs – fell from 45.1 % in 1987 to 13.7 % in 2006,according to government
  17. And handling food to stop or slow down spoilage (loss of quality, edibility or, nutritional ,value) and thus allow for longer storage. Preservation usually involves
  18. For depression, and accordingly, one approach to depression involves the use of, nutritional ,supplements or changes in diet. A study of older adults found that poor
  19. Food is any substance consumed to provide, nutritional ,support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains
  20. Resistance and drought tolerance, eased harvest and improved the taste and, nutritional ,value of crop plants. Careful selection and breeding have had enormous effects
  21. Chips are occasionally made from unpeeled potatoes to enhance their flavor and, nutritional ,value and are not necessarily served as crisp as the European French fry due to
  22. Should receive vitamin supplementation and a formal evaluation of their, nutritional ,status. Once declination has begun, there is no specific treatment. Care is
  23. And diets containing no animal products pose the risk of causing severe, nutritional ,deficiencies. Senses cat have excellent night vision and can see at only
  24. Factors such as the high occurrence of parasites, diseases and the very low, nutritional ,value of the native forage were problems. Formation of the breed The European
  25. Cultivated microalgae, including both Algae and Cyanobacteria, are marketed as, nutritional ,supplements, such as Spirulina, Chlorella and the Vitamin-C supplement
  26. Anemia) can be the result of bleeding, blood disorders like thalassemia, or, nutritional , deficiencies; and may require blood transfusion. Several countries have blood
  27. Consumed immediately. Consuming these heliotropes is important for adequate, nutritional ,intake of Vitamin B12. They also produce normal droppings, which are not eaten.
  28. On the biological or physical side, human measurements, genetic samples, nutritional ,data may be gathered and published as articles or monographs. Due to the
  29. Elasticity, and its degradation leads to wrinkles that accompany aging. From a, nutritional ,point of view, collagen and gelatin are a poor-quality sole source of protein
  30. Cell ***digestive system — stomach — intestine — liver — nutrition — primary, nutritional ,groups metabolism — kidney — excretion ***nervous system: limbic system —
  31. Understood. Boron occurs in all foods produced from plants. Since 1989 its, nutritional ,value has been argued. It is thought that boron plays several biochemical roles
  32. With a characteristic pungent odor. Ammonia contributes significantly to the, nutritional ,needs of terrestrial organisms by serving as a precursor to food and
  33. Changes the molecules, thus changing its flavor, texture,appearance, and, nutritional , properties. Cooking certain proteins, such as egg whites, meats,and fish
  34. Use as a growth medium. Other ingredients are added to the agar to meet the, nutritional ,needs of the microbes. Many specific formulations are available, because some
  35. Nutritional qualities Proteins in foods may be modified to increase their, nutritional ,qualities. Proteins in legumes and cereals may be transformed to provide the
  36. Usage to iron deficiencies in some crops, which is both a crop production and a, nutritional ,quality concern, with potential economic and health implications.
  37. Various phytochemicals that do not yet have an RDA/RDI listing under most, nutritional ,fact sheets, and which research indicates are required for proper long-term
  38. Type I. Collagen-related diseases most commonly arise from genetic defects or, nutritional ,deficiencies that affect the biosynthesis, assembly,translational
  39. Suppression of osteoporosis. However, whether these effects were conventionally, nutritional , or medicinal, could not be determined. The US National Institutes of Health
  40. The poverty line – defined as twice the cost of satisfying a person's minimal, nutritional ,needs – fell from 45.1 % in 1987 to 13.7 % in 2006,according to government
  41. Cook. The diversity of cooking worldwide is a reflection of the myriad, nutritional , aesthetic, agricultural,economic, cultural,and religious considerations that
  42. Often split their food intake for the day into 5 to 7 meals of roughly equal, nutritional ,content and attempt to eat at regular intervals (e.g. every 2 to 3 hours).
  43. And various micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals,phytochemicals, even, nutritional , supplements are acutely critical. It has been argued that overtraining can be
  44. Pancreatitis, epilepsy,polyneuropathy, alcoholic dementia, heart disease, nutritional ,deficiencies, and sexual dysfunction, and can eventually be fatal. Other
  45. Is fed to farmed salmon. In addition, as carnivores, salmon require large, nutritional ,intakes of protein, protein which is often supplied to them in the form of
  46. Where nutritional deprivation is probably most severe. A century ago, nutritional ,deficiencies may have limited body and organ functionality, including skull
  47. In the water column, putting further pressure on wild animals. Fish oils The, nutritional ,value of farm-raised tilapia may be compromised due to the amount of corn
  48. Therefore, attract anthropological attention and theories ranging from, nutritional ,deficiencies to genes to acculturation have been proposed, not to mention
  49. To be a vitamin by chemist Ernst T. Krebs in the hope that if classified as a, nutritional ,supplement it would escape the federal legislation regarding the marketing of
  50. And forensic science for a variety of tasks. This can include determining the, nutritional , health, age or injury status of the individual the bones were taken from.

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