Examples of the the word, meantime , in a Sentence Context

The word ( meantime ), is the 5537 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The dominant military power tried to keep order while the parties talked, but, meantime , Pakistan urged on its Afghan client Gulbuddin Hekmatyar .... Massed, with UN
  2. A crusader stronghold, which led to a new crusade from Europe in 1148. In the, meantime ,Henri was assassinated, and his territory was divided among his sons, one of
  3. Angry, transforming Lyon into a wolf and gave back life to his son. In the, meantime ,Callisto had been transformed into a she-bear, by Zeus' wife, Hera,who was
  4. Waited a number of years before officially naming their offspring. In the, meantime , they used a" milk name" ( 乳名),given to the infant shortly after his birth
  5. Detested Columbus and obstructed all efforts to rescue him and his men. In the, meantime ,Columbus, in a desperate effort to induce the natives to continue provisioning
  6. Where again Andrew's son was appointed to prince. The Fifth Crusade In the, meantime , Andrew began to deal with the problems of the southern borders of his kingdom.
  7. Passing enemy ships for the next hour. The fleet action Deployment In the, meantime , Beatty and Evan-Thomas had resumed their engagement with Hipper's
  8. The Mila incident hindered Sharon's military career for several years. In the, meantime , he occupied the position of an infantry brigade commander and received a law
  9. Campaign was successful and raiding by the Alemannic ceased temporarily. In the, meantime , Constantius had been receiving some disturbing reports regarding the actions
  10. Avoided. His 1913 could be seen as an absurdist spoof of that genre. In the, meantime , other changes had also taken place: Satire had become a member of a radical
  11. The workmenand encourage them with pecuniary rewards and medals. In the, meantime ,the vast expenditure exhausted his resources, and compelled him to labor with
  12. For cotton prices to rebound, but his Mali counterpart may go broke in the, meantime , A livestock farmer in South Korea can calculate with a (highly subsidized)
  13. Face the re-emergent threat. Usurpation of Julian and crises in the east In the, meantime , Julian had won some victories against the Alemannic tribe, who had once again
  14. Attacks, and took part in the suppression of the Prague spring events. In the, meantime , during the rule of Tudor Zhukov, a significant military industrial complex
  15. Giovanni Vitelleschi, who commanded them, and his successes waned. In the, meantime , René had managed to reach Naples on 19 May 1438. Alfonso tried to besiege the
  16. In the siege and capture of Dunkerque. The Czapliński Affair In the, meantime ,another trouble was brewing at home. Upon the death of magnate Stanislav
  17. Returned to Rome to live with and be raised by Antonia. Her parents, in the, meantime , journeyed to Syria to complete official duties. One year later in October
  18. Sending over 100,000 soldiers of the Red Army to its southern neighbor. In the, meantime , Hafiz ullah Amino was killed and replaced by Bark Karma. In response to all
  19. By Barks' own experiences in the poultry business. But to earn a living in the, meantime ,he inquired whether Western Publishing, which had published Pirate Gold, had
  20. Situation on the ground in Ubangi-Shari remained essentially the same. In the, meantime , during the first decade of French colonial rule (c. 1900–1910),the rulers
  21. Left leg, as soon as possible, but I know it is going to take some time. In the, meantime ,I am in excellent hands and so is the Stephen Joseph Theatre. " He left
  22. The past 30 years they have lived as neighbors with the Greek Cypriots. In the, meantime ,Turkey illegally imported Turkish colonists to populate the occupied
  23. Arnulfo ordered his illegitimate son Twentyfold to ravage Burgundy. In the, meantime , Lambert and his mother Gertrude travelled to Rome to receive papal
  24. Escaped the city to ask for help in the northern Christian kingdoms. In the, meantime ,ABD Brahman obtained the surrender of the city from its population, after
  25. Joins the other four original X-Men to form a new team called X-Factor. In the, meantime , Charles becomes stranded in space with the Streamers, but he is reunited
  26. Outsiders should not in any way undermine and" play" with the phobia in the, meantime , An evolutionary reason for the phobias, such as arachnophobia, claustrophobia
  27. By Britain and the bringing about of a general disarmament convention. In the, meantime , Britain should halt the flight of planes armed with nuclear weapons, end
  28. That a Broadway production is in its earliest stages of pre-production. In the, meantime , following some earlier workshops, a full presentation of the English
  29. Against the potential nuclear threat of the People's Republic of China. In the, meantime ,a public debate over the merit of ABMs began. Difficulties that had already
  30. Fixed, their similarities reflecting divine design for functional needs. In the, meantime , Ray's ideas of benevolent design had been developed by William Paley into a
  31. Kensington, the Strand, and a large floor area in Bunhill-row, while, meantime ,Claridge's Whitehall paving" continue (d) in good order ". Indeed, in 1838
  32. Of Aargau from 750 until about 1030,when they lost it (having in the, meantime ,taken the name on Tegerfelden). From the extinction in 1254 of the
  33. Been wounded with a poisoned arrow, he died. Yusuf in Ashwin had in the, meantime ,brought what is now known as Morocco, Western Sahara and Mauritania into
  34. But the model 3 still did not fully support CP/M as the Aster did. In the, meantime ,IBM had released its original IBM PC, which incidentally looked remarkably like
  35. Eventually fell to the Lombards in either May or June 572. Albion had in the, meantime ,chosen Verona as his seat, establishing himself and his treasure in a royal
  36. To resolve the impasse, and an election was called for April 30,while in the, meantime ,government checks were covered by special emergency warrants as the Executive
  37. Parents died, leaving him a small inheritance which he quickly spent. Carry had, meantime ,discovered the pleasures of alcohol, which he called" my sacred herb" or
  38. Started songwriting sessions for the musical Chess, and ABBA was shelved in the, meantime , In interviews, Björn and Benny denied the split of ABBA (" Who are we without
  39. ABD al-Rahman's progeny would, however,take up the title of caliph. In the, meantime , a call went out through the Muslim world that landaus was a safe haven for
  40. Monarchical structure which James had previously enjoyed in Scotland. In the, meantime , James declared that Great Britain be viewed 'as presently united, and as one
  41. Of the previous 50 years and fully intended to continue Hippias's rule. In the, meantime , Cleomenes helped install a pro-Spartan tyranny under Sagas in Athens, in
  42. Better wages, health,freedom of expression, this Junta was dissolved. In the, meantime ,the guerrilla movement was spreading in all sectors of the Salvadoran society.
  43. André's team won the main event after André pinned Bam Bam Bigelow. In the, meantime ," The Million Dollar Man" Ted Disease failed to persuade Hogan to sell him
  44. In the ballroom, including the Polka, Mazurka,and the Scottish. In the, meantime ,a strong tendency emerged to drop all 'decorative' steps such as entrechat
  45. It might still exist, or have become extinct due to habitat destruction in the, meantime , * Northern Stripe-crowned Spine tail, Cranioleuca pyrrhophia rufipennis (N
  46. When referring to bowed instruments (Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009). In the, meantime ,the Arab Rabat was introduced to the Western Europe possibly through the
  47. In the new title Shazam! Featuring artwork by his creator, C. C. Beck. In the, meantime , the abandoned trademark had been seized by Marvel Comics in 1967,disallowing
  48. Could have been more if the banking regulations are more convenient. In the, meantime , a number of high rise buildings are being planned and constructed across Kabul
  49. It was difficult to prove when a polygamist marriage had taken place. In the, meantime , Congress was preoccupied with the American Civil War. In 1874,after the war
  50. To Kirtland until lands in the Missouri area could be purchased. In the, meantime , the church's headquarters remained in Kirtland from 1831 to 1838; and there

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